Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco

A Simple Misunderstanding

by MyNomDePlume 2 reviews

No. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t. Ryan’s sitting on the stairs with some girl. Ryan’s making out with some girl. My Ryan.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-04-22 - Updated: 2012-04-22 - 557 words - Complete

This wasn’t happening.

This couldn’t be happening.

It just couldn’t.

Ryan’s sitting on the stairs with some girl.

Ryan’s making out with some girl.

My Ryan.

My Ryro.

My other half.

With some girl.

Not me.

Some girl.

Who does she think she is?

Who is she?

She’s clearly enjoying him.

That’s my job.

Why is this happening?

My vision starts blurring.

I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I’m done.

Done with that girl.

Done with Ryan.

Done with myself.

I push through the crowd.

I can’t breathe.

Fresh air.

That’s what I need.


I need an explanation.

I need resolution.

I need Ryan.


I don’t need him.

I don’t need his warm hazel eyes.

I don’t need his gorgeous smile.

I don’t need his soft skin against mine.

I’m fine on my own.

My knees give way.

I collapse in the backyard.

The untrimmed grass provides a cushion.

The grass is nice.

Nicer than Ryan.

He’s probably in a bedroom by now.

With that girl.

Not me.

He isn’t thinking of me now.

I know it.

He doesn’t love me anymore.

He doesn’t love me the way I love him.

Not anymore.

Does he know how much I love him?

Does he know how broken I am inside?

Does he even care?


Of course he doesn’t.

I’m nothing to him.


Nothing at all.

Absolutely nothing.

Raindrops start to fall.

I embrace their icy touch.

I close my eyes.

I can imagine Ryan saying my name.

His sweet voice.

It makes me sick.

That girl is listening to his sweet voice now.

That girl is loving it.

That girl is taking my place.

I can still hear him say my name.

Louder this time.

His voice is so clear.

So close.

I don’t want to hear his voice.

Not now.


I’m not imagining it.

Ryan’s walking over.


He probably wants to tell me it’s over.

In person.

What a gentleman.

“Brendon, I’ve been looking all over for you!”

Yeah right.

“C’mon, lets go home.”

He sticks out his hand.

“Why?” I sneer. “So I can meet your new girlfriend?”

Ryan eyes widen.

“Y-you saw that?”

“I saw it all, asshole.”

“I can ex-”

“No, you can’t.” I cut in, “You can’t explain why you love that girl more than me.”

“But I-”

“Just leave me alone! Can’t you see that you’ve hurt me enough?”

Ryan kneels next to me.

I turn away.

I don’t want to see his traitorous face.

Not now.

Not ever.

He straddles my waist.

“Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?!” I yell.

He cups my face in his hands.

Why can’t he understand?

He leans in.

“Keltie got really drunk and started kissing me. I kept trying to pull away.”

He leans in even closer, “I wanted to see you.”

He must be lying.

He must love that girl even more.

More than me.

“Doubt it.” I whisper.

Ryan presses his lips to mine.

It’s sweet and slow.

It’s delicate.

It’s perfect.

He loves me.

No doubt about it.

I’m wrong.

I love being wrong.
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