Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Under City Lights

4- Delirious

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 1 review

“And when you’re done you’ll realize you never really wanted her... and you’ll come crawling back to me.”

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-04-19 - Updated: 2012-04-19 - 1324 words

Minus the stares, the interestingly delicious lunch food, and the blonde girl mimicking puking in my direction... the day wasn’t that odd.

Ryan talked to me all through out lunch, despite the fact that he knew I wasn’t truly listening. His words filled the silence though and that was something I’d always be grateful for. Sometimes my own silence got to me and today I really didn’t need any added frustration.

The bell rang and I shook my head, as if to regain feeling. I felt as if I were in a type of shock, but not one that I’d ever read about before. “Jules, you want me to walk you to your class?” Ryan asked, seeing as how we split apart until our last period.

I smiled, the feeling was strange. My lips stretched, feeling as if they’d never done that before. I’d smiled before! I’d smiled just hours ago. “No, it’s okay. I’ll see you later.”

Ryan stared at me, as if hesitant to leave.

“Go.” I said, grinning at him. My smile was growing, the odd sensation growing with it. “You have stuff to learn. I’ll be fine.”

Ryan smiled but only just. I could still see the hesitation in his eyes. “You’re going to make it here.” He assured me. “Just ignore all of these bastards.” he gestured to the students who were still talking amongst themselves, as if the bell hadn’t rang.

“Bastards ignored.” I said, laughing lightly.

My legs carried me in to the busy hallway and once again I felt eyes burning in to my back, while other’s simply stared directly at my face. I didn’t bother avoiding eye contact, instead staring back at them. I refused to be pushed around. My parent’s raised me to be stronger than that.

Though if someone asked me if the rumors were true... I’d have to admit that they were, well the beginning ones were. I wasn’t a liar.

That’s why I was glad that Ryan didn’t ask.

I almost walked right past him, unnoticed. I would have been much happier if I had. “Juliet!” Brendon’s voice carried through the hall and a few people even stopped. I wasn’t one of them.

Avoid eye contact. Don’t look at him. Don’t feel hurt. So much easier thought than done. I felt his tight grasp upon my arm and attempted to shake him off, failing miserably. The only thing I could do was stop. I still didn’t face him though. I knew all too well that my emotions played upon my face, even when I didn’t want them to.

“I didn’t see you at lunch.” Brendon said, his grip loosening. I still couldn’t shake him off though I desperately wanted to. He obviously didn’t want to be my friend. What kind of friend starts rumors about you? So, what did he want?

I didn’t answer.

“The-“ I finally turned to look at Brendon, just as he licked his lips. I wondered if his lips were as soft as Ryan’s. The thought was revolting but I couldn’t shake it, hard as I tried. “The words... They just slipped out. I was just talking about you and-“

“Yeah, just talking about me. That’s what every girl wants to hear.” I muttered quietly, looking away.

“It wasn’t bad until...” Brendon trailed off, biting his lip.

“You never should have opened your mouth Brendon.” I replied, looking away because the hurt look that was now covering his face was just too much for me. “But I’m glad that you did.”


“Glad meaning pleased. I’m pleased that you opened that big mouth of yours.” Well now I was just being a bitch. Where were these words coming from?

“I-“ Brendon’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ as he struggled to find the words. “I really am sorry Juliet. I never meant for this to happen. It was a stupid mistake.”

“How does a mistake like this happen?” I asked, caving slightly. I felt really bad for being so rude to him... I could at least hear him out, right? “How do you just blurt something like that?”

“I was...” Suddenly Brendon’s mouth went dry and he simply stared at me, unable to form the words necessary to convey the information that could possibly make things alright.

Suddenly a high pitched voice cut in, as the blonde that had been making gagging noises and gestures at me all through out lunch appeared. “Enough charity Bren, classes have already started.” She said, sounding amused.

I didn’t even know what to say to her. I remembered her. She was the one that knocked things out of my hands right after my bag had ripped. She was the one that glared at me through out the first half of the day. What terrible thing had I done to deserve her obvious hate?

Brendon’s mouth opened but no words came out so the girl pressed on. “Is she telling you more pathetic stories about her life? Can’t you see she’s just trying to get your pity. Listen up bitch, despite how much your life sucks Brendon is never going to go out with you...” A wicked smile pressed it’s way on to her pumped up lips. “Not when he’s with me.”

The disgusting truth dawned on me.

This girl thought I was trying to make a move on Brendon. Even if I knew how to flirt... I couldn’t possibly flirt my way in to his love life. Her jealousy was extremely misplaced...

“So, it just slipped?” I asked sarcastically, glancing once more at Brendon.

I didn’t wait for a reply from either of them as I ripped my arm free of Brendon’s grasp. His fingers fell away, hitting his legs. That, mixed with the sounds of my sneakers, were the only sounds that now plagued the hallway.

Oh, and the air slowly drizzling from his girlfriends head.


(Brendon’s POV)

“Why did you do that?” I snapped, glaring openly at Chelsea.

“What?” She innocently fluttered her eyelashes. The innocence was badly faked however and I had been over her from the start. She had nothing, no spark. She was just a grown up Barbie doll. In the real world there was no need for Barbie.

“Why did you cut in?” I demanded, wanting to know just what went through that seemingly empty head of hers. “Why did you lie?”

“I don’t recall lying. I was simply saving you from an uncomfortable situation.” Chelsea’s smile was enough to make me inwardly gag. How could one stand being so fake?

“I’m not with you. I’ll never be with you.” The words stung her, that much was obvious.

“That...” She struggled to keep her smile. “That’s not true.”

“You were nothing but a test, doll. I graduated you within a week, just like every other boy at this school.” The words were cruel but I wasn’t used to sugar coating things. I was the boy that didn’t care. I got what I wanted and then I was done. Chelsea knew that.

Chelsea’s smile finally slipped off, “You’re only saying that because there is fresh meat.” She flipped her hair, as if demonstrating something fantastic. “But when it comes down to it... I’m the best you’re ever going to get Brendon.”

“I really doubt that.”

“So, you think that bitch is better than me?” Chelsea asked, cheeks heating.

“She might be.”

“Fine, go ahead and fuck her.” She crossed her arms, glaring at me. “And when you’re done you’ll realize you never really wanted her... and you’ll come crawling back to me.”

“Keep dreaming sweetheart.”
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