Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > cause love isn't about affection, it's about leadership

die hard

by jack-the-ripper 2 reviews

"What's a brucewillis?"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-04-27 - Updated: 2012-04-27 - 2151 words

That afternoon I got a call from the apartment rental agency and there were some good news.
I was a bit weirded out by the way the agent seemed reluctant to describe the apartment, he never went into details and used words like "up-coming neighbourhood" and "compact".

I'd ask about the condition of the flat, and after some serious stuttering he'd said that it had character.

The plus side was, he'd said, that the apartment was half furnished, since the previous resident had had to leave the place in a hurry.

It sort of worried me that that was the only plus side he could come to think of...
But I had wiped the frown off my face quickly, reminding myself that any place would do for now.

The possible cat-sized rats and radioactive cockroaches would just have to deal with a new roommate - one that had no problem using her boot heel on them to show that there was a new boss in the house.

I decided that it would be best for me to tell Ray the next day, at work. Because that way I would avoid the unavoidable spotlight if I were to announce this to all of them at once and also beacuse there was still a tiny question mark involved, the deposit money.

I wasn't going to ask Ray for anything, I'd already gotten more than I ever could've hoped for, but in case I would have to turn down the offered apartment I didn't want to have to explain it to everyone after celebrating getting it.

So I kept my mouth shut, for now.

It was late night now, and the guys were asleep, except for Frank who still wasn't back. The men had been delighted, they assumed Frank had decided to stay at his mom's house for the night and that pretty much meant more room for the rest of us.
Or atleast Gerard, who had thrown himself on the couch wearing a smug smirk while declaring every inch of it his property.

I was sitting in the kitchen, not feeling the slightest bit tired but also not wanting to wake up anybody or attract attention of any kind. I had been under Gerard's imaginary magnifying glass the entire evening, he would watch my every move and occasionally stare at my chest, too.
I knew he was checking if I was breathing but I always shot him a playfully murderous glare making him turn away his head in such a quick movement you'd think it would break his neck.

I was more annoyed than nervous. I knew I had nothing to worry about because, despite all the excessive comic book reading, I still didn't think a guy as sane as he could actually believe in any of the ridiculously paranormal theories he'd propably thought of.

Like he'd said himself, it had been dark in the room and there really was a big chance his eyes had deceived him. It was more likely, too, than the conclusion of me being able to live without breathing. I trusted him to be like any other human and simply exclude any theory that wasn't normal enough for his brain to accept.

I know he couldn't really believe in what he'd seen, but he managed to stay suspicious, which irritated the hell out of me.

Mostly I had spend a good part of the evening just trying to ignore him.

I was lost in my thoughts about the chain of strange things that had occured. The over-whelming feeling of bloodlust as Frank had touched me, the fact that I'd held my breath without realizing for god knows how long and then the latest one, the swirling eye incident.

I couldn't help but wish that I knew what all this meant, I wish that there was someone who knew and could explain these things to me. I wish I had some way of knowing what to expect, since during the last two days I had been cuaght off guard much too often.

The sound of someone unlocking the front door was enough to distract me.
My first thought was Frank, and I truly felt like slapping myself after admitting to myself that I didn't only think that it might be Frank, I also very much hoped that it was.

I could of course justify my enthusiasm with the fact that he was pretty much the only one I had felt comfortable talking to, but if I was being honest with myself, I knew there was something about Frank that I found attractive. Ees, his looks of course, the man was gorgeous. But aside from the obvious, he was also very alluring to me in some strange way.

I'd thought of my first night here countless times, but it was especially the memory of the moment in the batroom that always got my brain so very occupied all of a sudden. I'd memorized each one of the tattoos I'd seen on his body, his full lips, olive eyes and the dark hair that curled softly behind his ears. I could remember his face being inches from mine, the air suddenly turning too thick to breath in. Or out.

I blushed at my thoughts and felt guilty for thinking about anything outside the range of the word 'friends'.

I could still hear someone, presumably Frank, struggle with the lock so I decided to tiptoe to the corridor and see what the problem was.

Just as I stepped out of the kitchen, the sound ended and there was a loud bang on the door instead. I groaned and made a ssshhsing sound even though it was quite unlikely for him to actually hear it. I hurried to the door and let a very pissed off looking and soaked Frank inside.

"Fucking key wouldn't work" He muttered as he walked past me, I followed automatically not really concentrating on where he was going or why I was following.

It wasn't until he stopped and turned to face me with a cocked eyebrow and a teaseful expression that I realized I had followed him into the bathroom.

"Do you mind..?" He said touching the door knob and moving the door an inch. "I was thinking about taking these damned wet clothes off me"

I could almost see the brilliant red color I was sure my cheeks had turned by now. I muttered something incoherent and turned on my heels intending to leave when I heard him add

"Unless there's something here you'd like to see.."
He voice was teasing and playfully suggestive. It was at the same time very annoying, and very sexy. Which naturally annoyed me even more. Ugh!

I stopped for a second, but only to clench my fists and get a hold of my temper. I stuck my tongue out at him, although inwardly. I didn't bother to honor his stupid remark with a reply so after a short pause continued to the kitchen.

I swear I heard him snickering behind my back before the bathroom door was closed with a clicking sound. A moment later I heard the shower go off.

I put some fresh water into the kettle (I know, I was just as surprised by the fact the these guys owned a kettle) and waited for it to boil. Coffee wasn't helping my sleepless night so I decided to give tea a shot.

The hot drink didn't really help the blush fade from my still burning cheeks, so I opened the tiny ventilation window beside me. I turned my chair so that I was facing the window now instead of the table so I could feel the cool breeze on my skin.
I wanted my face to be average-colored and well, perfectly composed in general in case Frank decided not to go straight to invade Gerard's newfound territory.

I stirred the tea absentmindedly when I heard Frank enter the room from behind me. I turned to look, and regretted it immediately.

He walked carelessly to the sink wearing nothing but a towel. A towel. I hated the fact that I noticed this, but the goddamn towel was also hanging pretty goddamn low.

The smug grin that he failed to cover confirmed the fact that he was being a jackass. I didn't want to add to his arrogance by quietly blushing so I let the irritation take over and pursed my lips, gritting my teeth.

"Just needed a glass of water" He smiled turning off the faucet and leaned on the counter.

"Okay" I shrugged in attemped nonchalance and concentrated on my now lukewarm tea.

"I'm not bothering you am I?"

"Not in the slightest" I snorted though in fact I was having some serious second thoughts about missing his company before.



We stared at each other for a while and even though I had been determined to keep my eyes on his eyes only, after a minute I made the mistake to let my gaze wander to some of the tattoos on his chest.
I quickly looked away as he smirked putting down the half empty glass.

"I'll be in the TV room, I was thinking about watching a movie" He spoke as he left the room but made sure that I heard him add in a low voice,

"And don't worry, I'll put some clothes on"

I sat there for a while and at first I had no intention on joining him in the other room but as the kitchen table was getting a little dull to stare at, I decided it was the second best option I had.

The guys were asleep in the actual living room, so I wouldn't be going there before any signs of upcoming sleep. The TV room was a smaller room next to Ray's bedroom. There was no couch there, only two giant sofa chairs and a television that was barely a year or two newer than the massive devices of the black and white era.

I went to grab my pajamas from the living room, did a quick change in the bathroom (a downside to living with five men) and dragged my feet as I walked into the dark room, the only light coming from the TV.

The screen was a little convex, making everything on it look a little warped.
It was enough to make doors look like huge hour glasses and generally nice looking actors resemble Frankenstein.

I laughed at the name.
"I'm going to call you Frankenstein" I announced to Frank who was comfortably seated on one of the armchairs. He looked up to me and chuckled

"I knew you thought I was sexy but Frankenstein? Awesome"

I groaned and took a seat next to him.
"What are we watching?" I asked

"I was thinking about some Bruce Willis movie"

"What's a brucewillis movie?" I asked without giving it enough thought. The rule number one, when it came to everyone continuing to think that I was perfectly normal, was that you never ever admit you don't know what someone's talking about unless you're sure that it's something a lot of people don't know. Like -for example- shit such as poverty statistics.

He cocked his eyebrows at me again "Are you being serious?"
I smiled apologetically like I did everytime I was clueless about something I was expected to familiar with.

"You are being serious" he stated, shaking his head. "He's an actor, does action films. Like Die Hard, ever heard of Die Hard?"

I shook my head and he groaned dramatically.

"Okay so Die Hard it is" he decided, standing up and putting the movie on.'

I didn't enjoy it much, but kept my mouth shut because even a monkey could sense that this was something Frank felt very strongly about.

Several times during the movie I could hear him mutter things like "Can't believe someone doesn't know Die Hard" or "What's a Bruce Willis" with a mocking voice that seemed to be a very poor imitation of mine.

Action or not, I fell asleep half-way through the movie.

I don't know about you guys but I'm a little excited about the fact that the next few chapters are going to make a difference cause until now, nothing major hasn't even happened yet.
If you want to know what exactly she is, you'll find out soon.
Also, there will be alot of twists and turns in the upcoming chapters that will pretty much change the whole setting.
I remember being so annoyed at first when I'd realized that all my stories had disappeared from the page but it's actually a lot of fun re-posting an old story that was finished long ago.. Oh well, this is like the longest AN ever.
And pointless, too.
Okay, so... review! Please! I beg you, and if that doesn't help I'll start threatening you lol
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