Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Finally Free
Part 14 - How Long?
3 reviewsAmelie wakes up in Gerard's arms and wonders, how long can her happiness last?
Finally Free
(#) aMoronGoneViral 2012-04-12
I love this. And it's fine, just take as long of a break as you need to. No rush =)
-KatFinally Free
(#) killjoys 2012-04-12
awww I loved it, take as long as you need..
Its strange though, I only came back to ficwad today myself after about amonth of being away and here was this update!
Hope everything sorting itself out for you!
Mary xFinally Free
(#) imashamally 2012-04-12
Please do take as long as you need. I like you, suffer from stress and anxiety attacks everyday so I understand completely. It never goes away.
Anyways love this entire story and was so glad to see an update today.
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