Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden Love

chapter 9

by RedNight 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-02 - Updated: 2012-05-02 - 905 words - Complete

"Frank are you ok?" Gerard asks. I look at him and stand up.
"Yeah I just thought I saw something." I reply.
"What was your mum saying?" He asks still a look of concern on his face.
"Uh. She wants me to go see her. So I won't be long." I reply putting my shoes on. I need to get out for a while. I am not going to tell Gerard he has enough too worry about. I grab my car keys and go downstairs. Once outside I just lean against the car. I take my phone from my pocket and dial my mothers number. She answers but doesn't say anything.
"Mum can you just listen to me?" I ask
"No Frank. I don't want to talk to you anymore." She replies
"Please mum I'm begging you. Just give me a chance to explain." I plead.
"Ok..." She replies. I tell her everything that happened and she silently listens or so I thought.
"Fuck up Frank." My father says. He must have taken the phone from my mother.
"Well I'm sorry my love life doesn't suit you." I reply.
"What does your boyfriend wear make up and girly clothes cause at least that would be better." He replies.
"Don't you dare bring Gerard into this." I reply angrily.
"Or what you going to hit me with your hand bag?" He laughs.
"You're such a douche bag." I reply.
"Why don't you come say that to my face?" He says.
"Fine then I will." I shout down the phone and hang up. I am absolutely fuming. I look at the house to see Gerard at the window. Fucking great. He's heard everything. I get into the car and drive away.

I pull into the driveway and see my father standing at the door. I get out and my father walks toward me.
"Hello daddy." I spit.
"Fuck off Frank." He says about to push me but I grab his arm and twist it.
"Don't fucking touch me." I say gritting my teeth. "You know no wonder I ended up the way I am. You never spent any time with me. You where always at work. Or so you said."
He doesn't say anything because he knows its true. I let him go and he stands up straight holding his arm.
"Well most people don't have a kid that always wants to be in his room all day doing nothing but cut himself." He replies. I go to punch him but I am pulled back by strong arms. I look to see Gerard.
"Gerard let me fucking go." I say squirming.
"No Frank." He replies breathlessly. Oh give me strength who's side is he on.
"So you're the famous Gerard then." My father smirks.
"Yeah. You got a problem." Gerard replies. My father laughs.
"He looks like a woman I'll give you that." He says."But where's his handbag and skirt." I am absolutely seething. I try and get away from Gerard but his grip tightens.
"Frank please stop it." He asks. I do as he asks. My father laughs again.
"So what's it like knowing you where the one that killed you girlfriend?" He asks. Gerard freezes and get free from his hold. I run at my father and throw him on the ground. I stand over him and punch him in the face and stomach. Father or not I want to kill him.
"You fucking bastard. How dare you even say anything to him. I hate you! I fucking hate you!" I scream. He manages to punch me in the face twice and my nose and lip start bleeding.
"FRANK STOP IT!" I stop punching him and look to see my mother at the door. Her eyes are full of sadness and hurt. I get up.
"You better pray I don't ever see you alone." I say giving my father a kick to the balls. I walk to my car and give Gerard the keys. We both get in and drive away.

I punch the car repeatedly until my knuckles are in agony. I wipe the blood from my face with the back of my hand. I bring my knees into my chest and rest my chin on them. We eventually reach the house but I make no attempt to get out of the car. Gerard sighs and strokes my hair.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"I didn't want to worry you." I relpy knowing it was a stupid answer.
"I'm more worried now that what I would have been if you have just told me." He replies still stroking my hair.
"I know." I reply putting my head between my knees so he can't see my face. I can feel tears coming.
"How did you get there if you didn't bring your car?" I ask.
"I ran..." I look up with tears running down my face. Fuck the first time he comes outside in weeks and its because he needs to help me. Great.
"I'm sorry." Say putting my head back between my legs. I feel Gerards arms wrap round me and he awkwardly lifts me onto his lap. I lift my head again and look at him. He kisses me lightly on the lips. I sigh and kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck. For now I don't need to worry. I've got everything I've ever wanted and more.
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