Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "We're Not Afraid To Keep On Living."

COD and Corndogs.

by TheForgottenMCRmy 1 review

"Did you seriously just call me a noob?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-04-21 - Updated: 2012-04-22 - 784 words

I just pulled a Fall Out Boy hiatus right there, didn't I?
[*Yeah..... no excuse for the long wait :/ I hope you all enjoy it though.

[*Oh, and one more thing: I DO understand that the high school where I'm Not Okay was filmed wasn't really their high school, but you know- this is fiction. :) (Sadly...........)

Gerard P.O.V.

"I'm so SAD!!!" Frank bawled dramatically. Ray and I rolled our eyes. We'd just found out that Bob would'nt be able to fly in for 2 days, meaning that he wouldn't be in the geeky-MCR-kids-in-high-school-scenes. However, he'd still appear in the still-geeky-MCR-adults (excluding Frank)-rocking-out-in-my-parents'-garage-scenes.

We were sitting my parents' living room, as they had gone out to dinner. Mikey and Ray were going head-to-head playing Call Of Duty on Mikey's X-Box that he'd brought down from his room.

"God dangit, Ray! Where are you hiding?!?!?!?" Mikey asked frustradedly.

"SoMMEeeeWWHhheeEErrrrEEEE over the RRrrrAAAaAIIiiNNNNnnnBBoowwWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ray sung, horribly out of tune. I cringed every time his voice cracked.

"Ray, your making it worse!" Frank pouted.

"Mikey, just look on his half of the screen," I said, to spare us.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Ray shouted dramatically, in slow motion.

"Gotcha," Mikey said calmly, killing Ray. "That's what you get for being a noob and camping in that spot."

"Did you seriously just call me a noob?" Ray asked, in a shocked tone. "Who calls people noobs?"

"Only those cool enough to handle it," Mikey bragged.

"Haha," I laughed, "That's a funny word. Noob. Hehe."

"Gerard," Mikey sighed. "Look, I know your my older brother and all but... maybe your just not as cool as me."

I gave him one of my infamous death glares.

He gulped. "Haha, j-just kidding, b-bro."

"That's what I thought," I said, smiling to myself.

"I'm still upset!" Frank whined.

"So, what time do we have to meet at the school?" Ray asked, hunting Mikey's player down on the game.

"Five-fucking-thirty A.M.," I anwsered, bitterly.

Frank sighed loudly and over-dramatically. "What am I going to do without Bobbert?"

I sighed loudly, too. "Two days will fly by fast enough. Now-"



Surprisingly, Frank was silent for a moment, as he stared me down with a neuteral look on his face. A moment later, he made a puppy-dog face. "You promise?"

"YES," I anwsered, stress getting the best of me.

Suddenly, Frank smiled, and started cracking up.

"Nice," Mikey praised, holding his hand up.

Frank high-fived him. "Thank you."

Mikey reached into his back pocket, pulled out a 5 dollar bill, and gave it to Frank.

I gasped. "What the-"

"We made a bet. Frank said he could get you do by him an unlimited amount of corn dogs, and I didn't think you would," Mikey explained, casually, as he killed Ray once again on COD.

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my car keys out of my pocket. I stood up, and gestured to Frank. "Come on, the sooner we do this, the less time I have to think about stangling you."


Mikey P.O.V.

I had to wake Gee up in the morning. I wasn't too happy either- after he brought Frank back last night (at least a dozen hotdogs in his hands), he left, without saying a word, which meant he was going drinking. When I saw his sprawled out body on the floor of his room, I knew I was right.

"Come on," I said, shaking him. He muttered some jibberish language, which made me even more angry. "Come ON," I said louder, shaking him a bit more. He mumbled a couple of more times, but eventually he got up.

About half an hour or so later, I was driving Gerard's car, heading towards Belleville High School. He was sitting in the passenger's seat, sunglasses on, staring out the window. "It's only for two days, Gee," I said, softly. He'd come up with the music video taking place in high school idea, but that was before he knew it would be at our old high school. He got really upset when he found out that news.

"That's not why I did what I did," he replied lightly, referring to last night. "I thought you'd know that."

I did, sort of. I didn't want to believe that maybe this once-a-wing-fling ordeal that Gerard had would lead to him being an alocoholic.


Yeah, I'm sorry it kind of ended on a sad-note, but things get better, I promise.
[*Vote and comment if you want. :) I PROMISE TO HAVE THE NEXT CHAPTER OUT SOONER.

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