Categories > Original > Horror

In My Crimson Path..

by ScreamForMySanity 0 reviews

Alise finds herself in an empty hallway with noone else around and strange things start happening...

Category: Horror - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-04-26 - Updated: 2012-04-26 - 894 words

Alise Moonblood opened her eyes slowly, coming to her senses. As she examined her surroundings, she saw that she was in a all-white box-like room with nothing but an open door at the other side of the room. The strong smell of corpses' decaying flesh struck her nostrils and she wriggled her nose in disgust. "Where am I?" She asked herself, looking down to the floor where there was nothing but a lone trail of crimson. She stood up and walked over to the door and looked cautiously around the hallway. It was also white and the trail of blood continued, getting thicker. There were doors leading to large room on either side of the hallway and they were all open. "Here goes" She muttered, flicking her long black hair behind her shoulder as she tip-toed quietly into the first room.

She gasped suddenly in horror at the sight in front of her. A large pile of the dead were laying in a pool of sticky red liquid. The blood dripped its way across the floor towards Alise and she screamed. That must've been where the smell way coming from She turned her eyes towards the mass of corpses. Flesh peeled down their arms and plae faces. All of their skin was the same ghostly-white so she presumed that they had all been murdered at the very same time. Alise gagged and leant on the doorframe for support before running off, down the hall. Tears formed in both of her dark eyes as she ran and ran, getting nowhere. The hallway was never ending and the ammount of doors decreased, leaving just a large pool of blood.

She tried running the events through her head but she just failed to remember. Have I been kidnapped? Am I been held captive? Am I going to die? Who were those people then? What is this blood? The dark-eyed girl was so confused. She sank down with ehr back against the snow-white wall and began sobbing. "Help me" she cried. "Please, someone help me" she begged the emptiness. But noone came. She was all alone. She thought about her family. "" Whispered Alise and her eyes welled up again. What if I never see them again?. Her head snapped upwards as she suddenly heard a wailing noise of someone crying coming from the next room down. She creeped into the nearest door. She looked around and saw nothing or noone but just as she turned away, she caught sight of something in the corner of the room. Alise froze in horror. The person now shuffled slowly over to her and she saw that it was a girl about her height with long black hair. Her eyes practically bugged out as she saw who the figure was. It was her. Alise screamed and the other girl screamed aswell before she disolved into a pile of guts on the now stained floor.

Alise ran and ran as fast as she could and she tripped, falling into a door but this time the door was plattered with blood that was now dripping down in streaks, spelling out a word. She shivered as she read aloud, "TRAPPED". Her heart beat frantically and droplets of sweat dripped down off of her forehead. She slowly turned the handle of the door, her fingers trembling as she did so. At the back of the absent room, she saw a shadow creep by and a hushed whisper as she crept towards it. Nothing was there but when she turned back around, she was faced with an almost breath-takingly disturbing scenery.

It was a cold mid-winter's day and there stood an empty church. It was spacious inside, with a tall roof and row-by-row of seats. Behind the altar, an old man stood. He was the vicar. His blood-red eyes stared up to the empty rows as he babbled in tongues about something untelligable. He slowly pulled out a dagger from inside his long, ebony cape and slashed it down the front of his chest and stomach, making a shallow cut. He did not howl at the pain and cept on babbling as he walked off, down to a small white door at the back of the room. He kneeled down and prayed to the lord before opening it and slowly stepping inside. There was a very, very colossally long hallway with thousands of doors each side with their doors open. Millions of whispers interupted the preacher's head and he cried out in pain as they ilfiltrated his brain. He limped down the hallway, his blood leaving a thick path as he went.

Alise shook her head violently, trying to forget the scene before her. Things were starting to make sense..she was inside a church, in the secret hallway behind it and she figureed that she could get out if she found that small door leading back into the main part of the church. She sighed in defeat. "Where am I though? I don't know which way to go" She muttered, sinking down to her knees just as she remembered something vital. WHERE THE MAN HAD FIRST COME IN, THERE WAS A LARGER POOL OF BLOOD! With hope, she dashed back down the hallway, going to opposite way but slowed her steps when she noticed that the blood was no longer there.

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