Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Frankie


by Humanwreckageyoulove

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-01 - Updated: 2012-05-02 - 440 words

The rest of the ride went smoothly and with mine and Mikey's combined road rage. it was quite amusing. We made our way into the overcrowded city at about 9:30 at night. The parade was in about a half hour. We parked and checked into our cheap, quite sleazy motel.
"I'm nervous.." Mikey said randomly
"Why?" I asked
"Well, more like im scared." he corrected
"Why?" i repeated.
"Never been here before.."
"Want me to stay wif you?!"
i had to laugh at that. "Parades starting.. see ya." I voiced, putting my key in my pocket.
"Bye Gerard.. see you later tonight." Mikey responded.
I walked out the door and into the night. Lights bounced off of everything. A giant float bumbled down the road and I spotted Frank. All of his friends were observing girls chests as they flashed floats for necklaces. Frank, of course, was not. A gay pride float proceeded down the road and jokingly, Doug flashed it, his flabby man-boobs swinging I retreated my eyes to Frank who smiled at the float and lifted his own shirt completely off. My jaw dropped, those.. those muscles were of Zeus himself. I wanted him even more now. Before, it was for his bubbly attitude. Now I wanted it all. He giggled and swung his shirt over his head making me laugh. The guys on the float laughed as well and one blew him a kiss. He blushed immensely. His friends saw and automatically giving him hell. I got jealous because I wanted to be the one making him blush. God i love him. If he was out of the closet I could go and pick his tiny fame up off the ground and kiss him... but hes in the closet.. far in the closet.. far in the closet. What if i could MAKE him love me.. Its not that easy is it... is it? I glanced back up to see his friends all talking at once.
"Why you blushing? You a queer?!?" Jack accused.
"No-just.." Frank tried
"No dude i think you are!" Doug interrupted, half-joking. They were alll laughing by now. Not Frank
"Yeah you want to be a rainbow fag?" Max snorted.
Frank gave up protest.
"What if I am?!" his yell was weak.
"EWW DUDE!" they all backed up.
"WE CHANGED TOGETHER?!" Doug yelled, as if anyone in their right mind would even attempt looking at him in that way.
They all were pissed. Frank looked upset, after a second of backing up, he booked it, running away. He ran right past me into an alley..
Now or never Gerard... I walked slowly behind him
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