Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 8: All Together Now!
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
arry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 8: All Together Now!
With a whoosh, first Harry, then Rose and finally Luna arrived at Godric's Hollow. After spending a week with Luna and her father, the Potter twins had brought her back to spend a week with them, in time for their birthday celebration. They waited in the living room for all of the others to arrive. Ginny had been spending the week with Hermione and they were the next to arrive. As soon as she arrived, Ginny gave both of the Potters a hug and Harry a kiss. Then she turned to Luna and curtly said:
"It is good to see you again," replied Luna. "Harry always spoke fondly of your brief time together. I hope that we will be closer friends than last time."
Then, Hermione arrived with bone crushing hugs for Harry, Rose and Luna.
They sat in the living room talking until Tonks and the Patils arrived. Tonks was the first to floo in and she had a hug for each of them and a kiss for Luna and Harry. Padma was next. Rather than hug, she put her hands together and bowed to each of them. Parvati was last and offered her hand for each person to shake. When Luna took the offered hand, she kissed it.
"Well, now that we're all here," said Rose, "Let's go outside and play!"
When they all stepped outside, Hermione turned back to Harry and asked:
"What happened to the castle?"
"What castle?" asked Rose?
"Gryffindor Castle," replied Harry. "I asked my dad about that the first week I was here. He didn't want us to be stuck up rich kids like some purebloods are, so he put the Fidelius Charm on it when I was born and raised us in this house with a middle class lifestyle."
"Are you saying that our dad is Lord Gryffindor and I didn't even know it?" asked Rose.
"So want kind of games do you want to play?" asked Parvati.
"How about snatch the snitch?" suggested Ginny as she pulled a silver snitch from her pocket.
"It's a little hot for that," said Tonks.
"We could play it in the stream!" suggested Rose.
"Uh, I didn't bring my bathing suit," said Hermione.
"Why would you want to wear a suit to take a bath?" asked Rose.
"No, I mean my swim suit!" replied Hermione.
"If you wore a suit while swimming, wouldn't the weight drag you down and drown you?" asked Parvati.
By now, all of the girls were giggling. Finally, Tonks took pity on her.
"Hermione, in this world, pureblood witches don't wear anything to swim," giggled Tonks.
"You mean they swim naked?" gasped Hermione.
By now, they had gotten to the stream and Luna had already stripped off her clothes.
"Afraid so, kiddo," replied Tonks.
"I am not a kid!" screeched Hermione. "I may look like one but I have the mind of a 26 year old."
"Hermione, in the other world, my grandchildren were older than your parents," replied Tonks as she began removing her own clothing.
As they undressed, it became obvious that Tonks had taken not only Hermione, but the Patils as well, on shopping trips to buy sexy knickers.
(What is she trying to do, turn me into a pedophile,) thought Harry.
(Hey, you don't have to look, you know) thought Rose.
Soon they were splashing around in the stream chasing the silver snitch. The water was knee deep on Tonks and came up to about mid thigh on the others. Running in the water created huge splashes. After a few minutes, Harry noticed some new arrivals. Standing on the bank were: 9 year old David Potter, 8 year old May Potter, 7 year old Jane Potter, the younger siblings of Harry and Rose. Also with them were the children of Sirius and Mariko Black. Yukio Black was the oldest at 10 years. Roma and Jamie were 8 and 6. Yukio had long had a crush on Harry and their parents had always assumed to they would be married someday.
"Hi Harry," said Yukio. "Can we play too?"
"Sure, come on in," said Rose.
Once the new arrivals were in the water, the game started up again. As they played, they accidentally would bump into each other. But Yukio seemed to be bumping into Harry more often than could be attributed to accidents. One time, when Yukio was about to do it again, Ginny grabbed her by the hair and pulled so hard that the girl fell backwards into the water.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" yelled Harry. "Ginny, Yukio is the oldest friend I've got in this life! She will continue to be my friend whether you like it or not! And Yukio! You need to give up your crush on me! We are never going to be married and we are never going to be anything more than friends!
Yukio burst into tears and ran out of the water. Rose ran after her to comfort her.
Suddenly, there was a popping sound and Harry's mother appeared before them holding a stack of towels.
"Kids, it's lunch time!" said Lily Potter.
Scene Break
After they had dried off and gotten dressed, they walked back to the house. Waiting for them were Harry's parents, His godparents, Sirius and Mariko Black, and Uncle Peter and his wife, Aunt Petunia. This was the moment Harry had been dreading. In the other life, Peter Pettigrew had betrayed his family and caused the death of his parents.
(Harry, stay calm) thought Rose. (Remember, in this world he never betrayed our parents, He didn't even betray the boy-who-lived. It was Sirius's brother who did that.)
(I'll try,) thought Harry as he ran up and gave Sirius a hug. He did the same with Mariko, even though he only half knew her. (The half that was native to this world) But When Uncle Peter held out his hands for a hug, he was rebuffed. Aunt Petunia was treated no better.
Rose, however, hugged her Aunt and Uncle warmly, as she did her godparents.
After a light lunch and cake, it was time for presents. There was a brief struggle between their parents before their dad gave them each a card.
"No, James! You're not giving it to them!"
The cards were labeled: "From Uncle Peter, Remus, Sirius and Dad." When they opened them, they found a pair of rather ordinary looking pieces of parchment.
Harry pulled out his wand and touched the parchment while reciting: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"
Some print appeared on the parchment that said:
Wormtail, Mooney, Padfoot and Prongs
The Marauder's Map
13th edition.
Rose tried and found that she had an identical copy of the Marauder's Map.
"Wow!" said Harry.
"The prototype got confiscated when we were in school," said Peter. "But we've made a lot of improvements since then. I hope you like it."
"Thanks Wormtail," said Harry.
"What does it do?" asked Rose.
Peter went over to her and showed her how to use it. This version was not just a map of Hogwarts, it worked anywhere in the world. It showed everything within a certain distance of the maps current location. And the range could be anything from a map of the universe all the way down to small enough to read print on a page. It had all kinds of other features too. Clearly, this was a vast improvement over the original.
From their Mothers, they each got a full set of N.E.W.T. level potion ingredients.
Their Godmother, Mariko Black gave them each a fancy Japanese writing quill.
Aunt Petunia gave them each a bag of new socks.
Tonks gave Harry a muggle book of 3-d illusions, the kind that you have to stare at in order to see and Rose, a fancy new dress robe.
The Patils gave them each a different book on Yoga techniques from their family library.
Hermione got Rose a book, Latin for Dummies and Harry, a Latin dictionary.
Ginny got Rose a pendant and Harry, a book of coupons that could be redeemed for various acts of affection, like kisses.
The younger children had all pitched in a bought a book bag each (with parental financial help) that was larger on the inside than it appeared.
They passed around the gifts so that everyone could look at them. Hermione was staring at the 3-d illusions when she suddenly gasped, closed the book and giggled.
"Tonks! How could you?" asked Hermione.
"I thought he might like it," said Tonks, blushing.
As the day wore on it was finally time for bed. Rose's room had to be enlarged considerably in order to hold that many beds. Harry found it difficult to concentrate on preparing for sleep with the girls changing, so he rushed through it so that he could lie on his bed and watch the girls through Rose's eyes.
It quickly became apparent that Tonks had bought each of the girls except Luna, some extremely revealing sexy nightgowns. Luna, as was her custom, wore nothing to bed. Harry found watching these little girls, with the exception of Tonks, more than a little disturbing.
(Merlin! Tonks is trying to warp me!) Thought Harry.
(Serves you right for peeking,) thought Rose.
Suddenly all the girls turned to Rose at once and said: "Hi Harry!"
(Now if you don't give us some privacy, I'm going to go stand in front of a mirror,) thought Rose. (Believe me, you don't want to catch a glimpse of your sister wearing this.)
(Okay! Okay! I'll go!) Thought Harry.
He picked up his book of 3-d illusions and stared at the cover. But instead of seeing an illusion come to life, he saw the words:
Didn't know if you are old enough to start masturbating yet.
But in case you are,
I thought you might like this.
Inside, were pages that looked like they were supposed to be 3-d illusions, but when he stared at them, some moving wizard photographs of Tonks were revealed. All of them were erotic. In some of them, she was nude. In others, she was wearing sexy lingerie or fetish gear. As he stared at them, she changed from one sexy pose to another. Not only did she change poses, she also changed her hair and eye color. So Harry could see her take on a variety of appearances.
Scene Break
"Mmm, what's that tingling?" said Rose.
"Sounds like Harry has discovered my real gift," said Tonks.
"So tell me about this lack of a nudity taboo the purebloods have?" asked Hermione.
"Well, it varies from family to family," said Luna. "In my family, people sleep in the nude. I thought it was normal until I discovered that others didn't have the same custom."
"In most families," said Tonks, "social nudity is only normal when swimming. You don't even notice the nudity of others except for a few of your teen years, when you're obsessed with what's under other people's robes. But you soon get used to it."
"You'll never know peace until you tell him, you know," said Luna as she gazed at Ginny.
Scene Break
The next morning, Harry discovered that Tonks had changed her appearance. Her eyes now matched the green of Harry, Rose and Lily Potter. Her hair had changed from blonde to black that matched Harry. She now looked more like Harry than Rose did.
After breakfast, Harry asked: "What's on the agenda for today?"
"Each of us will spend an hour sitting under a tree with you or Rose," said Tonks.
"Okay, who's first?" asked Harry.
"Me and you," said Tonks, "and Rose and Ginny."
Holding hands, Harry and Tonks walked off to a shady tree that was out of sight of the house. Tonks sat with her back against the tree and Harry sat between her legs with his head resting on her breasts. Tonks was hugging Harry as they talked.
"So what's going on with all these sexy knickers you've been buying the girls?" asked Harry. "First you reject me, then you go out and buy knickers and nightgowns for the others, then you give me a book full of racy pictures of you. What are you trying to do to me?"
"I just said you couldn't touch, I never said you couldn't look," replied Tonks. "I thought you would like the book. By the time you're old enough to do things with me, I won't be this young anymore. I like the thought that you're thinking of me when you whack off. It helps build anticipation for the day when you can do more than dream about me."
"And when will that be?" asked Harry.
"When you and the others are old enough," replied Tonks. "When your other wives have all decided that they are old enough to become sexually active, you'll be old enough for me. Basically, I will be the last wife you consummate with."
Rose and Ginny had found a similar tree that they both leaned back against as they talked to each other.
"Have you seen your brother in the Prophet?" asked Rose.
"Yeah. All the headlines say Boy-who-lived did this or Boy-who-lived did that. Lockhart's not getting mentioned at all," said Ginny,
"It's too bad that you couldn't bring Neville with you," said Rose. .
"Oh, do you fancy him?" asked Ginny.
"NO! I just thought he was nice," said Rose.
Harry leaned back against the tree and put his arms around Hermione when it was her turn.
"I've been doing some research on soul bonds," said Hermione. "Apparently, the last time it happened before you, was in the 16th century."
Seeing how bubbling with excitement she was, Harry just let her talk.
Padma sat facing Rose to talk to her.
"Although Harry wants to give the illusion of being a normal boy, I have doubts that you and Parvati have the maturity to keep the secret," said Padma. "Are you going to me able to maintain the charade that Harry and his wife are just ordinary adolescents?"
"I think so," said Rose. "I'll consider it a challenge. Are you going to be able to accept me as your wife?"
"I shall endeavor to treat you as you treat my sister and I," replied Padma.
Luna straddled Harry's lap, facing him with her arms around his neck.
"I can't get over how much you've changed over the past week," said Harry. "You were so cold at first and now you've really warmed up!"
"Having two personalities of such widely different ages was disorienting enough," said Luna. "But when Tonks rejected you, I felt her revulsion and your rejection. I became so afraid that you or she would reject me that my mental gears froze up. It took you reminding me of our children to bring me out of it. But I still fear being rejected by you!"
"Well after seeing all these ten and eleven year old girls in lacy knickers, I can understand Tonks' point of view," said Harry. "But I also know how badly it hurt when Tonks set limitations on me. So how about we let you decide how far our physical relationship goes?"
Luna's response was to pull him into a passionate kiss. They spent most of their hour kissing, hugging and fondling each other. When they finally stopped for a rest, Luna said: "I like the closeness of hugging and snogging, but don't appear to have the proper hormones for anything else yet. Rubbing my front doesn't feel much better than rubbing my back."
"Me too," said Harry. "I'm glad we could reach this understanding without either of us getting hurt."
"This doesn't let you off the hook for when I've matured a little," said Luna.
"You either," replied Harry. "Listen, there's something that's worrying me. Unlike the rest of us, Rose and Parvati are not adults in children's bodies. I hope you won't do anything that might deprive them of their innocence?"
"And I hope you don't mind if I do things that are age appropriate for them?" said Luna.
Hermione leaned against the tree cuddling Rose. Hermione was reminiscing about her first year at Hogwarts when Rose interrupted.
"Mmm, Harry and Luna are kissing!" said Rose.
"Mmm, I feel it too," purred Hermione. "I'm a little disturbed by this whole idea that we are married. I don't think I ever had a single Lesbian impulse in the whole of my previous life."
"Me either until recently," said Rose as she turned and looked at Hermione. "But I've found that kissing is lots of fun! Would you like to try kissing me?"
"I guess one kiss wouldn't hurt anything," said Hermione, "especially since we're married and all."
Hermione placed her hand on the side of Rose's face and turned it towards her. Then she closed her eyes and planted her lips on Rose's. Hermione held the kiss for longer than she intended. Between the sensations she was feeling and the emotions she was receiving from Harry, neither of them wanted to break off the kiss. So they held it until they felt Harry and Luna stop.
Padma brought a picnic lunch to share with Harry as she sat across from him. Their interaction was completely platonic.
"Although I am happy to see our sisters become such close friends, it is my hope that neither causes the other emotional injury," said Padma.
"I agree," said Harry. "Why don't you come a little closer?"
"I am perfectly happy over here," said Padma.
"Are you mad at me or something?" asked Harry.
"Not in the least," said Padma. "I simply wish to develop the intellectual side of our relationship while we are still too young to fully appreciate the physical. Over the next few years, I will be putting a lot of study into the magic of sex. It is my intention that when we finally do consummate, it will be worth the wait."
"I'll look forward to it," said Harry.
Parvati leaned against a tree next to Rose to share a picnic lunch. They were fast becoming the best of friends.
"So, you and Hermione?" asked Parvati.
"I figured it was worth a shot," said Rose. "We are, after all, married."
"Are you going to be lezzie with all your wives?" asked Parvati.
I don't know," replied Rose. "I never even considered the idea until I found out we're married. I wish I knew what it was like to kiss a boy so I would have something to compare it to."
"Me too," said Parvati. "Say, maybe you could get together with Ginny's brother?"
"I don't think so," said Rose. "He's a real creep! Besides, wouldn't that be cheating on my wives? Still- his stepbrother, Neville is kind of cute."
Parvati leaned against the tree next to Harry as they talked.
"A few months ago, our Mother gave us the talk," said Parvati. "In particular, she told us about all of the things that we should wait to do until we're married. But I'm already married. Does this mean we have to go all the way?"
"No," said Harry. "It means that we will wait until you are old enough and that it will be your decision."
Parvati looked visibly relieved.
"Well, I think I might be old enough to be kissed by a boy," said Parvati, "and since my parents aren't here to prevent it -"
Harry leaned toward her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
Luna laid her head in Rose's lap to talk to her.
"Don't be in such a rush to figure it out," said Luna. "I was too hasty and decided that because I was in love with Tonks, I must be gay. I didn't realize that I was bi until I started trying to make a baby with Harry. Just enjoy your self in the now."
Luna sat up and gave Rose a kiss. Using her powers as a seer, she timed it so that it occurred simultaneously with the kiss that Harry was giving Parvati. But Luna held her kiss a second longer than Harry did.
Ginny leaned back against Harry as he cuddled her.
"I felt you snogging Luna for an hour," said Ginny. "Are you going to do the same with me?"
"If you're willing," said Harry as he learned forward to kiss her.
Tonks held Rose curled up in her lap and rocked her as they talked.
"Thanks for holding me," said Rose. "Harry and Ginny are snogging and it's very frustrating not to have someone to kiss at the same time."
"I already told you no," said Tonks as she kissed Rose on the forehead. "You're just too young for me."
Scene Break
As the week progressed, they all pitched in and helped Luna and Ginny make their own wands. (They would not be able to buy their own for another year)
Scene Break
"Ginny, you've been acting strange all week," said Harry. "What's wrong?"
"We're a lie," said Ginny.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"Us!" said Ginny gesturing to their two hearts. "Our love, our soul bond is a lie!"
"That's not possible," said Harry. "I can feel your love through my soul bond, just as I'm sure that you can feel mine."
"That's just the point!" wailed Ginny. "You don't really love me! I made you. I gave you love potion and made you think you loved me!"
"I know," said Harry sadly.
"You knew?" gasped Ginny. "How did you find out?"
"After my 6th year, when I was staying with my relatives, Ron was supposed to keep me under the influence. He missed a dose."
"Didn't that make you hate me?" asked Ginny.
"I'll admit I was very angry when I confronted Ron," said Harry. "But after Romilda had already tried the same thing, I realized that sooner or later one of my obsessed fan-girls would succeed. You were my friend. And I wanted to be a part of your family. I got Ron to agree to sabotage your potions in exchange for my marrying you. By the time we got soul bonded, I really had fallen in love with you."
"Oh Harry!" cried Ginny as she pulled him into a kiss.
Chapter 8: All Together Now!
With a whoosh, first Harry, then Rose and finally Luna arrived at Godric's Hollow. After spending a week with Luna and her father, the Potter twins had brought her back to spend a week with them, in time for their birthday celebration. They waited in the living room for all of the others to arrive. Ginny had been spending the week with Hermione and they were the next to arrive. As soon as she arrived, Ginny gave both of the Potters a hug and Harry a kiss. Then she turned to Luna and curtly said:
"It is good to see you again," replied Luna. "Harry always spoke fondly of your brief time together. I hope that we will be closer friends than last time."
Then, Hermione arrived with bone crushing hugs for Harry, Rose and Luna.
They sat in the living room talking until Tonks and the Patils arrived. Tonks was the first to floo in and she had a hug for each of them and a kiss for Luna and Harry. Padma was next. Rather than hug, she put her hands together and bowed to each of them. Parvati was last and offered her hand for each person to shake. When Luna took the offered hand, she kissed it.
"Well, now that we're all here," said Rose, "Let's go outside and play!"
When they all stepped outside, Hermione turned back to Harry and asked:
"What happened to the castle?"
"What castle?" asked Rose?
"Gryffindor Castle," replied Harry. "I asked my dad about that the first week I was here. He didn't want us to be stuck up rich kids like some purebloods are, so he put the Fidelius Charm on it when I was born and raised us in this house with a middle class lifestyle."
"Are you saying that our dad is Lord Gryffindor and I didn't even know it?" asked Rose.
"So want kind of games do you want to play?" asked Parvati.
"How about snatch the snitch?" suggested Ginny as she pulled a silver snitch from her pocket.
"It's a little hot for that," said Tonks.
"We could play it in the stream!" suggested Rose.
"Uh, I didn't bring my bathing suit," said Hermione.
"Why would you want to wear a suit to take a bath?" asked Rose.
"No, I mean my swim suit!" replied Hermione.
"If you wore a suit while swimming, wouldn't the weight drag you down and drown you?" asked Parvati.
By now, all of the girls were giggling. Finally, Tonks took pity on her.
"Hermione, in this world, pureblood witches don't wear anything to swim," giggled Tonks.
"You mean they swim naked?" gasped Hermione.
By now, they had gotten to the stream and Luna had already stripped off her clothes.
"Afraid so, kiddo," replied Tonks.
"I am not a kid!" screeched Hermione. "I may look like one but I have the mind of a 26 year old."
"Hermione, in the other world, my grandchildren were older than your parents," replied Tonks as she began removing her own clothing.
As they undressed, it became obvious that Tonks had taken not only Hermione, but the Patils as well, on shopping trips to buy sexy knickers.
(What is she trying to do, turn me into a pedophile,) thought Harry.
(Hey, you don't have to look, you know) thought Rose.
Soon they were splashing around in the stream chasing the silver snitch. The water was knee deep on Tonks and came up to about mid thigh on the others. Running in the water created huge splashes. After a few minutes, Harry noticed some new arrivals. Standing on the bank were: 9 year old David Potter, 8 year old May Potter, 7 year old Jane Potter, the younger siblings of Harry and Rose. Also with them were the children of Sirius and Mariko Black. Yukio Black was the oldest at 10 years. Roma and Jamie were 8 and 6. Yukio had long had a crush on Harry and their parents had always assumed to they would be married someday.
"Hi Harry," said Yukio. "Can we play too?"
"Sure, come on in," said Rose.
Once the new arrivals were in the water, the game started up again. As they played, they accidentally would bump into each other. But Yukio seemed to be bumping into Harry more often than could be attributed to accidents. One time, when Yukio was about to do it again, Ginny grabbed her by the hair and pulled so hard that the girl fell backwards into the water.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" yelled Harry. "Ginny, Yukio is the oldest friend I've got in this life! She will continue to be my friend whether you like it or not! And Yukio! You need to give up your crush on me! We are never going to be married and we are never going to be anything more than friends!
Yukio burst into tears and ran out of the water. Rose ran after her to comfort her.
Suddenly, there was a popping sound and Harry's mother appeared before them holding a stack of towels.
"Kids, it's lunch time!" said Lily Potter.
Scene Break
After they had dried off and gotten dressed, they walked back to the house. Waiting for them were Harry's parents, His godparents, Sirius and Mariko Black, and Uncle Peter and his wife, Aunt Petunia. This was the moment Harry had been dreading. In the other life, Peter Pettigrew had betrayed his family and caused the death of his parents.
(Harry, stay calm) thought Rose. (Remember, in this world he never betrayed our parents, He didn't even betray the boy-who-lived. It was Sirius's brother who did that.)
(I'll try,) thought Harry as he ran up and gave Sirius a hug. He did the same with Mariko, even though he only half knew her. (The half that was native to this world) But When Uncle Peter held out his hands for a hug, he was rebuffed. Aunt Petunia was treated no better.
Rose, however, hugged her Aunt and Uncle warmly, as she did her godparents.
After a light lunch and cake, it was time for presents. There was a brief struggle between their parents before their dad gave them each a card.
"No, James! You're not giving it to them!"
The cards were labeled: "From Uncle Peter, Remus, Sirius and Dad." When they opened them, they found a pair of rather ordinary looking pieces of parchment.
Harry pulled out his wand and touched the parchment while reciting: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"
Some print appeared on the parchment that said:
Wormtail, Mooney, Padfoot and Prongs
The Marauder's Map
13th edition.
Rose tried and found that she had an identical copy of the Marauder's Map.
"Wow!" said Harry.
"The prototype got confiscated when we were in school," said Peter. "But we've made a lot of improvements since then. I hope you like it."
"Thanks Wormtail," said Harry.
"What does it do?" asked Rose.
Peter went over to her and showed her how to use it. This version was not just a map of Hogwarts, it worked anywhere in the world. It showed everything within a certain distance of the maps current location. And the range could be anything from a map of the universe all the way down to small enough to read print on a page. It had all kinds of other features too. Clearly, this was a vast improvement over the original.
From their Mothers, they each got a full set of N.E.W.T. level potion ingredients.
Their Godmother, Mariko Black gave them each a fancy Japanese writing quill.
Aunt Petunia gave them each a bag of new socks.
Tonks gave Harry a muggle book of 3-d illusions, the kind that you have to stare at in order to see and Rose, a fancy new dress robe.
The Patils gave them each a different book on Yoga techniques from their family library.
Hermione got Rose a book, Latin for Dummies and Harry, a Latin dictionary.
Ginny got Rose a pendant and Harry, a book of coupons that could be redeemed for various acts of affection, like kisses.
The younger children had all pitched in a bought a book bag each (with parental financial help) that was larger on the inside than it appeared.
They passed around the gifts so that everyone could look at them. Hermione was staring at the 3-d illusions when she suddenly gasped, closed the book and giggled.
"Tonks! How could you?" asked Hermione.
"I thought he might like it," said Tonks, blushing.
As the day wore on it was finally time for bed. Rose's room had to be enlarged considerably in order to hold that many beds. Harry found it difficult to concentrate on preparing for sleep with the girls changing, so he rushed through it so that he could lie on his bed and watch the girls through Rose's eyes.
It quickly became apparent that Tonks had bought each of the girls except Luna, some extremely revealing sexy nightgowns. Luna, as was her custom, wore nothing to bed. Harry found watching these little girls, with the exception of Tonks, more than a little disturbing.
(Merlin! Tonks is trying to warp me!) Thought Harry.
(Serves you right for peeking,) thought Rose.
Suddenly all the girls turned to Rose at once and said: "Hi Harry!"
(Now if you don't give us some privacy, I'm going to go stand in front of a mirror,) thought Rose. (Believe me, you don't want to catch a glimpse of your sister wearing this.)
(Okay! Okay! I'll go!) Thought Harry.
He picked up his book of 3-d illusions and stared at the cover. But instead of seeing an illusion come to life, he saw the words:
Didn't know if you are old enough to start masturbating yet.
But in case you are,
I thought you might like this.
Inside, were pages that looked like they were supposed to be 3-d illusions, but when he stared at them, some moving wizard photographs of Tonks were revealed. All of them were erotic. In some of them, she was nude. In others, she was wearing sexy lingerie or fetish gear. As he stared at them, she changed from one sexy pose to another. Not only did she change poses, she also changed her hair and eye color. So Harry could see her take on a variety of appearances.
Scene Break
"Mmm, what's that tingling?" said Rose.
"Sounds like Harry has discovered my real gift," said Tonks.
"So tell me about this lack of a nudity taboo the purebloods have?" asked Hermione.
"Well, it varies from family to family," said Luna. "In my family, people sleep in the nude. I thought it was normal until I discovered that others didn't have the same custom."
"In most families," said Tonks, "social nudity is only normal when swimming. You don't even notice the nudity of others except for a few of your teen years, when you're obsessed with what's under other people's robes. But you soon get used to it."
"You'll never know peace until you tell him, you know," said Luna as she gazed at Ginny.
Scene Break
The next morning, Harry discovered that Tonks had changed her appearance. Her eyes now matched the green of Harry, Rose and Lily Potter. Her hair had changed from blonde to black that matched Harry. She now looked more like Harry than Rose did.
After breakfast, Harry asked: "What's on the agenda for today?"
"Each of us will spend an hour sitting under a tree with you or Rose," said Tonks.
"Okay, who's first?" asked Harry.
"Me and you," said Tonks, "and Rose and Ginny."
Holding hands, Harry and Tonks walked off to a shady tree that was out of sight of the house. Tonks sat with her back against the tree and Harry sat between her legs with his head resting on her breasts. Tonks was hugging Harry as they talked.
"So what's going on with all these sexy knickers you've been buying the girls?" asked Harry. "First you reject me, then you go out and buy knickers and nightgowns for the others, then you give me a book full of racy pictures of you. What are you trying to do to me?"
"I just said you couldn't touch, I never said you couldn't look," replied Tonks. "I thought you would like the book. By the time you're old enough to do things with me, I won't be this young anymore. I like the thought that you're thinking of me when you whack off. It helps build anticipation for the day when you can do more than dream about me."
"And when will that be?" asked Harry.
"When you and the others are old enough," replied Tonks. "When your other wives have all decided that they are old enough to become sexually active, you'll be old enough for me. Basically, I will be the last wife you consummate with."
Rose and Ginny had found a similar tree that they both leaned back against as they talked to each other.
"Have you seen your brother in the Prophet?" asked Rose.
"Yeah. All the headlines say Boy-who-lived did this or Boy-who-lived did that. Lockhart's not getting mentioned at all," said Ginny,
"It's too bad that you couldn't bring Neville with you," said Rose. .
"Oh, do you fancy him?" asked Ginny.
"NO! I just thought he was nice," said Rose.
Harry leaned back against the tree and put his arms around Hermione when it was her turn.
"I've been doing some research on soul bonds," said Hermione. "Apparently, the last time it happened before you, was in the 16th century."
Seeing how bubbling with excitement she was, Harry just let her talk.
Padma sat facing Rose to talk to her.
"Although Harry wants to give the illusion of being a normal boy, I have doubts that you and Parvati have the maturity to keep the secret," said Padma. "Are you going to me able to maintain the charade that Harry and his wife are just ordinary adolescents?"
"I think so," said Rose. "I'll consider it a challenge. Are you going to be able to accept me as your wife?"
"I shall endeavor to treat you as you treat my sister and I," replied Padma.
Luna straddled Harry's lap, facing him with her arms around his neck.
"I can't get over how much you've changed over the past week," said Harry. "You were so cold at first and now you've really warmed up!"
"Having two personalities of such widely different ages was disorienting enough," said Luna. "But when Tonks rejected you, I felt her revulsion and your rejection. I became so afraid that you or she would reject me that my mental gears froze up. It took you reminding me of our children to bring me out of it. But I still fear being rejected by you!"
"Well after seeing all these ten and eleven year old girls in lacy knickers, I can understand Tonks' point of view," said Harry. "But I also know how badly it hurt when Tonks set limitations on me. So how about we let you decide how far our physical relationship goes?"
Luna's response was to pull him into a passionate kiss. They spent most of their hour kissing, hugging and fondling each other. When they finally stopped for a rest, Luna said: "I like the closeness of hugging and snogging, but don't appear to have the proper hormones for anything else yet. Rubbing my front doesn't feel much better than rubbing my back."
"Me too," said Harry. "I'm glad we could reach this understanding without either of us getting hurt."
"This doesn't let you off the hook for when I've matured a little," said Luna.
"You either," replied Harry. "Listen, there's something that's worrying me. Unlike the rest of us, Rose and Parvati are not adults in children's bodies. I hope you won't do anything that might deprive them of their innocence?"
"And I hope you don't mind if I do things that are age appropriate for them?" said Luna.
Hermione leaned against the tree cuddling Rose. Hermione was reminiscing about her first year at Hogwarts when Rose interrupted.
"Mmm, Harry and Luna are kissing!" said Rose.
"Mmm, I feel it too," purred Hermione. "I'm a little disturbed by this whole idea that we are married. I don't think I ever had a single Lesbian impulse in the whole of my previous life."
"Me either until recently," said Rose as she turned and looked at Hermione. "But I've found that kissing is lots of fun! Would you like to try kissing me?"
"I guess one kiss wouldn't hurt anything," said Hermione, "especially since we're married and all."
Hermione placed her hand on the side of Rose's face and turned it towards her. Then she closed her eyes and planted her lips on Rose's. Hermione held the kiss for longer than she intended. Between the sensations she was feeling and the emotions she was receiving from Harry, neither of them wanted to break off the kiss. So they held it until they felt Harry and Luna stop.
Padma brought a picnic lunch to share with Harry as she sat across from him. Their interaction was completely platonic.
"Although I am happy to see our sisters become such close friends, it is my hope that neither causes the other emotional injury," said Padma.
"I agree," said Harry. "Why don't you come a little closer?"
"I am perfectly happy over here," said Padma.
"Are you mad at me or something?" asked Harry.
"Not in the least," said Padma. "I simply wish to develop the intellectual side of our relationship while we are still too young to fully appreciate the physical. Over the next few years, I will be putting a lot of study into the magic of sex. It is my intention that when we finally do consummate, it will be worth the wait."
"I'll look forward to it," said Harry.
Parvati leaned against a tree next to Rose to share a picnic lunch. They were fast becoming the best of friends.
"So, you and Hermione?" asked Parvati.
"I figured it was worth a shot," said Rose. "We are, after all, married."
"Are you going to be lezzie with all your wives?" asked Parvati.
I don't know," replied Rose. "I never even considered the idea until I found out we're married. I wish I knew what it was like to kiss a boy so I would have something to compare it to."
"Me too," said Parvati. "Say, maybe you could get together with Ginny's brother?"
"I don't think so," said Rose. "He's a real creep! Besides, wouldn't that be cheating on my wives? Still- his stepbrother, Neville is kind of cute."
Parvati leaned against the tree next to Harry as they talked.
"A few months ago, our Mother gave us the talk," said Parvati. "In particular, she told us about all of the things that we should wait to do until we're married. But I'm already married. Does this mean we have to go all the way?"
"No," said Harry. "It means that we will wait until you are old enough and that it will be your decision."
Parvati looked visibly relieved.
"Well, I think I might be old enough to be kissed by a boy," said Parvati, "and since my parents aren't here to prevent it -"
Harry leaned toward her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
Luna laid her head in Rose's lap to talk to her.
"Don't be in such a rush to figure it out," said Luna. "I was too hasty and decided that because I was in love with Tonks, I must be gay. I didn't realize that I was bi until I started trying to make a baby with Harry. Just enjoy your self in the now."
Luna sat up and gave Rose a kiss. Using her powers as a seer, she timed it so that it occurred simultaneously with the kiss that Harry was giving Parvati. But Luna held her kiss a second longer than Harry did.
Ginny leaned back against Harry as he cuddled her.
"I felt you snogging Luna for an hour," said Ginny. "Are you going to do the same with me?"
"If you're willing," said Harry as he learned forward to kiss her.
Tonks held Rose curled up in her lap and rocked her as they talked.
"Thanks for holding me," said Rose. "Harry and Ginny are snogging and it's very frustrating not to have someone to kiss at the same time."
"I already told you no," said Tonks as she kissed Rose on the forehead. "You're just too young for me."
Scene Break
As the week progressed, they all pitched in and helped Luna and Ginny make their own wands. (They would not be able to buy their own for another year)
Scene Break
"Ginny, you've been acting strange all week," said Harry. "What's wrong?"
"We're a lie," said Ginny.
"What do you mean?" asked Harry.
"Us!" said Ginny gesturing to their two hearts. "Our love, our soul bond is a lie!"
"That's not possible," said Harry. "I can feel your love through my soul bond, just as I'm sure that you can feel mine."
"That's just the point!" wailed Ginny. "You don't really love me! I made you. I gave you love potion and made you think you loved me!"
"I know," said Harry sadly.
"You knew?" gasped Ginny. "How did you find out?"
"After my 6th year, when I was staying with my relatives, Ron was supposed to keep me under the influence. He missed a dose."
"Didn't that make you hate me?" asked Ginny.
"I'll admit I was very angry when I confronted Ron," said Harry. "But after Romilda had already tried the same thing, I realized that sooner or later one of my obsessed fan-girls would succeed. You were my friend. And I wanted to be a part of your family. I got Ron to agree to sabotage your potions in exchange for my marrying you. By the time we got soul bonded, I really had fallen in love with you."
"Oh Harry!" cried Ginny as she pulled him into a kiss.
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