Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I'm Back
(#) xx_eddi_xx 2012-04-24
Do whatever you want, minus being a total cuntbag, and we'll be cool with you.
--EddiI'm Back
(#) Mikeys_Glasses 2012-04-24
Yeah... If you wanted a 'fresh start', you shouldn't have even told us that you were LittleBitch in the first place. We would at least had a little respect for you if you just introduced yourself as a newcomer, but not that you've told us that- you're probably not going to be trusted, or respected at all. Just don't even bother.I'm Back
(#) killjoy_blackrose 2012-04-24
as long as there won't be any drama or major cunt-ness, then i don't know who the fuck we if we don't give you a chance...that's right, that'd make us ficwaddians the assholes. so yeah, you be good = you're welcomed into the ficwad family. and btw, i think it's a sign of honesty and courage to tell us you're little bitch. piss us off again and there'll be hell to pay; be nice and everything will be rainbows and sparkly unicorns.
katieI'm Back
(#) XEvil_AngelX 2012-04-24
yeah, the thing last time, that was fucked up (didnt wanna come on ficwad cause of people flippin' shit)
but like the reveiws say, be nice to us, and we will do the same
just DONT BE A DOUCHE FUCK (m'kay?)
Xo Sam xO
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