Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden Love

chapter 24

by RedNight 0 reviews

okay shit is still going down

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-05-03 - Updated: 2012-05-03 - 686 words - Complete

I wake up to a slap in the face. Ouch that hurt. I open my eyes and try to rub my cheek, forgetting that I'm tied up. I look out the window too see its dark so I haven't slept all the way till morning. Great. My stomach growls. Fuck I'm hungry and my cheek stings.
"Aww is little Frankie hungry?" Spencer says smirking. "Good thing I got some food. Then again who said it was for you."
"Listen I wouldn't even wipe my ass with you never mind eat your fucking food." I spit turning away. He chuckles and moves so I can see him again. I try to look away but I can't move. Fuck I looked into his eyes didn't I? Well done Frank, you are well and truly fucked now. Spencer smiles and the world goes black.

I wake up in a sweat. What has he done? I look around in a panic making sure I'm in one piece. I'm fine apart from a pain in my head. I lift my hand to feel a bump. Wait my hands aren't tied?
"You're fucking fine for god sake." Spencer says. I look at him like he's crazy.
"So this is fine to you?" I ask pointing to my head and glaring at him.
"Oh boy if looks could kill." He says. He gets up and disappears into another room. He soon comes back with an ice pack. He throws it to me but I don't catch it. "Its not going to fucking bite you, you fag." He says. I grunt and pick up the ice pack and place it on my head. What's with the change of heart all of a sudden. He's up to something I think.

Its 6:30am and the guys are due here soon. Spencer fed me last night so I'm not that hungry. I am still not tied up and he is letting me wander as long as I am in the living room. I sigh and wish that time would go quicker.
6:45am. Spencer has disappeared into another room. I sit on the hard wood chair in the middle of the room. Spencer comes back into the room with some rope. Fuck here we go. And just as I suspected he ties my hands behind my back. He leads me outside. It isn't till now that I realse he has a gun in his hand. SHIT! This is it. Oh god oh god.
I try and keep my breathing steady as we walk slowly away from the house. We stop a little away from the house.
"SIT!" He orders. I do as he says. He gets duck tape and puts it on my mouth. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. He stands by my side and waits. What is he doing? I squirm where I'm sitting trying to get free while I can. He looks at me and all of a sudden I can't move. Not again. Fuck my life! We wait for what seems like hours. Spencer moves a little as if to brace himself.
"Let the party begin..." He says smiling. I see Rays car pull round the corner. I try to look at Spencer but my body won't let me. The car slows and comes to a stop meters away from us. Gerard, Mikey and Ray all step out of the car.
"Welcome boys!" Spencer says.
"Let Frank go!" Gerard shouts stepping forward. Spencer smiles and begins to pull the gun out. no. NO! I have to stop this. I try as hard as I can to speak. To scream. To run. But nothing works. The gun gets raised higher and higher. No! No! No!
I manage to get up, run and push Gerard to the ground just as Spencer pulls the trigger. A searing pain shoots through my body. I squirm in pain. Gerard looks at me with worried filled eyes.
"Frank!" He says ripping the tape away causing more pain.
"AHHH!" I scream.
"What the fuck have you done to him?" Gerard say and I swear to god his eyes have turned black.
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