Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Fer Sure

by Ben_Is_Alive_Again

(FRERARD) Stilettos, homophobic grenades, and iPod-thieving midgets. Gerard's been having a pretty weird day, and it's about to get weirder. (NOW WITH A SEQUEL)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2012-05-05 - Updated: 2012-05-07 - 5738 words

AN: Alright. You asked for smut, you got it. The inspiration for this little one-shot came about while listening to my iPod in French class. The teacher had no idea why I was blushing so hard and giggling. Poor woman. Probably thought I was finally losing it. Can't loose what you never had... Anyway, all of my perverted thoughts were translated into this beauty. It's seriously the longest thing I've ever written.
[*Oh, and if you're looking for a nice little murder fic, check this one out:
I highly recommend it, even if you're just looking for something to pass the time with.
- Ben

::: FER SURE :::

Gerard decided that he was going to commit a murder. Of course, he wasn't entirely serious, but he was pretty damn close.

At eighteen-years-old, Gerard Arthur Way was significantly less than average. For one thing, he radiated social-awkwardness. His skin was white enough to blind a vampire, and his hair was so messy that it was reaching the point of Ray Toro status. For another, teenagers rarely found themselves flying down the street like a bat out of hell after an iPod-thieving midget. Unfortunately for Gerard, normal seemed pretty uncomfortable around him.

So, with his lungs burning and his legs flailing, Gee prepared for war. The midget mentioned beforehand was none other than Frank Iero; Gerard's best friend and 'secret' crush. Okay, maybe it was an obsession, but hey, it wasn't like he sat outside the Iero home late at night with a pair of binoculars and the latest issue of Playgirl.


When Mikey had brought Frank home with him on the first day of the school year, Gerard had been a goner. Everything about the sixteen-year-old had boy captivated him. From the way his hazel eyes flashed in the September light to the brand-new Doc Martens on his tiny feet, Frank Iero was cute enough to put Jared Leto to shame.

The eight months after that had been spent with Gerard slowly developing the personality of a fourteen-year-old girl. Everything was always: 'Frank is so adorable when he does this', or 'why won't he notice me?!' Mikey had taken to calling him Gina, much to Gerard's annoyance. Once, the younger Way had caught his brother sketching a life-sized portrait of Frank in a ruffled schoolboy outfit.

After that, eye-contact between the brothers was considered a very rare and precious thing.

Angst and hormones aside, Frank's decision to steal Gerard's iPod had been a cruel one. School had dragged on for what seemed like an eternity before the bell rang, leaving Gerard in an almost zombie-like state. Honestly, sometimes he swore that the teachers were running the clocks backwards just to annoy him. He had been outside for no more than ten seconds before a certain fun-sized boy with floppy hair tracked him down and demanded that they walk to the Way house together.

Looking back at this, Gerard decided that being alone with Frank was a pretty stupid idea in the first place. That kid had some serious evil in him, no matter how hot he was. But Gee had been exhausted, and since Mikey had detention (something about a paint-missile in Art; Gee had forgotten to ask), he needed someone to drag his body home if he passed out on the way. Besides, alone time with Frank Iero was way too tempting to pass up.

He should have seen it coming. He really should have. Maybe the heat had disabled the part of his brain that made rational decisions, and maybe the lack of caffiene had been a factor, but surely there was at least a shred of common sense in him. A sliver? A freaking crumb?

Apparently not. By the time Gerard realized that his precious iPod wasn't in his pocket anymore, Frank was halfway up the street and giggling himself into fits.

Oh, that fucker was gonna die.

Frank, however, had other plans. Instead of doing the right thing and surrendering the device, he quickened his pace and made a beeline for his own home at least three blocks away.

Three. Fucking. Blocks. Gerard wasn't fat or anything, but a few years of smoking meant that even a short jog left him wheezing and begging for a priest. And Frank moved fast. Short legs or not, when he wanted to, he was a blur of dark clothing and a pink belt. Before Gerard could even coax himself into a decent sprint, Frank was hopping over fences like the Flash on crack.

As soon as he was out of sight, Gerard panicked. He had secrets on that iPod. All of the embarrassing stories he'd written, the pictures, strange music, the web history-

Oh God! THE FUCKING WEB HISTORY! Why hadn't he put on a password?! WHY?!

With images of yaoi dancing through his head, Gerard pushed himself forward like never had before. His legs screamed in protest, all those days of skipping Phys. Ed coming back to bite him in the ass in a time of sheer desperation. He dimly remembered something about a football player who had broken his leg in two places by moving it too quickly, but he decided to risk it. He seriously regretted all those hours on Ficwad last night. At the time, those Rydon stories had seemed like a good idea.

When was he going to learn that nothing he did was ever a good idea?

It took longer than he liked to get to Frank's house. By then, he could've sworn that he'd lost a few pounds and maybe dropped a lung a few yards back. He made a mental note to throw his cigarettes into the garbage disposal when he got home, but for now, what remained of his dignity was at stake.

He cautiously approached the front door, almost expecting Frank to jump out with a homophobic grenade in hand. Did such things exist? Did explosives have opinions?

Gerard took a moment to violently connect his face with his palm. Frank was probably inside, learning just how fucked-up his friend really was, and he was wondering about whether or not weapons of mass destruction silently judged him? He needed help.

Pushing these thoughts into the mental file marked 'Things I'll Tell My Future Therapist About'; Gerard twisted the doorknob and slowly edged inside the house.

Frank's parents split up when he was about seven, and in those nine years of freedom, Frank's mom had turned the house into a woman's paradise. Without a man to drag her down, Linda had somehow transformed two storeys of New Jersey pride into two storeys of feminine glory. The entry hall was a dusty-rose, with a dark-wood bench and photos of babies in animal costumes.

As Gerard moved through the bottom floor, things went from cute to downright sickening. The livingroom was the same colour as the hall, but with a fluffy, white carpet and velvet couches. Pictures of Frank were hung in simple frames, but there were so many that Gerard felt like he was being eye-fucked no matter where he stood. If he somehow survived the embarassment of today, Gerard decided that he would teach Frank how to smile without looking like he was trying to get in someone's pants.

'But if he smiles at me like that,' Gerard thought, 'I'd have no problem with letting him continue.'

Which was exactly what got him into this mess in the first place, as his brain so kindly reminded him.

He giggled softly, thouroughly scaring the hell out of himself as his annoyingly-feminine voice disrupted the silence of the house. God, was that him? Jeez. Work on that, Gerard. Work on that.

The lanky teen continued to hunt for his friend, becoming more and more worried by the second. Where was Frank hiding? He could've been on the fucking Moon for all Gerard knew. He cursed Frank's small stature; if Frank had been of normal height, Gerard could've found him easier. You can't shove yourself into a cupboard when you're taller than a seventh-grader. Gerard would know. He's tried. His mom hadn't found it quite so amusing when she had to pry her fully-grown son out of the cupboards, not even when Gerard had told her that he had almost succeeded in finding Narnia.

Gerard shuffled over to the staircase at the far end of the living room, hoping that Frank was hiding in his room. There are only so many places a guy can hide in a room full of band memorobelia and boxy furniture, even when the guy happens to be only just tall enough to escape the chocolate factory.

Hoping that Frank hadn't found the many fantasies he'd written about them being a couple, Gerard placed his sneaker-clad foot on the first step and began to climb.

The first door on the second floor led to Linda's room: an absolute explosion of pink, lace, and satin. Knowing that Frank would rather eat his own cat before hiding among his mother's underwear, Gerard tiptoed past it and found himself in front of Frank's bedroom door.

The familiar 'Keep Out' sign that hung on the door had never intimidated him so much. Ignoring the part of his mind that was screaming 'RUN AWAY!' in big-ass firework letters, Gerard pushed the door open with a lazy squeak.


Gerard almost hit the cieling. His heartbeat was drowned out by the music, but he was sure that the organ was dangerously close to jumping out of his chest like a suicidal skydiver.


(AN: If you haven't heard this song, look for it! Fer Sure by The Medic Droid. It's the reason this story exists. Now, RUN, little fuckers! ... Sorry...)

After the initial heartattack, there was confusion. "What the h-!"


With his eyes bulging and his heart stopping, once again, Gerard whirled around to meet the eyes of a very pissed-off Frank.

At first, Gerard thought Frank had grown a few inches in the span of ten minutes. How was that even possible?! But then he looked down, and he understood.

Frank was wearing heels, and not just any heels. Stilettos. Black, thin, dangerous stilettos. As Gerard's gaze went higher, he noticed something else.

Frank was wearing a dress.

Gerard swore that his eyes would expload, because there was no way that they could handle such an overload of pure shock and sexiness. Seriously, this would melt his brain. He'd be left in a hospital, a thin stream of drool hanging forever from his mouth. People would gather and pray for him, the poor boy who'd lost his mind at the sight of- HOLY FUCK! Had Frank shaved?!

The dress Frank was wearing went up to his mid-thigh, revealing milky-white skin clad in purple fishnet tights. The fabric appeared to be black silk, with a neckline that plunged dangerously low and did sinfully-wonderful things to Frank's smooth chest.

Gerard was sure that if his life had been an anime, blood would be gushing from his nose like water out of a firehose.

Frank, however, would have angry-red triangles over his head and flames for eyes.

"I thought I was gonna have to tie you down and rape you! I spent eight fucking months planning this! Eight months! After all that time bitching to my mother about you being straight-!"

Gerard broke in, blinking rapidly and trying to ignore the dirty thoughts plaguing his mind. This was quite difficult, seeing as how his blood was currently making its way to his other head. "What do you mean, 'planning this'?" It was a dumb question, but considering the fact that Frank Iero was in a dress, he was lucky to be speaking at all.

Frank made a wild gesture with his arm, nearly taking out a picture of a teddy bear in the process. "THIS! I stole your iPod, put on this dress- HOW THE HELL CAN YOU STILL BE CONFUSED?!"

"I- What? I don't-"



Oh yeah. Gerard got it.

"Me?" he exclaimed, finally managing to control his thoughts. "You've had a crush on me?"

Frank stopped mid-rant, his cheeks filling with pink as he realized what he'd said. All confidence disappearing with the anger, he shook his hair in front of his eyes and bit his lower lip. "Uh, yes?"

Gerard took a step closer, his heart beating like a hummingbird's wings. "Really?"

The smaller boy chuckled weakly. "Uh, yeah. You're... you're really be- I mean hot, Gee. And cool. And funny. And... yeah."

Gee's face warmed, and a slow smile began to spread across his face. He took another timid step closer, bringing him nose-to-nose with Frank. He could feel the soft pressure of Frank's breath against his lips, and it sent shivers down his spine and through his core. He was staring directly into the eyes he'd admired for so long, those hazel orbs that he had looked forward to seeing every day. The plans to murder Frank from earlier had been wiped clean from his mind, replace with something so much better.

Frank was babbling. "I shaved last night. When I got home today, I hid in my mom's closet and changed. The heels weren't planned, but after I found that song, I couldn't resist. I just can't believe you still have it. I mean, how old is that, anyway? And then I found your notes. You're pretty fucked-up, you know, Gee? All that stuff about serial killers and me being a prostitute-"

"Frank?" Gerard whispered.

The younger boy shut up, closing his mouth with a small click. "Y-yeah?"

"Did you seriously plan on raping me?"

Frank grinned nervously. "Uh, yeah, but then I found out-"

"So," Gerard cut him off again, pressing gently against Frank's front. "If I kissed you right now-"

His words were blocked by Frank pressing their lips together, tongues and teeth colliding as they merged. Blood seeped into Gerard's mouth from a cut in his lip, but he couldn't have cared less at that moment. Frank was everywhere; on his tongue, his chest, his neck- Gerard doubted that he'd be able to keep up. The perpetual enery that raged in Frank's body was currently coming out of him in waves, giving the boy an edge that kept Gerard on his toes. The kiss was sloppy and undefined, but it was raw and passionate.

They had waited eight months for this. It was time to make it count.

Somewhere between the confessions and the first kiss, 'Fer Sure' had ended and 'Shut Me Up' had taken its place. 'How appropriate,' Gerard thought, snaking his hand down to gently squeeze Frank's ass. Frank moaned into his mouth, pressing himself impossibly closer to the older teen. He was a bit unsteady because of the stilettos, but Gerard kept him upright as they stumbled backwards.

Gerard felt his world turn upside-down as his knees hit the edge of Frank's bed, sending him tumbling backward. For a moment, he caught a glimpse of a plain, white cieling and a corner of a blue wall. Then his vision was blocked by midnight-black hair, and he realized what had just happened.

They were on Frank's bed. Frank was on top of him. How far were they going? it was obvious that they were going somewhere, but how far? Did Frank want him to do anything? Oh God- what if Frank wanted him to be on bottom? Judging by the dress, probably not, but still! Gerard didn't think he could do that. It was funny; Gerard had imagined sex with Frankie dozens of times, but now that it was finally here...

Gerard had never been so scared in his life.

The two boys lay there, panting, each one as worried as the other. Losing your virginity was one thing, but losing it to your best friend was even more difficult. Where would that leave them, when the lust was gone? After they'd satisfied their need for eachother, would that be the end of their friendship?


"Yeah, Frankie?"

"I'm scared."

"I know, baby. I know."


'Shut Me Up' faded away, leaving the house as quiet as it had been before Gerard had made it upstairs. Before long, a guitar sounded and announced the beginning of a new song.

Frank laughed softly against Gerard's neck, his breath warm and shaky. "I didn't know you liked Breaking Benjamin."

Gerard smiled. "I like a few of their songs. This one's my favourite."

"I see nothing in your eyes,
And the more I see,
The less I like.
Is it over yet?"

Carefully, Gerard brought his arms up to lace his fingers with Frank's. Their heartbeats had slowed with the song, making a comforting rhythm against their chests. Finally, Gerard spoke.

"I'll still want you, after."

Frank's breath hitched. "Are... Are you sure?"

Gerard kissed Frank's hair. The younger boy was so warm against him, the pressure of his body natural and pleasant against Gerard's own. "Always," he breathed.

Frank shifted, and for one heart-stopping second, Gerard thought he was leaving. But Frank's body never left him, and when Gerard glanced downward, he saw that Frank was kicking his stilettos off. They fell to the carpeted floor with a muffled thump, soon followed by Gerard's sneakers.

Frank lifted himself up, using his elbows to support himself. He looked Gerard directly in the eyes, hazel staring into dark green. After a moment, they met eachother in a soft kiss.

"You'd better mean it," Frank murmured after they parted.

Gerard grinned. "You know I do."

"You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You've got to fight just to make it through,
'Cause I will be the death of you."

(AN: Breath - Breaking Benjamin. Beautiful song. I didn't even plan for it to be in here until it came up on my playlist.)

Frank sat up, straddling Gerard and giving him a clear view up his dress. Gerard blushed at the sight of black lace, looking quickly up at Frank to make sure it was okay. After a quick nod from the younger boy, Gerard grasped the hem of the dress with his fingers and slowly began peeling it off.

The satin was hot against his skin, warm from Frank's body heat as well as his own. After a few tugs, Gerard managed to get it up and over Frank's arms. It fluttered to the floor, almost forgotten as Gerard stared at the one who'd previously worn it.

Frank's body was pale, with only a hint of a tan to separate it from Gerard's own deathly tone. Here and there, Gerard could see the vague outlines of muscles forming under the soft skin. Frank was bitting his lip, his head bowed as if he was waiting for Gee's rejection. Instead, Gerard traced his thumb over the ridge of Frank's pelvis, following the line down to the edge of his underwear and tights.

"You're gorgeous, Frankie," Gerard breathed, his eyes drinking the boy in. It was true; when Gerard had imagined this moment, he'd never even come close to the truth. Fantasy Frank was smooth everywhere, without any hair or scars to be found. This Frank, the real Frank, had a thin trail of hair running from his navel to below the waistband of his tights. There were small parts of skin that were puckered and white; scars that marked the story of how Frank had come to this moment. This Frank was real, and this Frank was beautiful.

Frank looked as if he were about to shake his head, but one look from Gerard stopped him. He grasped Gerard's left hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing each finger before releasing it and moving down Gerard's legs. Gerard, taking the hint, propped himself up and allowed himself to be stripped of his shirt and belt.

Self-conciousness made Gerard's stomach tense as Frank gazed at him, hazel eyes wide and bright. All those years of being called fat and ugly seemed to melt under Frank's stare, slipping away at the look of fascination on the younger boy's face. He had always thought of himself as sickly-pale and flat, without any muscle except a few light bumps in his arms. He and Frank seemed to be evenly-matched when it came to body hair, except Gerard had a thin layer of hair growing on his chest.

"I knew it," Frank whispered. "Fucking perfect."

Gerard chuckled weakly, lifting himself up further to catch Frank's mouth in a deep kiss.

As their tongues slid against eachother, Gerard felt a slight tugging on his pants. Before long, they were thrown into a corner with the dress. Skin met skin, soft and deliciously warm, and before Gerard could stop himself, he hooked his fingers into Frank's tights.

There were a few quiet snaps as the threads broke, leaving Gerard horrified. "Shit, Frank, your tights-"

"Fuck the tights," Frank growled, surprising Gerard with the husky tone that had been added to Frank's usually smooth voice. "Get 'em off, Gee! Please!"

Gerard smiled nervously, only too happy to obey. The tights were added to the steadily-growing pile of clothes on the floor, leaving only Gerard's boxers and Frank's panties.

The two looked at eachother, tension sparking between them as hazel bored into green. After this, they would be completely exposed. They could turn back now and still have a chance at going back to whatever they were before, but there was no going back after this. Their erections were throbbing with need, pulsing against eachother in a way that left Gerard breathless and wanting more. He needed more. After mouthing a silent 'can I?' to Frank and recieving a brief nod, he hooked the tips of his fingers into the lacy undergarments and slowly prised them from Frank's quivering body.

Everything was muffled. Gerard could dimly hear a Misfits song playing in the background, but it was so distant that he might as well be deaf. He was solely focused on Frank, keeping eye-contact the entire time he worked to remove the panties. When they were completely off, Gerard allowed himself to look down.

Frank's erection was red, going on purple from the prolonged stimulation. Beads of off-white liquid rolled from the tip, gathering in the slit before slowly making their way down the shaft. Gerard kept flicking his gaze from Frank's member to Frank's eyes, not sure of which he should be watching.

Frank whimpered, his eyes bright and his skin flushed. His hair was already a little damp from sweat, hanging in his face as if to shield him from embarrassment.

Slowly so as not to startle Frank, Gerard reached up and pushed the hair from the younger boy's eyes and over his forehead. "Gorgeous," he whispered, faintly proud that his voice was steady as he did so.

Frank swallowed thickly, his breath coming out in quick huffs. "I-I don't think I want to top," he breathed. His chest was skaking with nerves, so Gerard started rubbing slow circles into his neck with his thumb to help him relaxed. It worked, if only slightly.

"That's okay, babe," Gerard said softly. "Do you... have anything? For comfort?"

Frank nodded, reaching blindly for his nightstand before snatching up a small bottle. "I, uh, didn't know what kind to get. I think it's chocolate?" His voice cracked on the last word as he blushed.

"One way to find out." With swift fingers, Gerard twisted the cap off and poured a drop of the lube into his palm. Then, before he could talk himself out of it, he flicked his tongue out and licked it off his hand. Frank had guessed correctly. Chocolate.

Frank moaned quietly. When Gerard raised his eyebrows, the smaller teen blushed furiously. "Sorry, it's just... Your tongue..."

Gerard grinned, gently nudging Frank off of him and onto his back. "You have a thing for my tongue?" he asked huskily, hoping to keep Frank distracted from what was about to happen. Billy Talent was playing through the house, Ben's agonized voice floating through the door.

"White sparrows,
Came from Heaven and carried her away.
Black arrows,
Cut the string of my heart-"

Frank nodded, watching Gerard as he pushed a pillow underneath his back. "It's so talented," he crooned. "So fucking hot."

Gerard giggled, coating his fingers with generous amounts of lube. He and Frank were both virgins, so it would hurt no matter what he did, but Gerard wanted Frank to be in the least amount of pain possible. As his finger neared Frank's entrance, he could feel Frank's gaze boring into him.

"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?"

'Damn you, Brendon Urie,' Gerard thought, swallowing his fear as he slowly rubbed his finger around Frank's anus. The younger boy way quivering, whether with need or fear Gerard did not know. Maybe it was both. 'Damn you for making it sound so easy!'

Risking a quick glance at Frank's smoldering eyes, Gerard gently nudged his finger past the tight ring of muscle. Frank stiffened, his half-lidded eyes widening as Gerard pushed deeper. After a while, the younger teen relaxed into the mattress, looking uncomfortable.

"You okay?" Gerard asked, hoping that he wasn't hurting Frank. "If it hurts, I'll stop."

"No!" Frank said quickly, biting down on his lip ring. "It's just... weird."

"Weird? Weird how?"

"Weird as in: some guy's got his finger up my ass."

Taking Frank's smartass response as a sign that he was okay, Gerard began to work on adding a second finger. Before he could get to the first knuckle, however, Frank hissed and arched his back.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Gerard said hastily, stopping all movement.

Frank winced and took shallow breaths. "No, don't stop. Keep going. I... I want you, Gerard. Please." His eyes, half hidden by dark hair and thick eyelashes, were burning pits of need.

Gerard hesitated. Only when Frank rolled his eyes and tried to shift himself forward did he press his second finger deeper into the younger man's heat.

Having never fingered another boy before, Gerard was completely lost as to what he should've been doing. He remembered staying up at night and reading fanfic after fanfic about anal sex, but now he was a real person. If he accidentally hurt Frank, he'd never be able to forgive himself. Deciding to follow what he'd read, he gently began to scissor his fingers inside the teen.

"Aaah! Ah!" Frank gasped, squeezing his eyes shut. Tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes, instantly causing Gerard to freeze. Frank growled at him. "Gerard, I told you. I want this. It's just... it stings a little."

Gerard bit his lip. If Frank said it was okay, then it had to be okay, right? Maybe. He didn't know. Frank was known for downplaying his injuries to the point of going a whole day with a sprained ankle without telling anyone. But this was different; more intimate. Fear overwhelmed him. What if he tore something? What if he couldn't 'perform'? What if Frank laughed at him? This had seemed so simple when he pictured it in his head!

"Gerard!" Frank's voice cut through his throughts, sharp and husky. "Stop freaking out and move!"

So Gerard did.

With his fingers slicked with pre-cum and lube, Gerard was able to insert another finger. He twisted inside Frank, his fingertips brushing the inner walls of the boy's heat. Gerard manuvered his hand, seeking the boy's prostate in the hopes of getting him to forget the pain.

Frank made a sudden choking noise. "Oh- OH GOD! Right there! F-fuck... Stop!"

Gerard swore that his heart skipped a beat. "What? Did I do someth-?"

Frank shook his head, his hair flopping in front of his face and completely hiding his eyes. Sweat shimmered on his flushed body, beautiful and intoxicating in the dim light from behind the curtains. Frank was intoxicating, his body emmiting waves of pleasure. "I'm ready," he panted, his mouth slightly open as he fought for breath. "I'm so fucking ready."

Gerard let out a sigh of relief, only to have his lungs freeze as he realized what Frank meant. He was ready. That meant-

"Oh," Gerard breathed. "Are you s-sure, Frankie?"

Frank nodded, reaching down and hooking his thumbs into Gerard's boxers. After a few clumsy movements and soft groans, the underwear was tossed away from the bed to some unknown location on the bedroom floor. Frank looked down, his eyes huge and his cheeks red.

"I've got a new disease in me.
I've got a friend who's losing sleep.
I take it hard,
It's hard to take.
I'm wide awake.
I'm wide awaaaake."

(AN: Masterpiece Theatre III - Marianas Trench. Sorry, just supporting my fellow Canadians.)

Gerard shifted backwards, sitting up and pulling Frank into his lap. The two boys sat, motionless except for the shudders that went through their bodies. Their breath came out in quick pants against the other's shoulder, black hair tangling together until it was impossible to separate whose was whose. The music was chilling and beautiful, speeding their hearts as the tempo picked up and the band sang in harmony.

"Are you ready?" Gerard whispered, his lips brushing the wet skin of Frank's collar bone. With his hands, he rubbed soothing patterns into Frank's back and shoulder blades. He felt the younger boy's lips curl into a weak smile.

"I was born ready," Frank panted. Before Gerard could ask again, Frank meshed their lips together in a messy kiss. Gee closed his eyes, responding with everything he had as Frank drew them closer together. The only thing that existed was them; the scent of sex, the faint taste of salt, the smoothness of skin against skin, the distant music that was building behind them.

And when Frank lowered himself onto Gerard's shaft, even the music was lost.

The heat that ingulfed him was nearly indescribable. Frank's body was slick with sweat and lube, but his muscles squeezed and contracted as Gerard glided further into him. After the head had passed the first ring of muscle, the rest slid in with almost no resistance. All movement stopped, each boy too stunned by this new feeling to do anything but adjust. Heat was building in Gerard's abdomen like a wave, getting stronger as Frank clenched around him.

"Gee," Frank gasped. "Gerard, you're so... I don't even know what to say."

Gerard swallowed. Frank's shaking voice bringing him just a little closer to the edge. "I'm not hurting you, am I?" he wondered, afraid of the answer.

"No!" Frank said quickly. "God, no. I feel... How do I say this? I feel full, I guess. So good," he sighed.

A little flutter went through Gerard's chest. "So, it's okay to... move?" He felt so stupid for asking.

Frank chuckled. "If you don't, I'll never forgive you."

Gerard smiled, his worries slipping away. "Just checking."

The first thrust was barely anything; just a small jerk of Gerard's hips as he tried to figure out how to move himself. Frank made a small whimper against the older boy's throat, using his knees to bounce himself and help set a rhythm. Once the couple had found a way to move together, their speed became more intensified and their movements more noticable.

Gerard gripped Frank's hips lightly, keeping the boy in his lap as he pulled himself out and pushed back in. Frank had his head thrown back, his long hair swaying with his body. Pants and moans filled the air, drowning out the forgotten music that was still playing outside. They had created their own world together, a world that contained only themselves and the motions of their sweat-slicked bodies.

This wasn't sex; this was making love.

Their lips connected, teeth knocking together as they bounced. Their tongues became entangled, sliding and slipping as they were brought closer and closer to their orgasms. It was hot, messy, sticky and sloppy, but it was perfect.

Gerard came first, his voice hoarse and ragged as he cried Frank's name. Stars exploded in his vision, nearly causing him to miss Frank's own climax.


Semen splashed across their stomachs, thick white ropes of fluid going halfway up Gerard's chest before Frank slumped against him. Gerard struggled for breath, exhaustion making it hard to focus. He was caught between murmuring to Frank and breathing heavily, only barely hearing Frank whisper something back.

"So beautiful-"

"Perfect, you're so perfect, baby-"

Eventually, Gerard had enough sense to slide out of Frank and move them into a laying position. He managed to find the edge of a comforter, and with Frank's help, they pulled it over themselves as they pressed against eachother. Frank rested his head on Gerard's chest, lying half on and half off they older boy. Gerard had one arm draped over Frank's back as he stared up at the ceiling.



"I... I think I might love you."

Gerard froze, not sure what to say. What if Frank was just caught up in the afterglow? People said strange things after sex. What if Frank was just saying what he thought needed to be said? Gerard wasn't prepared for that kind of heartbreak.

And so there was silence.

Then their heartbeats slowed, their breathing became even, and the boys slept.

"Hey, Moon, please forget to fall down.
Hey, Moon, don't you go down.
You are at the top of my lungs.
Drawn to the ones who never yawn."

AN: So, whatchya think? It's the first smut I've ever written, so I'm not quite sure how messed-up it is. No doubt you people will tell me. The ending... Uugh. What do you guys think of a sequel? One where we deal with the morning after and coming out to friends and family? Rate and Review, yah freaks! Otherwise, no more smutty Frerard one-shots from me.
-Cough- What's that? Sequel?
- Ben
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