Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Nobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
Nobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) imakilljoywannabe 2012-07-31
Hey, I'm writing my own fic, and I was wondering if I could use one of your nicknames for Ray (Princess Fro-Fro)? I seriously love it, it's one of the funniest ones I've heard and I'd love to use it! But I want your permission (I'm not going to plagiarize you! D:) Just let me know if I can pretty please with Ray Toro on top? :)Author's response
Of course you can, im glad you like it!
I can't wait for your new fic, I'll be sure to read it!
~BulletproofNinja xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) wish-on-a-starr 2012-08-08
I LOVE the whole story- I was up until 2am last night reading every chapter. Youre an amazing writer- will there be more chapters?Author's response
Aww thank you so much, sorry for keeping you up... :P
Of course there will be, I'll probably update within the next week or so. Maybe sooner, maybe not..
~BulletproofNinja xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) sampartypoison 2012-11-02
its over.
AND YOU KNOW WHAT, it was a fucking great ending. i think even Gee would fucking love this story.
i hope to see more of your stories.
with love,
sam.Author's response
You liked it?! Oh my god, thank you!!! That would make my life XD
Thanks for commenting! xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) BleedingValentine 2012-11-03
This was the best ending butI CANNOT BELIEVE ITS OVER. Awww, I just... feels, honey, too many feels to cope with. I cannot wait until the next story.
Love you muchly ^.^
BleedingValentine xxAuthor's response
I know! It's sad that it's over, I loved it so much!
Thank you so much, I love you too! xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) PrisonRiot 2012-11-03
Ahh it's only letting me post half a comment but I really loved this story and I thought it was so great and the ending was adorable I'm so sad this is ending xxAuthor's response
Thank you so much,I'm glad you liked it! :3 xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) LaurentheHuman 2012-11-03
I-I just. Let me go find some tissues, okay?
I can't believe it's over. I couldn't review the last chapter because I didn't want to accept it was the end. But this was truly a beautiful way to end it. And Bob's shirt. Yes. This has been my favourite fic to read. I just love it. Seriously, this is like up there with FOTGTD in my mind. And that's saying something, man.
Jeez, I don't even know what I'm going to do with my time now. This has been the fic I look forward to. I feel like I just read the last Harry Potter book. xD
Thanks for writing this. I love ya, yanno?
Please do. That woud be freakin' wicked.
Well for Nobody's Perfect So Stop Trying one last time.
Much love,
Fangirl out.
Author's response
-hands tissue- Here ya go! :3
I'm glad you liked the ending, I was happy with it, but unsure of what you guys would think... Bob's shirt was just so much win! XD
Dude, you're so nice to me, but my fic is NO WAY near that good XD
Harry... Harry Potter? -cries- I love Harry Potter!!! D':
Of course I'm going to write more stories, I love it on FicWad! :)
I love you!!!!! Frerard is for life... Not just for christmas :P xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) LaurentheHuman 2012-11-03
I-I just. Let me go find some tissues, okay?
I can't believe it's over. I couldn't review the last chapter because I didn't want to accept it was the end. But this was truly a beautiful way to end it. And Bob's shirt. Yes. This has been my favourite fic to read. I just love it. Seriously, this is like up there with FOTGTD in my mind. And that's saying something, man.
Jeez, I don't even know what I'm going to do with my time now. This has been the fic I look forward to. I feel like I just read the last Harry Potter book. xD
Thanks for writing this. I love ya, yanno?
Please do. That woud be freakin' wicked.
Well for Nobody's Perfect So Stop Trying one last time.
Much love,
Fangirl out.
Nobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) ScreamingNinja93 2012-11-03
I have loved this story so much ^_^ the epilogue is perfect!!! I can't wait to see what you write next :-) you truly are an amazing writer!!Author's response
Thank you! :3 I'll get writing soon! :P xoNobody's Perfect, So Stop Trying.
(#) XKilljoyParadeX 2012-11-04
WOW this story is incredible! It sounds weird but I feel like I can empathise for Gerard so much, I kinda understand what he's going through and you portray his thoughts and emotions so well, it seems so real :') You're such a natural writer, can't wait for your next fic! xAuthor's response
It doesn't sound weird at all! I empathise with him too, because I got the inspiration for him from my feelings.
Thank you so much! xo
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