Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 9: Sorted!
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 9: Sorted!
For the rest of the summer Harry's Harem visited each other in various combinations and adjusted to their new situation. It was quite a surprise to Ginny to find her self developing a friendship with Luna. Parvati and Rose had developed the closest friendship. Hermione found Padma to be the best person to speculate about the implications of their situation with.
Finally, the day came for school to start. As they boarded the train, Rose and the Patil twins picked out a compartment. Harry spotted Ron and Neville in a compartment.
"Do you mind if I share this compartment with you?" asked Harry.
Ron snorted derisively but Neville smiled and said:
"Sure Harry, come on in."
After chatting awhile, Harry spotted Hermione strolling by.
"Hermione, join us," said Harry.
"So Ron, what happened to you apprenticeship with Lockhart?" asked Hermione, once she had settled in.
"The smarmy git said I was hogging his spotlight," said Ron. "He just doesn't appreciate my greatness."
They were then interrupted by the door opening again. Before them, stood Draco Malfoy and his two stooges, Crabe and Goyle.
"So it's true? The Boy-who-lived is going to Hogwarts?" said Malfoy offering his hand to Ron. "I think that you'll find that some wizzarding families are better than others. I can help you there."
Ron grasped Malfoy's hand and shook it warmly.
"I'm glad to see that some people have their priorities straight," said Ron.
"I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," said Draco as he put his arm around Ron and led him out of the compartment.
Behind their backs, Neville mimed sticking his finger down his throat as Harry and Hermione watched Ron go away in shock.
Scene Break
Things went pretty much as expected until the sorting began. They had not paid much attention to who had been sorted where the first time, but could not spot any differences until McGonnogal called out:
"Granger, Hermione"
There was quite a bit of discussion between Hermione and the hat before it called out: "RAVENCLAW!"
As expected, Neville and Parvati were sorted into Gryfindor and Padma into Ravenclaw. When it was Rose's turn, the hat said to her:
"Let's see, another member of the Harem eh? No the holder of the Harem. Well, you've shown a lot of courage in facing this situation. I therefore have no choice but to put you in: GRYFINDOR!"
Finally, it was Harry's turn.
"Oh, another repeater eh? And another holder of the Harem. Soul Bonded? Loyalty such as that belongs in: HUFFLEPUFF!"
Harry was floored! He had feared that the hat might try again to put him in Slytherin. This possibility hadn't even occurred to him!
He walked over to the Hufflepuff table, his head hanging and sat down next to a blond haired girl.
"Hi! I'm Susan Bones and this is Ernie McMillian and Hannah Abbot. Welcome to Hufflepuff!"
Harry grunted. He stewed on his predicerment until he was awakened from his brooding by the name:
"Weasley, Ronald"
The room was silent as everyone tried in vain to hear what Ron and the Hat were saying. Suddenly, the hat called out: "SLYTHERIN!"
When the cheers from the Slytherin table died down, a murmering filled the hall as the rest of the school expressed their shock that the Boy-who-lived had been placed in Slytherin!
Scene Break
Harry couldn't believe he had been sorted into Hufflepuff. He was running on autopilot as he, along with the other 1st years followed their 5th year prefects to the Hufflepuff wing of the castle. One of the Prefects said the password, "Fidelity" and they were led into the Hufflepuff Common Room. The room was decorated in black and gold, with representations of badgers throughout the room. The couches were covered in black velour and the ebony end tables were tall enough that they could be used as desks. Once all of the 1st years were in the room, the prefects began their speech.
"Welcome to Hufflepuff!" said John Dee. "I am John Dee and this is Leah Hirsig and we are your 5th year Prefects. Some of you may be dismayed at being sorted here because you come from non-Hufflepuff Wizarding families. While it is true that we aren't the smartest or bravest of most ambisious House, we are the most loyal. Look around you. The people in this room will be your friends for life! You will never have to worry about whether or not you can trust a fellow Hufflepuff. We never betray each other. We're Hufflepuffs! Loyalty is what we do!"
"Now then, are any of you betrothed yet?" asked Leah Hirsig.
Hannah Abbot and Zacharias Smith raised their hands.
"Are you betrothed to each other?" asked Leah. "Good. For those of you who don't come from Hufflepuff families, we have a tradition, in Hufflepuff, known as Bundling. When two members of Hufflepuff are betrothed, they get to share a bed together. This helps the couple get to know one another better. Because we're Hufflepuffs, these courtships almost always lead to marriage. Probably by this time next year, most of you will be betrothed. So, Hannah and Zacharias will share a bed in the boys room. Hannah and the boys, go with John. The rest of you girls, come with me and I will show you to the 1st year girls room."
The Prefect led Hannah and the boys through a door on the right side of the room. Inside was a room that looked very much like the room Harry had shared in Gryfindor. The major diference was that the beds had no curtains. This meant that the boys would have no privacy. In one corner was a double bed for Hannah and Zacharias and a screen for Hannah to change clothes behind.
Scene Break
It had been a long day, but finally, Tonks crawled into bed. With all the sleepovers she had over the summer it seemed like forever since she had "scratched her itch." Now, even thought her bed was in a room that had all the other Slytherin bunks in it, at least she wasn't sharing a bed. She pulled up the hem of her nightgown and began touching her self.
Scene Break
Ginny was sleeping over at Luna's. They were staying up late to talk as girls their age often do when they started experiencing the hormone rush of an aroused 17-year-old.
"Mmm! What's that?" asked Ginny.
-I think it's Tonks is masterbating," said Luna dreamily.
"After I died you and she were married, weren't you?" inquired Ginny.
""For about 20 years before we married Harry. Even after, we continued our relationship. Why?" said Luna.
"What's it like to kiss a girl?" asked Ginny.
"Like this," said Luna as she rolled towards Ginny, grabbed her chin and pulled her into a kiss. When Luna licked her lipps, Ginny parted them access allowing Luna's tongue entrance to her mouth. Ginny responded to this tongue brushing against her own with a hum of pleasure as she began exploring Luna's moth with her own tongue. She didn't notice that Luna's hand had wandered until it brushed against her nipple. Ginny jumped with startlement and let out a throaty moan as Luna began kissing her way down her neck. When she felt Luna start to pull up her nightgown, Ginny lifted her hips and slid off her knickers. When Luna started licking her breast, Ginny realized that she was imitating the movements that Tonks' hand were making on her own body. And as Tonks' hand started working their way down, Luna kissed her way down.
Scene Break
Parvati couldn't understand the feelings she was having but she knew they made her want something. She was frightened at first when the curtains of her bed parted. But it was only Rose, crawling into bed with her.
"Hold me!" gasped Rose.
They hugged each other tightly as they felt the sensations wash over them.
Scene Break
Hermione was awakened by the sensations and emotions she was receiving from the others. Since she was now awake, she grabbed a book and headed for the Ravenclaw common room. When she got there, she found that Padma was already present, sitting on a couch reading an ancient looking book. Hermione sat on the opposite couch and began reading her book.
"Couldn't sleep either?" asked Hermione.
"No. What are you reading?" asked Padma.
Hermione held up the cover so that Padma could read the title:
Obstetric & Gynecologic
Diagnosis & Treatment
By Martin L. Pernoll
"And you?" asked Hermione.
"It is my family's Tantra Grimoure," said Padma. "It was started by our first muggle-born ancestor and each generation contributes something to it. I have been thinking that my contribution should be in the area of group sexual practices. But I will have to master the old material before we can begin researching new knowledge."
"How long ago was your first Muggle-born ancestor?" asked Hermione.
"About four thousand years ago," replied Padma.
"That book's not 4,000 years old!" challenged Hermione incredulously.
"No. Every time it gets full, we have to copy it onto a larger medium," said Padma. "The original edition was a stone tablet. The Indian branch of my family still has it. This copy was made about two hundred years ago."
"Do you think I could read it sometime?" asked Hermione, hopefully.
"You could look at the illustrations, but I would have to teach you to read sankrit," said Padma as she patted the couch next to her.
Hermione curled up next to her as Padma began teaching her the Sanskrit alphabet.
Scene Break
Harry slept through all this. But he had dream that were not appropriate to his body's age.
Chapter 9: Sorted!
For the rest of the summer Harry's Harem visited each other in various combinations and adjusted to their new situation. It was quite a surprise to Ginny to find her self developing a friendship with Luna. Parvati and Rose had developed the closest friendship. Hermione found Padma to be the best person to speculate about the implications of their situation with.
Finally, the day came for school to start. As they boarded the train, Rose and the Patil twins picked out a compartment. Harry spotted Ron and Neville in a compartment.
"Do you mind if I share this compartment with you?" asked Harry.
Ron snorted derisively but Neville smiled and said:
"Sure Harry, come on in."
After chatting awhile, Harry spotted Hermione strolling by.
"Hermione, join us," said Harry.
"So Ron, what happened to you apprenticeship with Lockhart?" asked Hermione, once she had settled in.
"The smarmy git said I was hogging his spotlight," said Ron. "He just doesn't appreciate my greatness."
They were then interrupted by the door opening again. Before them, stood Draco Malfoy and his two stooges, Crabe and Goyle.
"So it's true? The Boy-who-lived is going to Hogwarts?" said Malfoy offering his hand to Ron. "I think that you'll find that some wizzarding families are better than others. I can help you there."
Ron grasped Malfoy's hand and shook it warmly.
"I'm glad to see that some people have their priorities straight," said Ron.
"I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," said Draco as he put his arm around Ron and led him out of the compartment.
Behind their backs, Neville mimed sticking his finger down his throat as Harry and Hermione watched Ron go away in shock.
Scene Break
Things went pretty much as expected until the sorting began. They had not paid much attention to who had been sorted where the first time, but could not spot any differences until McGonnogal called out:
"Granger, Hermione"
There was quite a bit of discussion between Hermione and the hat before it called out: "RAVENCLAW!"
As expected, Neville and Parvati were sorted into Gryfindor and Padma into Ravenclaw. When it was Rose's turn, the hat said to her:
"Let's see, another member of the Harem eh? No the holder of the Harem. Well, you've shown a lot of courage in facing this situation. I therefore have no choice but to put you in: GRYFINDOR!"
Finally, it was Harry's turn.
"Oh, another repeater eh? And another holder of the Harem. Soul Bonded? Loyalty such as that belongs in: HUFFLEPUFF!"
Harry was floored! He had feared that the hat might try again to put him in Slytherin. This possibility hadn't even occurred to him!
He walked over to the Hufflepuff table, his head hanging and sat down next to a blond haired girl.
"Hi! I'm Susan Bones and this is Ernie McMillian and Hannah Abbot. Welcome to Hufflepuff!"
Harry grunted. He stewed on his predicerment until he was awakened from his brooding by the name:
"Weasley, Ronald"
The room was silent as everyone tried in vain to hear what Ron and the Hat were saying. Suddenly, the hat called out: "SLYTHERIN!"
When the cheers from the Slytherin table died down, a murmering filled the hall as the rest of the school expressed their shock that the Boy-who-lived had been placed in Slytherin!
Scene Break
Harry couldn't believe he had been sorted into Hufflepuff. He was running on autopilot as he, along with the other 1st years followed their 5th year prefects to the Hufflepuff wing of the castle. One of the Prefects said the password, "Fidelity" and they were led into the Hufflepuff Common Room. The room was decorated in black and gold, with representations of badgers throughout the room. The couches were covered in black velour and the ebony end tables were tall enough that they could be used as desks. Once all of the 1st years were in the room, the prefects began their speech.
"Welcome to Hufflepuff!" said John Dee. "I am John Dee and this is Leah Hirsig and we are your 5th year Prefects. Some of you may be dismayed at being sorted here because you come from non-Hufflepuff Wizarding families. While it is true that we aren't the smartest or bravest of most ambisious House, we are the most loyal. Look around you. The people in this room will be your friends for life! You will never have to worry about whether or not you can trust a fellow Hufflepuff. We never betray each other. We're Hufflepuffs! Loyalty is what we do!"
"Now then, are any of you betrothed yet?" asked Leah Hirsig.
Hannah Abbot and Zacharias Smith raised their hands.
"Are you betrothed to each other?" asked Leah. "Good. For those of you who don't come from Hufflepuff families, we have a tradition, in Hufflepuff, known as Bundling. When two members of Hufflepuff are betrothed, they get to share a bed together. This helps the couple get to know one another better. Because we're Hufflepuffs, these courtships almost always lead to marriage. Probably by this time next year, most of you will be betrothed. So, Hannah and Zacharias will share a bed in the boys room. Hannah and the boys, go with John. The rest of you girls, come with me and I will show you to the 1st year girls room."
The Prefect led Hannah and the boys through a door on the right side of the room. Inside was a room that looked very much like the room Harry had shared in Gryfindor. The major diference was that the beds had no curtains. This meant that the boys would have no privacy. In one corner was a double bed for Hannah and Zacharias and a screen for Hannah to change clothes behind.
Scene Break
It had been a long day, but finally, Tonks crawled into bed. With all the sleepovers she had over the summer it seemed like forever since she had "scratched her itch." Now, even thought her bed was in a room that had all the other Slytherin bunks in it, at least she wasn't sharing a bed. She pulled up the hem of her nightgown and began touching her self.
Scene Break
Ginny was sleeping over at Luna's. They were staying up late to talk as girls their age often do when they started experiencing the hormone rush of an aroused 17-year-old.
"Mmm! What's that?" asked Ginny.
-I think it's Tonks is masterbating," said Luna dreamily.
"After I died you and she were married, weren't you?" inquired Ginny.
""For about 20 years before we married Harry. Even after, we continued our relationship. Why?" said Luna.
"What's it like to kiss a girl?" asked Ginny.
"Like this," said Luna as she rolled towards Ginny, grabbed her chin and pulled her into a kiss. When Luna licked her lipps, Ginny parted them access allowing Luna's tongue entrance to her mouth. Ginny responded to this tongue brushing against her own with a hum of pleasure as she began exploring Luna's moth with her own tongue. She didn't notice that Luna's hand had wandered until it brushed against her nipple. Ginny jumped with startlement and let out a throaty moan as Luna began kissing her way down her neck. When she felt Luna start to pull up her nightgown, Ginny lifted her hips and slid off her knickers. When Luna started licking her breast, Ginny realized that she was imitating the movements that Tonks' hand were making on her own body. And as Tonks' hand started working their way down, Luna kissed her way down.
Scene Break
Parvati couldn't understand the feelings she was having but she knew they made her want something. She was frightened at first when the curtains of her bed parted. But it was only Rose, crawling into bed with her.
"Hold me!" gasped Rose.
They hugged each other tightly as they felt the sensations wash over them.
Scene Break
Hermione was awakened by the sensations and emotions she was receiving from the others. Since she was now awake, she grabbed a book and headed for the Ravenclaw common room. When she got there, she found that Padma was already present, sitting on a couch reading an ancient looking book. Hermione sat on the opposite couch and began reading her book.
"Couldn't sleep either?" asked Hermione.
"No. What are you reading?" asked Padma.
Hermione held up the cover so that Padma could read the title:
Obstetric & Gynecologic
Diagnosis & Treatment
By Martin L. Pernoll
"And you?" asked Hermione.
"It is my family's Tantra Grimoure," said Padma. "It was started by our first muggle-born ancestor and each generation contributes something to it. I have been thinking that my contribution should be in the area of group sexual practices. But I will have to master the old material before we can begin researching new knowledge."
"How long ago was your first Muggle-born ancestor?" asked Hermione.
"About four thousand years ago," replied Padma.
"That book's not 4,000 years old!" challenged Hermione incredulously.
"No. Every time it gets full, we have to copy it onto a larger medium," said Padma. "The original edition was a stone tablet. The Indian branch of my family still has it. This copy was made about two hundred years ago."
"Do you think I could read it sometime?" asked Hermione, hopefully.
"You could look at the illustrations, but I would have to teach you to read sankrit," said Padma as she patted the couch next to her.
Hermione curled up next to her as Padma began teaching her the Sanskrit alphabet.
Scene Break
Harry slept through all this. But he had dream that were not appropriate to his body's age.
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