Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > When the Day Met the Night

Of Soup and Cavemen

by GAClive 4 reviews

Sexy caveman indeed.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-29 - Updated: 2012-04-30 - 901 words

“103...” She cringed at the impressive number. Brendon did not even look awake, he sat leaning back on the head board of the bed with his eyes close. She glanced over at him while getting some tylenol from her bag and noticed he was still in his stage clothes, complete with the bow tie. “This won't do,” she muttered.

She nudged him awake and handed him the pills and a bottle of water, in spite of his grumbled protests. “Drink all the water. I'll be right back,” she went into the bathroom and started filling the tub with cold water. When she returned to the bedroom she found, much to her relief, a more awake Brendon and a now empty bottle. “Alright, caveman! Let's get you washed up!”

Even with a fever-riddled mind he raised an eyebrow at her, “Caveman?”

“Yes,” she explained, “You smell like you live in a cave!”

“But I'm a sexy caveman,” he smirked as he unbuttoned his shirt.

“Whatever you say, dear,” she humored him with a patronizing tone and tried not to laugh as he tripped over his pants while he pulled them off. “Now get in that tub and wash up. Take your time too, the water will help the fever break.” She turned away when he started to pull down his boxers.

“Yes, mom,” he grumbled as he walked into the bathroom. She turned for a quick look before he closed the bathroom door. Sexy caveman indeed.

She began to pilfer through his luggage for a pair of pajama pants when she heard a surprised yelp from the bathroom. “It's cold!” His voice cracked as he yelled.

“Yep!” She shouted back, “And don't you dare try to heat it up!” She soon found what she was looking for and grabbed a glass thermometer. “I'm coming in!” She announced before opening the door. She placed the clean clothes on the counter and with barely a glance tossed Brendon a wash cloth. “Cover your member please!” When he gave her the all clear she came and sat on the edge of the tub. “Feeling better?” He nodded with his eyes closed.

“Alright then, open that pretty mouth of yours and we'll check your temperature. He didn't bother to open his eyes but let his jaw drop anyway. After a short wait she took it back and read the number, “99.9, better but still too high.” She put the thermometer on the counter next to her and grabbed a towel, “Get dressed and we'll eat something.” He frowned a bit at the thought but nodded his head and pushed himself up out of the water and stepped into the towel she held open for him. She let him finish wrapping the towel around his waist and handed him the pj bottoms with a quick peck to his cheek.

His drowsiness and bleary eyes reminded her of a young boy she used to babysit and kissed his booboos whenever he was sick or hurt. She didn't realize till after the kiss that Brendon was no little boy but rather a slightly naked, extremely toned, and attractive grown man. She quickly left the bathroom before he could see the blush on her cheeks. “The food should be here soon!” She called over her shoulder. She busied herself with straightening out the bed and shoving the dirty clothes aside until there was a knock on the hotel door.

She opened it up and took the proffered bag from the young man and gave him the money. She pulled out on of the containers and handed it to Brendon who was now back on the bed looking ready to pass out. He took the container and the spoon from her and raised an eyebrow. “What's this?”

“Wonton soup. It blows chicken noodle out of the water and it's my favorite thing to eat when sick. Now dig in!” She climbed onto the bed next to him and grabbed the other container while turning on the TV with the remote in her other hand.

He sniffed it suspiciously before taking a bite. Kat watched him in anticipation and was pleased when a small smile grace his face after he swallowed. “Oh... this is good.” He turned and winked at her. “Uh... thank you, this really means a lot to me.”

She smiled and ruffled his wet hair, “Just doing my job, and thank you for making it easy for me.” He didn't even bother to fix his messed up hair but laughed and turned his attention back to the soup while she flipped through the channels.

After watching a marathon of House episodes, with various commentary from Brendon claiming that he had the sickness featured in each episode, the soup was all gone and Brendon had started to softly snore. Kat smiled fondly at him and rearranged his pillows so he was laying down and pulled the sheet over him but as her hand moved away he grabbed it. “Stay,” his voice was thick and groggy from sleep.

She honestly didn't have the heart to say no, so she got back into the bed next to him, his hand still holding hers when she finally fell asleep.

A/N: Please don't hate me for taking so long in updating! =( Also, sorry for all the update notifications you may be getting for this one chapter... I keep finding typos every time I look. XI
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