Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapters 1-7: Love

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Parvati, Tonks, Other - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-03 - Updated: 2006-07-03 - 7537 words

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 1: Of Wives and Dark Lords

As Harry raced down the tunnel, his mind drifted back over the women he'd loved and the Dark Lords who had killed them.

He'd married Ginny when she was fresh out of school. In the foolishness of their youth, they had performed a soul bonding ritual that bound them together for all of this and any future lives. Ginny only lasted a week before she was killed by Lord Voldemort.

After she and Ron broke up, Hermione and Harry found comfort in each other's arms. After the defeat of Voldemort, they got married. Harry didn't feel that he could make a lesser vow to his best friend, so they too, performed the soul bonding ritual. Hermione was killed in the final battle against the next Dark Lord, Percy Weasley.

After the defeat of Percy, Harry saw the need to enter politics. For that, he needed a Pureblood wife. So, he hired a professional matchmaker to locate one for him. She hooked him up with Padma Patil. Once again, Harry was soul bonded to his wife. Padma was killed by the Dark Lord, Draco Malfoy.

After Padma's death, Harry swore off marriage for a while. But when Tonks and Luna started approaching the end of their child bearing years, they asked Harry to father their children. Once again, Harry was soul bonded. The three of them had many decades of happy marriage together as they grew to love each other.

During all of Harry's battles against various Dark Lords, Ron had fought by his side. During the war against Malfoy, Ron had been briefly captured. He claimed to have no memory of what had happened to him. But as the years passed, it became clear to Harry that what ever happened was slowly driving Ron insane. Ron became the next Dark Lord.

Tonks had been killed in one of the earlier skirmishes. Luna had been abducted and now Harry was searching the sewers for Ron's lair. He turned a corner and came upon a chamber. Luna was tied to a large stone table. Ron stood over her, holding aloft a demon bone knife.

"Let her go, Ron," cried Harry.

"I should have been the boy-who-lived!" yelled Ron. "And now, I will"

Before Harry could stop him, he plunged the dagger into Luna's heart! There was a flash of light!

Chapter 2: Integrating self

Harry awoke in an unfamiliar room.

(Of course, it's familiar. I've always lived here.)

(No, I've never seen this bedroom in my life.)


(Who's that?)

(Harry, are you all right?)

(Who do you think it is? I can't think of any other redhead that shares your thoughts.)

Just then, the bedroom door opened and a young read haired girl bounded in, leaped onto the bed and engulfed him in a bone-crushing hug!

"Oh Harry, your thoughts are so chaotic!" said the girl.

Part of Harry wondered who this girl was and the other part knew that she was his twin sister, Rose.

"Wait a minute!" if you're real, then these other memories must be real! And that means, that my parents are still alive!" exclaimed Harry.

"Of course they're alive, silly! Did you have a nightmare or something?" inquired Rose.

"No, I think that my spirit has traveled to another dimension," explained Harry. "And now I'm sharing this body with a young version of me."

"You can be so weird sometimes Harry," said Rose. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, obviously it would not do for me to have an even more split personality," said Harry. "I think I need to integrate my two selves into one being."

"Well, why don't you integrate over breakfast," suggested Rose.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs Harry saw his father sitting at the kitchen table, reading the Daily Prophet, his mother had her wand out and was preparing breakfast, while Harry's younger brother and two sisters appeared to be playing tag as they ran all over the room.

Harry ran up to his mother and gave her a hug.

"What's this for?" asked Lilly Potter.

"Nothing Mum, I just love you!" said Harry as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Kids, have a seat. Your Mom's about to serve breakfast," said James Potter.

"Breakfast!" squealed the younger kids as they ran to their chairs.

___________________Scene Break_____________________________

"What'cha doin'," asked Rose.

"I'm trying to make a wand," replied Harry.

"Well, why don't you wait until you get your Hogwarts letter and buy one?" inquired Rose.

"Because I need one now," said Harry.

"What for?" queried Rose.

"I've been trying to merge my selves with a reverse variation of Occlumency. Instead of trying to block thoughts, I'm trying to let thought in from my other self," explained Harry. "It's very difficult for me to sort out which memories are native to this reality and which ones I brought with me. I thought a wand might help me focus."

"Well, maybe I could help?" offered Rose.

"Okay, verify a few things for me," said Harry. "Ronald Weasley is the boy-who-lived, not me?"


"And his family was betrayed by Regulus Black, not Peter Pettigrew?"

"Uncle Peter," corrected Rose.

"And Regulus Black was never caught?"

She nodded.

"And our parents and Sirius are still alive?"

Another nod.

And our younger siblings are: David, May, and Jane?

She nodded again and said: "If you're gonna make a wand, can you teach me how?"

"Sure, but you'll need to make a new one each year," said Harry. "Your magic is still developing."

________________________Scene Break_____________________________

"Occulo Conscientia!" shouted Harry as he waved his wand.

"Oh isn't that cute!" exclaimed Harry's mother. "Harry's pretending that he has a real wand!"

"It is a real wand, Mum and I've just cast a spell that will prevent you from telling any of my secrets," explained Harry.

"What a joker!" exclaimed Harry's father. "Soon he'll be at Hogwarts, playing pranks like a true Potter!"

"I'm not pretending and this is not a prank!" growled Harry.

"Listen to him Mum. This is important!" exclaimed Rose.

"Okay Harry, we're listening," said their mother. "What do you have to tell us?"

"I'm not your Harry. Well, part of me is. But the other part is not from this dimension. I'm actually, a lot older than you. Anyway, I've spent the past week merging my older self with my younger self and I don't think I'm the only one who has traveled to this dimension be cause I can feel them over my soul bond. What I'm trying to say is-"

At that moment there was a whoosh as someone arrived in the floo. A blonde-haired, blue-eyed teenager stumbled out. Harry quickly drew his wand and cast a stunner, which missed because the girl had tripped.


___________________Author's note:__________________________________

There were several things that led me to start this fic. First of all, I made a decision when I started Rerun, that it would be an R rated fic. This limitation has been harder and harder to stay within as the fic has progressed. It would be very easy to make it a Harem fic. So I needed a place to explore certain concepts and themes that are covered in Re-Run but take them in a different direction.
The second influence on this fic was a couple of fics called: A Second Chance and Lessons To Be Learnt both by wyadra. It has been awhile since the series has been updated. I therefore decided to write my own fic. This fic will be very similar to that at first but then, will diverge in a wildly different direction.
Another big influence on this fic is Harry Potter and Fate's Debt by Intromit.

Chapter 2: Tonks!

"Tonks? Wait! I can explain!" said Harry. "After you died, Ron sacrificed Luna in some sort of ritual. There was a flash and I found myself in this alternate dimension. I think that I brought with me the souls of everyone I had bonded to over the course of my life."

"And that's why I feel like I'm possessed?" asked Tonks in an accusatory tone.

"Yes. There are two you's in your head, the one native to the dimension and the one that is soul bonded to me," said Harry. "It took me almost a week to merge the two me's into one being."

"How did you do it?" asked Tonks.

"I did a sort of reverse Occlumency," said Harry. "Instead of trying to keep people from reading my mind, I tried to open my mind to my other self. Slowly, we knitted ourselves together."

"Sounds like it's worth a shot," mused Tonks.

By now, Harry's father was laughing uproariously.

"Harry, this is the best prank ever!" laughed James.

"THAT"S IT!" yelled Harry. "James Potter, I, Harry Potter do hereby challenge you to a wizards duel!"

This only made his father laugh harder.

"Ha ha, whatever you, ha ha, say, ha ha, son, ha ha!" laughed James.

"Wingardium Leviosa," said Harry as he levitated a splinter from the floor. He then transfigured it into a needle and levitated it towards his father
His father deflected the needle with ease.

Harry continued to cast each first year spell in succession as his father halfheartedly defended himself. After Harry had run through all of the first year spells, he moved on to the second year spells, then the third, then fourth and so on through each year of the Hogwarts curriculum to his father's growing amazement. After Harry had finished with the seventh year spells, which he was now casting soundlessly, he moved on to some Auror spells that his father was familiar with but didn't know how to cast himself. By now, James was only casting defensive spells as he had no time to counterattack. Then Harry moved on to spells that his father was totally unfamiliar with. When Harry stepped up the pace, James had just enough time to realize that his son had been toying with him all this time before he caught a stunner of unknown type.

When Harry was finished, he turned to find his mother was pointing her wand at him.

"Just who are you and what have you done with my son?" said Lily through gritted teeth.

"Mum stop!" commanded Rose, who had now interposed herself between her brother and her mother. "Harry is telling the truth! I'm his twin! We share a bond that makes it impossible for him to hide anything from me!"

"They're right," said Tonks. "I do feel like there's somebody else inside of me but that other person is like another version of me. We're both Tonks."

With a barely perceptible flick of his wand, Harry awoke his father.

"Alright, so how different was this other world?" asked Lily.

"A lot different," said Harry.

"Dad, you are dead and I'm the boy-who-lived."

After several hours, Harry had detailed a brief version of the history of his other life, and the topic turned to their current situation.

"Where do you go from here?" asked Harry's father.

"Well the first thing I want to do is make contact with my other wives," said Harry. "Something doesn't feel right about them."

"In what way?" asked Tonks? "Do you think I'm some sort of threat?"

"No it doesn't feel that way," said Harry. "Maybe it's the confusion that they are all feeling."

"Might I suggest that you spend a week with each one of them?" suggested Lily. "Rose could chaperone. Then after you've put each of them back together, you could invite them all here for a week."

"Isn't she a bit old to be hanging out with our son?" asked James as he indicated Tonks.

"We'll talk to her parents. Between them and Rose, he should be okay," replied Lily.

"Wotcher Harry! Are you and Rose ready to spring this on my parents?" asked Tonks.

"Looks like we'll find out," said Rose.

_________________________Scene Break__________________________

It had been difficult for Harry's parents to convince Tonks' Muggle father of the situation, but Andromeda Tonks had taken the news much more easily. She got Harry some pillows and blankets so that he could sleep on the couch, while Tonks showed Rose to the room they would be sharing. She had just opened the door of her bedroom, when Tonks noticed that Harry had followed them.

"What do you think you are doing?" asked Tonks.

"I wanted a kiss good night," replied Harry. "You haven't given me a kiss since you died."

"Well, okay," said Tonks as she bent down to kiss him.

When she got within reach, Harry grabbed her head and gave her the kind of kiss he was used to giving his wife. But when he started using his tongue she pushed him away.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hold on there cowboy!" exclaimed Tonks while Rose giggled. "You may have the mind of a 140-year-old, but when I look at you I see a ten year old boy. And I am NOT doing anything sexual with you until you at least resemble an adult!"

"But that won't be for years!" whined Harry.

"It will whiz by before you know it," replied Tonks as she pulled him into a hug. "I do love you. I just need you to grow up before I can make love to you."

As Tonks held his head against her breasts Harry thought. (I guess there are some compensations for being short.)

(I heard that!) Thought Rose.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Tonks."

_________________________Scene Break__________________________

The next morning, after breakfast, Harry, Rose and Tonks discussed what to do with their day.

"Well, I think the first thing we need to do is visit Gringotts," said Harry.

"How come?" asked Tonks.

"Our mother doesn't know this, but being her oldest son makes me the heir of both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff," explained Harry. "Since being soul bonded makes us married, this means that legally I am an adult and can claim my inheritance. At least until the others are grown up, I intend to make you Lady Hufflepuff and Lady Ravenclaw. You are, after all, the only one of us who is of age."

"And then what?" asked Tonks.

"Well, I'm sure you ladies will want to go shopping," said Harry. "But I thought we'd spend the rest of the week integrating you two halves and destroying Voldemort's Horcruxes."

"His what?" asked Rose?

"Horcruxes," said Harry. "They're the parts of his soul that are outside of his body. They are what keeps him from dying."

"But you-know-who is dead," protested Rose.

"In the other reality, he used Horcruxes to keep himself alive," said Tonks. "Then, in my 7th year, He tried to come back in by possessing the Defense teacher, Professor Quirrell. Oh! That reminds me! I should probably tell you that my Aunt Bellatrix has been the DADA teacher for the past nine years, ever since you-know-who died. It looks like the curse on that position doesn't exist here."

"Bellatrix La Strange is teaching at Hogwarts!" Harry exploded.

"She never married La Strange here. She's still Bellatrix Black," explained Tonks.

"But she's a Death Eater!" said Harry.

"She claims she was under the Imperius Curse," said Tonks. "I always had doubts about her story. Now I know that she's lying."

___________________________Scene Break___________________________

They looked everywhere that they were supposed to be, but found no trace of any Horcruxes.

Tonks' integration of her two selves went smoothly.

Before they knew it, the week was over and it was time to visit Hermione.

_________________________Author's Note_____________________

Harry's Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff inheritances are the same as their corresponding portions in Chapter 8 of my other fic Re-Run. In Particular:

Vault 3: Hufflepuff Family Vault - 2, 895,532,909 Galleons
Vault 2 Ravenclaw Family Vault - 3,123,542, 978 Galleons
Daily Prophet 10 percent - Hufflepuff Family
Daily Prophet 20 percent - Ravenclaw Family
The Darker Side of Life (Bookstore in Knockturn Alley) 75 percent- Ravenclaw Family
Poisons and More Apothecary (Knockturn Alley) 20 percent- Hufflepuff Family
Nestle 39 percent - Hufflepuff Family
Proctor and Gamble 45 percent - Hufflepuff Family
Microsoft Computers 34 percent - Ravenclaw family
Ravenclaw Tower - Wales
Hufflepuff Manor - England
Also the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Vaults have the same content as in Re-run.

Chapter 4: Granger

Having heard the doorbell ring, Mrs. Anne Granger answered the door.

"Is Hermione here?" asked Harry.

"HERMIONE!" called Mrs. Granger. "YOU HAVE A VISITOR!"

"COMING MOM!" called a little girl.

She looked just liked Harry remembered from their first year. She took one look at Harry and enveloped him in one of her bone crushing hugs.

"Harry! Oh thank Merlin you're real!" said Hermione. "I thought I had gone mad!"

"Yes, like you, we're going to Hogwarts next year," said Harry.

"Oh. But I thought -" said Hermione, crestfallen.

"Hogwarts? Where have I heard that name before?" asked Mrs. Granger.

"It's a school for witches and wizards," said Rose.

"I thought that was a hoax," said Mrs. Granger.

"No, it's true, Hermione has a very special talent," said Harry. "Hogwarts will help us develop those talents."

"And just how do you know all this?" asked Mrs. Granger.

"Harry and I are from a family of witches and wizards," replied Rose. "We've come to help her acclimate."

"Hermione, perhaps we could go for a walk and discuss this further," said Harry as he gave her a wink.

Hermione thought for second.

"Right. It does look like a nice day to play outside," said Hermione.

Once that had walked out of earshot of her house, Hermione turned on her two companions.

"All right, what in Merlin's name is going on? Are you my husband or not? And what are these memories of the future I have? Who are all these people I feel soul bonded to? And who is she?"

"I have traveled from another dimension to inhabit the body of my younger self," began Harry. "In order to keep my sanity, I have merged my extra-dimensional personality with the Harry who is native to this world. I have also brought with me to this world everyone I ever soul bonded with in my previous life. This is why you feel like there are two of you. There are. And this is my twin sister, Rose.

"It feels like we're bonded to more than just three people," said Hermione. "Who else is there besides me and Ginny?"

"Hermione, wouldn't you want me to get on with my life after you died?" asked Harry. "Just as I did after Ginny died?"

"Yes," admitted Hermione.

"Well I had 115 years of life after you died," said Harry. "In that time I married and soul bonded Padma Patil, Luna and Tonks."

"But, aren't Luna and Tonks lesbians?" asked a bewildered Hermione.

"They wanted to have children," explained Harry. "Since fatherhood is a lifetime commitment, it made sense to soul bond with the mothers of my children."

"I'm glad you had a chance to have children," said Hermione with a smile. "I wish I had gotten the chance."

"Well, maybe, this time, we will. In about 10 years," said Harry. "In the meantime, you ought to know that since you are married, you can do magic outside of school. Tomorrow we'll have to go to Diagon Alley and get you a wand. Also, you need to start studying Occlumency. You too, Rose."

"Why?" asked the girls, simultaneously?

"Because a few years ago- -I mean a few years before I came to this world, Luna discovered a spell that allows you to instantly absorb knowledge from any book," said Harry. "In order to perform this spell, you need several years experience with Legilimency; and in order to learn that, you need to learn Occlumency. Also, the basics of Occlumency will help you integrate your two personalities."

"I understand why you came to me, Harry," said Hermione, "but why did you bring your sister with you?"

"Even before the other Harry showed up, we were inseparable," said Rose. "We've always been like two halves of the same soul. Now, I guess we're two parts of an even bigger soul. Trust me, like it or not, I'm going to be a big part of your life. Best get to know each other now. And that's why you need to invite us to stay with you for the week."

"I do?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, you can tell your mother that we're helping you acclimate to your new life," said Harry. "And we are, after a fashion."

"Don't you think that my parents deserve to know the truth?" asked Hermione.

"If you tell them that we're married, they'll flip," said Harry.

"I guess it's a little too much to expect them to understand that their eleven year old daughter is married," mused Hermione. "But I hate to deceive them."

"That reminds me," said Harry as he handed her a key. "I opened accounts for each of my wives. It has 10,000 galleons and is replenished monthly. If you need more from our account let me know. I mainly did this so that you could access our money without giving away to your parents that we're married. There's something else you need to know. Ron went nutters. He became a Dark Lord. It's his fault that we're here."

"Oh Ron!" wailed Hermione. "You'd better be careful around him. Who knows how much of him traveled here with you?"

________________________Scene Break______________________________

Later that night, Hermione's mom folded out the couch and made a bed for Harry. While the girls went to sleep in Hermione's room. They were changing and Hermione had not a stitch on when she suddenly turned to Rose and said: "I noticed that you're staring at me. Is Harry looking at me through your eyes?"

Rose nodded.

"Well do you like what you see?" said Hermione as she dropped the nightgown she had been about to put on, lifted her arms over her head and bent them back and grabbed the back of her neck, then shifted her weight onto one hip and displayed herself to Rose.

Looking through his sister's eyes, Harry took in the sight before him. Hermione was just starting to look un-childlike. Her chest had bumps that were not quite big enough to be called breasts and her armpit and pubic hair was just starting to darken from its' initial golden color.

"Merlin, Hermione! How can you be so brazen?" asked Rose.

"I could never have been so immodest when I was eleven," explained Hermione. "But since part of me has the mind of a twenty-six year old, I'm a lot less body shy than I otherwise would be."

"Well, Harry says that he's sorry for peeping. He was just curious," said Rose. "My brother's a bit of a perv. Last week, it seemed like he was constantly watching Tonks through my eyes. 'Course I can understand that more. At seventeen, she has the body of a woman. Watching you undress might qualify as pedophilia. Oh! Wait a minute - Harry says that he's curious because he knows just how beautiful you will become."

"Well tell him that he gets one free show," said Hermione. "If he wants to see mine again, he'll have to show me his."

"He says he'll hold you to that," said Rose. "Say did you know that Tonks is a natural blonde?"

"I doubt it," said Hermione. "After all, if she can change her head hair on a whim, it stands to reason that she can change the hair on other parts of her body. Who knows what her natural form looks like, if she has one? So Harry can see through your eyes? Can you see through his?"

"Yes," said Rose.

"You can see when he's dressing or when he's taking a shower?" asked Hermione.

"Gross! That's my brother you're taking about!" exclaimed Rose.

"But you can see?" asked Hermione.

"Yes," confirmed Rose. "We can also talk to each other in our minds."

"Do you share memories?" asked Hermione.

"No, but anything he can remember, he can show me," said Rose. "He says it's just like viewing memories in a pensive.

"So it takes time for you to view the memory; it's not instantaneous," said Hermione.

Rose nodded

________________________Scene Break____________________________

Hermione's Parents were amazed by Diagon Alley. They were especially surprised when Hermione presented her key at Gringotts and got access to her vault. But their amazement at Hermione's pile of money was nothing compared to the shock they received when Harry opened the Ravenclaw vault. From there, Harry took some money and an Occlumency book for Hermione.

Hermione got a wand from Olivander's. (Olive wood with a sphinx hair core) Harry and Rose also took this opportunity to get their homemade wands appraised.

"Quite remarkable!" said Olivander as he looked at Harry's wand. "I could make a better one for me, but I don't think I could make a better one for you. I think you are going to turn out to be the Mozart of Magic."

"Well, I can tell whose twin you are," said Olivander as he examined Rose's wand. "While I could certainly custom make you a better one, it is more suited to this stage of your growth than anything that I have ready made."

Hermione and her parents loaded up on books. Not only did Hermione buy all of the first year textbooks, she also bought a bunch of books that matched the level of her twenty-five year old self. Her parents bought every available volume on magical history.

Over the next week, Harry, Hermione and Rose played the parts of young children about to go off to school for her parents' benefit.

Chapter 5: Patil

The Patils lived in an Indian Neighborhood in London. One Apartment building housed the pureblood families that had emigrated from India. Like the Leaky Cauldron, it had notice-me-not charms that made it invisible to Muggles. When Harry, Rose and their parents arrived, they were told that the Patil twins had gone to the park. After they were given directions, the Potters twins headed there.

They found them sitting in a gazebo. As soon as she saw them, Padma stood and stepped foreword. She pressed her hands together and bowed in a prayerful posture.

"Greetings, my Husband. It is good to see you again," said Padma.

"You don't seem as confused as the others. Have you already merged?" asked Harry.

"I am used to sharing my mind with my twin," explained Padma. "When another one of us appeared, it was a simple matter to bring her into the fold. So now that I am complete, I know that I am soul bonded to you and through my twin bond my sister is also bonded to you, as your sister is to us through your twin bond."

Harry and Rose stood in shock, their mouths gaping.

"You mean I have another wife I didn't even know about?" asked Harry incredulously.

"You mean I'm married to girls?" asked Rose incredulously. "Harry's Harem is my harem too?"

"Yes, that is it. Parvati and I are married to both of you," said Padma. "I hope that you will both treat her as you do me."

"This is a lot to take in," said Harry.

"Perhaps Parvati and I should leave you two alone to discuss this," said Rose.

Rose and Parvati walked off together at a brisk pace. Finally, they stopped at a bridge over a stream to rest.

"So, how long have you known that you liked girls?" asked Parvati.

"I don't know that I do," replied Rose. "I never really thought about it before."

"Well you could kiss me and find out," said Parvati. "After all, if we're married, we might as well give it a shot."

Rose leaned in and kissed Parvati. She held it for a minute, then, pulled away.

"Well?" asked Parvati.

"It was interesting," mused Rose.

"My thoughts, exactly," said Parvati. "I would need to do some more experimenting to figure it out."

"Sounds good to me!" said Rose as she pulled her into another kiss.

____________________________Scene Break______________________

As they watched their sisters walk away Harry said: "I know that our marriage was arranged, and I don't think I told you enough, but I did love you."

"I grew to love you in time also, my husband," replied Padma.

"I think that you should also know that after you died, I remarried," said Harry.

"I had thought I had sensed the presence of others through the soul bond," replied Padma. "Who else did you marry?"

"Luna and Tonks," replied Harry.

"But, are they not lesbians, and married to each other?" asked Padma.

"They wanted to have children," explained Harry.

"Well I suppose if I am willing to share you with my sister, it seems reasonable that they would be willing to share you and each other," observed Padma. "Did you love them?"

"Yes, very much," said Harry. "We had nearly a century together, longer than all of my other wives combined. Mmmm! What was that?"

"Mmm! You felt it too?" asked Padma. "I think our sisters are kissing."

"It's hard to tell. Her eyes are closed," said Harry.

"Pavarti's are too. But I can feel Rose's lips on mine," replied Padma. "Best not to disturb them. We would not want to spoil Pavarti's first kiss."

"It's Rose's too," said Harry. "Well, this certainly changes things. If we can feel what our sisters are doing, what's it going to be like when we make love?"

"I am uncertain," replied Padma. "We will have to give the matter further study before we act."

______________________Scene Break_____________________________

"Mr. and Mrs. Patil, I'm James Potter and this is my wife, Lily, and our children Harry and Rose."

"I am pleased to greet you. I am Krshna Patil and this is my wife, Radhe. How may we be of service?"

"It's about your daughter, Padma," said Lily.

"She is at the Park with her sister, Parvati," said Mrs. Patil. "Why don't the children go and find them while we adults have our discussions?"

"Now that they are gone," said Mr. Patil, "am I correct in the assumption that this is about the soul bond between our children?"

"You know? Good. This will save us time," said James.

"Are you also aware that the twin bond makes your son and daughter soul bonded to both my girls?" asked Krshna.

"No, that had not occurred to me," said James.

"Obviously, this complicates the matter of dowries," said Krshna. "Since we both come from pureblood families, I suggest that we make the dowries in the form of knowledge. Each of our families had accumulated a collection of rare magical books. For each daughter, we will give the other copies of 20 books. That will be 40 from us and 20 from you. Does this sound fair?"

"Yes," said James. "I'm surprised how well you are taking this. Most parents would not be open to the idea of their daughters being part of a polygamous marriage."

"Such things were not unheard of in the old country," said Radhe. "I like to think of it as a return to tradition. I hope that you will allow your children to stay with us for a week, so we can get to know them better."

"We were going to suggest that very thing," said Lily. "We would also like for your daughters to come spend a week with us. But there is something else we need to discuss. Harry and Padma were soul bonded in a previous life. But she was not the only one that Harry married over the course of his life. There are four other wives to consider."

"A bit unusual, but not unheard of," said Krshna. "I hope that your family has the wealth to support such a large family."

_______________________Scene Break_____________________________

Wotcher Harry,

My week with Luna did not go well. She found my presence disturbing. I think we should leave her alone for a while.
Yesterday I came to spend the week with Hermione. Don't worry, I am sticking to our cover story with her parents. I never really got to know her before she died. I can see why you married her. She's great!
Hermione told me that you had used Rose's eyes to watch me undress. If I had known you could do that, I would have worn sexier knickers. I'm taking Hermione out shopping tomorrow for lingerie. The next time you use your sister to peep at us, I promise that you'll have something to look at. You may want to do the same. Since you started this, I will see if I can use Legilimency to watch you through your sister's eyes. You have been warned!


Chapter 6: Weasley

Dear Harry,
Just thought I'd warn you. Tonks let slip that you and she are married. We tried to do damage control and paint it as an arranged betrothal for after you're grown.
Tomorrow, I'm going to spend a week with the Patils. I never really got to know Padma very well. I look forward to the meeting.


_____________________Scene Break________________________________

"Thank for coming Mrs. Longbottom," said James. "Our son, Harry has something rather fantastic to share with you. Harry?"

Harry stepped forward, pulled out his wand and intoned: "Occulo Conscientia!"

"Now that I've assured myself that we can keep this between us, I have a tale to tell," began Harry. "In another time and place, there was another Harry Potter. He lived a long life and vanquished several Dark Lords. When he was young, he not only married, but also bound his soul to his first love, Ginny Weasley, for all eternity. But their happiness was not to last. She was killed after less than a week. He went on with his life and faced other Dark Lords. The final one he faced was his best friend who had fought by his side against all the preceding Dark Lords. To his horror his best friend, the Dark Lord Ron Weasley, performed a dark ritual that sent this Harry Potter's spirit to this dimension, where it merged with me, the Harry Potter who is native to this world. But I did not come alone. With me, I brought the soul that was bound to mine, the soul of Ginny Weasley Potter, my wife."

Augusta Longbottom broke into laughter. "Mr. Potter, your reputation for pranks precedes you. I never imagined you would recruit your son as your accomplice."

"Mrs. Longbottom, we were skeptical at first too," said Lily. "But Harry has convinced us."

"Is that why I feel like I'm going nutters?" asked Ginny.

"Yes," said Harry. "Right now, there are two Ginnys inside of you. You need to merge them so that you will be whole."

Ginny scrunched up her face for a minute as if she were constipated. Then, slowly a smile spread across her face. Her eyes opened suddenly and she leaped out of her chair and into Harry's arms!

"Oh Harry! I was so scared!" gushed Ginny. "I couldn't believe that my memories of you could be real!"

"Ginny, there's more," said Harry as he gently, but firmly, pushed her away. "After you died, I eventually got married again, more than once. They kept getting killed by Dark Lords. And each time, I soul bonded with them too. So when I came here, like you, I brought their souls with me. "

"How many?" said Ginny darkly?

"Five," admitted Harry sheepishly.


"Ginny, try to understand," protested Harry. "I lived more than a century after you were gone. I didn't want them be killed. I loved each and every one of them so much that I soul bonded with them."

"Okay, who do I have to share you with?" asked Ginny exasperatedly.

"Hermione" began Harry.

"But I thought she was going to marry Ron someday," said Ginny.

"They broke up," said Harry. "She was my best friend. It just seemed natural."

"Well I always knew that, one day, she'd marry either you or Ron," said Ginny. "I had hoped that after she and Ron hooked up that I would get you for myself. Who else?"

"Padma Patil" said Harry.

"Okay, who else?" said Ginny.

"Tonks," said Harry.

"But I thought she was engaged to Professor Lupin?" said Ginny.

"He got killed by Wormtail," said Harry. "Also, at the same time I married Luna."


"Don't ever call her that again," growled Harry, through gritted teeth. "Also, because of the twin bond that all twins in this dimension share, I'm soul bonded to Parvati Patil and through my twin bond, Rose is bound to all of my wives."

"Is there anybody else in this harem of yours?" asked Ginny.

"No, that's pretty much everybody," said Harry. "Ginny? Ginny?"

"I think you've fried her brain," said Rose.

"-Sorry. It's just a lot to take in," said Ginny. "Just a month ago I willingly bound my soul to yours. Now I'm just a face in a crowd."

"Ginny, I promise that I will treat each of you as the special and unique individuals that you are," said Harry. "You may have to share me, but I won't let you be neglected."

He then pulled her into a hug, which she returned fervently.

"There's something that we need to talk about though," said Harry. "Ron was the Dark Lord who gave us this second chance. We don't know how much of the Evil Ron, if any, came to this world with us. Ron cannot know anything about our other selves or our soul bond."

"Well, I haven't exactly been discreet," said Ginny. "Ever since I got here, I've been alternating between freaking out and crying over my dead brothers and parents. Mrs. Longbottom was almost ready to send me to St. Mungo's."

"I've half a mind to take both of you there," said Mrs. Longbottom.

"Why don't you let our kids spend the week with you, your grandson and the Weasleys?" said Lily.

"Well, that's how we used to handle betrothals in the old days," observed Mrs. Longbottom.

______________________Scene Break____________________________

With a whoosh! There was an arrival at Longbottom Manor. Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom went into the living room to see who had arrived. The way Ginny had been acting lately, they would not have been surprised to learn that Neville's Grandmother had secretly taken Ginny to St. Mungo's Hospital. They were surprised to see that not only had they both returned, but also brought two more children with them.

"What's wrong sis, the booby hatch wouldn't take you?" teased Ron.

"Neville, Ron, this is Harry and Rose Potter," said Mrs. Longbottom. "They're going to be staying with us for a week."

"Hi, I'm the Boy-Who-Lived," said Ron, striking a dramatic pose. "I'm sure you know what an honor it is to meet me."

Neville rolled his eyes and said: "And I'm Neville, one of the Boys-Who-Lives here."

Rose giggled at this.

"Laugh it up, toad boy," sneered Ron at Neville. "I've just been informed that I have been accepted as an apprentice of none other than Gilderoy Lockhart!"

On hearing this, Harry and Ginny both burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" asked Rose.

"Ron, have you even met Lockhart?" asked Harry.

"Well, no," admitted Ron. "But you should read his latest book, Gadding with Ghouls. He's brilliant! In his letter, he said that he would make us both even more famous!"

"I'll bet he will," snickered Ginny.

"Well you all may rot away at Hogwarts, but I'll be receiving personal instruction from the greatest wizard of our age!" exulted Ron.

Well, I hope you find Lockhart to be to your liking," snickered Harry.

______________________Scene Break______________________________

Dear Harry,

Things are out of control! Mrs. Patil let slip to my parents that both of their girls and I are married to you. My parents went nutters! My father said no daughter of his was going to be a part of the Bangalore Hillbillies. All of us were yelling and screaming until I apparated away!
I've run away from home! I've rented a room in Hogsmeade and will be staying here for a while.


_____________________Scene Break_______________________________

"So Rose, what's the deal with Harry and Ginny?" asked Neville.

"What do you mean?" asked Rose.

"Ron's too thick to have noticed yet; I doubt he would put it together if they were shagging in the same room as him," said Neville. "But I've noticed. Harry fancies Ginny, doesn't he?"

"I think it goes a little deeper than that but only time will tell," replied Rose.

Chapter 7: Lovegood

Wotcher Harry,

I've had a hair-rending week. I went to break up with my girlfriend, Barbara. She did not make it easy.
I look forward to getting together with all your other co-wives next week for your birthday. But this week I'll be spending some time with the Patils.



_____________________Scene Break_________________________________

By now, Luna had deteriorated to the point where Harry and Rose had to visit her at Saint Mungo's. When they got to her room, a Healer was tending her.

"How is she?" asked Harry.

"Not good at all," replied the Healer. "She's catatonic. Are you friends of hers?"

"Yes, I'm Harry Potter and this is my twin sister, Rose."

"Well, maybe you can reach her," replied the Healer. "Nothing I've tried has worked. I'll just leave you two alone to talk to her."

"Luna? It's me, Harry. Your Husband and Soul Mate. This is my twin sister, Rose. She's Soul bonded to you too. We've traveled to another dimension. That's why there are two of you in there. The other you is native to this world. Oh, please wake up Luna! I love you and need you! Remember our children? Remember Khonshu and Selene and Artemis and Diana? If you don't wake up they will never be born in this world."

By now, Harry was crying and as he rested his head on her chest, she reached up to stroke his head and comfort him.

"Harry?" asked Luna.

"Luna!" exclaimed Harry as he pulled her into a hug.

"Why do I feel other people through our Soul Bond?" asked Luna.

"I brought the spirits of everyone I had ever Soul Bonded to with me to this world," explained Harry. "Also, our Twin Bonds make Parvati and Rose Soul Bonded to us."

"I see," said Luna as she pushed Harry away and held out her arms to Rose. "It is a pleasure to meet you and I know that we will grow to enjoy being married to each other."

When Rose came closer, Luna gave her a quick peck on the lips and pulled her into a warm hug.

____________________Scene Break_______________________________

It had taken some doing for Luna to convince the Healers that she was well enough to go home. Once she had, her father, Harry and Rose took her home and spent a week with her.

__________________Scene Break________________________________

Watching Luna undress through his sister's eyes was not particularly arousing for Harry. Like Ginny and the Patil twins, Luna showed no signs of physical maturity. She still had the body of a little girl. Yet Harry still found himself watching her undress. Once Luna was completely undressed, she turned to Rose, looked her in the eye and said:

"Harry, do you think you could give us some privacy?"

"I think he's gone now," said Rose.

"Well then," said Luna as she sat on the bed. "I believe there was something you wanted to ask me?"

"Um, aren't you going to put on a nightgown?" asked Rose.

"Ever since I outgrew my nappies, I haven't worn anything to bed," said Luna. I feel that it interferes with the flow of my aura. You should try it."

"I think I will," said Rose as she pulled her nightgown over her head and slipped out of her knickers.

"But that wasn't what you really wanted to know," said Luna. "Now what's on your mind?"

"How did you find out that you like girls?" asked Rose. "Did you always know?"

"No, at first I liked boys, but they didn't like me," began Luna. "The only boy who even asked me out was your brother, and that was as friends. When I was undergoing my training as an unspeakable, Tonks asked me out. I though I might as well give it a try. Much to my surprise, we fell in love. Does your curiosity have anything to do with your kissing Parvati?"

"How did you know?" asked Rose.

"I'm a seer," explained Luna.

"And what do your abilities tell you about me?" asked Rose.

"They tell me that you want to see what kissing me is like," said Luna, leaning forward.

(Rose! Are you kissing Luna?) thought Harry.

(She's my wife too,) thought Rose.
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