Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me I'm a Zombie, Take Me To The Gay's.


by MCRmy_Killjoy 3 reviews

*FRERARD*. Zombies, mcr and other band you may or may not of heard of. But assuming you have. Please read :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2012-04-27 - Updated: 2012-04-27 - 336 words

A/N – I have nothing to do with My Chemical Romance and this is a story completely fiction, I am yet to see if this will ever come true. I do not own any of the characters unless I make them up and yeah, think that’s it for the sorta legal stuff yadda yadda. Okay so this is our first story – our being me and my two friends – this is just the prologue and I shall update the next chapter sometime today or tomorrow there will also be VERY DETAILED SMUT later on, curtsey of my two friends who like detail. So there’s warning! If you don’t like male on male action but like zombies I suggest you read but not so much the smuty bits.
Enjoy, my lovelies!!!! - Alex

It started with a man. A man who wanted to be beautiful. A man who would do anything to be beautiful, he would risk his life just to be so. He would even put the lives of the whole world in danger so he wouldn't be called ugly again. And the prophesy of five boys destined to meet, at the end of the world

The world has never been a trustworthy place. We try and make peace, it turns to war. We try and cure sickness, we get sicker. Now what we have received is karma, we didn't do what we were supposed to do. We couldn't cure illnesses we couldn't stop war. A cancer has spread it won't stop until we all fall prey to its cause. This is now the end of the world.

A/N – So yeah, as I said this is just the prologue, please rate and review and tell us if this is worth continuing. We probably will continue it though, and if anyone is going to see the ‘Avenger’s Assembled’, learn the lyrics to Unbroken by Black Veil Brides, then when it comes on stand and sing. It will be very fun ;) - Alex
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