Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts

A Happy Melody

by MelanBlue 3 reviews

Demyx steals something of Axel's. Pure fluff.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Axel, Demyx - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-02 - Updated: 2006-07-03 - 399 words - Complete

A Happy Melody

"Give it /back/, Demyx." His voice was a growl, promising pain and torture of the highest levels if he could only get his hands on the blonde.

Demyx shook his head. "Nope, sorry. This is much too interesting to give to you." He tilted his head gave Axel the most innocent smile he could muster. "It's a shame, really. It's quite well written. You could make some munny on the side writing novels if you really wanted to."

With a flick of his wrists and a flurry of flames, Axel's chakram materialized in his hands. "I'm warning you, if you don't give me that letter I'll ..."

Demyx unfolded the paper and gave it a light snap. "Lessee what it says here," he taunted, slipping on the reading glasses he'd snatched from Xemnas' desk. "'Dear Roxas, I think I would be lying if I -'"

"I will kill you, Demyx!" Axel roared. The air around them began to heat up, and a ball of fire appeared at the tip of his finger.

Demyx clicked his tongue like a disapproving mother in law. Holding the letter out past the balcony railing, just above the courtyard where a certain fair-haired Nobody was killing time, he grinned at the look of horror dawning on Axel's face.

"You wouldn't."

"I'll give it back to you, IF -" he fluttered the letter, holding up a hand as Axel took a lurching step forward, "- IF you do just one, tiny, tiny little thing for me."

"Name it."

"A kiss."

Axel wrinkled his nose. "Ugh! Who'd want to kiss a mousy little freak like you?"

"Oh, /Rox/-as..." His voice was too low for the boy to hear him, but it was enough to convince the other man he was serious.

"Fine!" Axel sent his weapons back into the darkness they'd come from and stomped over to Demyx. The murderous glare on his face darkened as Demyx failed to keep back a smile. He jammed his mouth against the blonde man's cheekbone hard enough to bruise, seized the paper, and turned to leave. "This never happened." Then he was gone, disappearing in a swirl of dark energy.

Demyx smiled to himself and touched his cheek. "One day," he said. "One day." He picked up the sitar that leaned against the wall nearby and plucked at the strings, filling the courtyard below with a happy melody for once.
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