Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 10: Wrackspurt!
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC What turned Ron into a Dark Lord
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 10:
Harry's first class was Potions with the Ravenclaws. When he walked into the room, Hermione and Padma were already there sitting together. So he sat down alone.
"Hi Harry!" chorused his Ravenclaw wives.
A few minutes later some more of the Hufflepuffs filed in. Susan took the seat next to him. Harry found that Slughorn was a much better teacher than Snape and the fact that Harry, Hermione and Padma had taken this before made it very easy for them. Still, Harry was careful not to finish his potion first. He didn't want to call attention to himself as he had more fame in his previous life than he wanted.
His next class was Transfiguration with the Slytherins. When Ron came into the classroom, it was in the company of Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe. They were chatting animatedly as if they were the best of friends. Harry was careful to be the second one to transfigure his toothpick into a needle, after Susan Bones.
After lunch, they had Herbology with the Gryffindors. When Rose and Parvati walked into the greenhouse Harry thought: (Rose, you'll probably want to be paired up with Neville. He was the best Herbologist in the school.)
(Thanks Harry!) Thought Rose as she walked over and sat next to Neville.
Harry motioned for Parvati to sit next to her. She smiled demurely and complied with his unspoken request. (Is that him? It's not clear what her you meant.)
When Susan arrived, she seemed disappointed that Harry already had a partner. She ended up partnered with Ernie Macmillan.
Like potions, Herbology was easier for Harry the second time around. Harry was careful not to work at a faster pace than Neville. After a few minutes, Parvati was able to relax and enjoy working with Harry.
The next class was the one Harry had been dreading: Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Ravenclaws. The entire class was already seated when Professor Bellatrix Black entered. She had that same billowing robes effect that Snape had in the other world. But it was a lot sexier when she did it as it showed off a bit of leg.
"Good afternoon class," began Black. "I am Professor Black. Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. In this class we will be incorporating techniques from all your other classes, but especially Charms and Care of Magical Creatures. Some of you may be wondering just what the Dark Arts are that we will be defending against. For purposes of this class, a Dark Art is any spell or Creature that can only be used to harm others. While you can certainly harm others with spells that have other uses, some spells only have baneful applications. Over the next few years, in this class, you will be taught how to defend yourselves against such spells or creatures."
And so it went, as much to Harry's surprise, Professor Bellatrix Black gave a very good lesson in defense without even once, touching on something that might give her away as a Dark Witch.
When it was time to do homework, Susan and Ernie asked to study with Harry. He found that he really had a liking for teaching. He pointed out the right book for them to look things up in and asked them leading questions that would cause them to figure things out for themselves. It was a lot like the study group he had with Ron and Hermione in the previous life, except, this time, he was playing Hermione's role.
The next afternoon, Harry felt Rose's excitement through his twin bond. She had been agitated for quite a while and now, she was suddenly gleeful.
(Rose, what's going on?) Thought Harry.
(I've just been made Seeker on the Quidditch team!) Thought Rose.
As he got her to recount the circumstances that led to this, they were almost exactly like what had happened to him. Malfoy stole Neville's rememberall and she had caught it. Harry remembered the attention that he had gotten for being such a young seeker, but he had decided not to try out for the Hufflepuff team until he was older.
At dinner, on the third night, Tonks came over to the Hufflepuff table, put her arms around Harry, and whispered. Meet me in the Room of Requirements after dinner. As she left, Harry noticed that Susan was staring at him.
"What did that Slytherin want with you?" asked Susan.
"Nothing, she just wants to talk," replied Harry.
"Harry, is the Head Girl molesting you?" asked Susan. "Because if she is, I'll report it and we can get her to stop."
"No!" said Harry. "We just know each other from outside of school. She just wants to talk!"
"Then why was she hugging on you?" said Susan. "That seemed awfully familiar for a 17 year old to be doing with an 11 year old."
"She's just an affectionate person," lied Harry. "Besides, I liked to be hugged by girls."
"I'll keep that in mind," said Susan with a smile on her face.
Scene Break
After dinner, Harry went to Room of Requirements. Inside, Tonks, Hermione, Rose, Padma and Parvati were gathered around a large pensive.
"I've called you all together because I've thoroughly scanned Ron's mind," began Tonks. "The good news is that he hasn't brought any of his memories with him from the previous life. The bad news is that I have discovered the cause of his insanity. Here, let me show you."
Concentrating, Tonks put her wand to her head, pulled out a silvery thread and dropped into the pensive.
"Okay lets go in and I'll show you," said Tonks.
They all stuck their heads over the enormous pensive and Harry felt himself falling. The next thing he knew he was in a bizarre psychedelic landscape. Beside him were the other girls.
"I had to probe very deeply into Ron's mind before I found this," said Tonks as she indicated a squid like creature wrapped around a pillar of light.
"What is it?" asked Parvati.
"It's a Wrackspurt," said Harry. "I wish Luna were here. She's the expert on such things. It looks like it attached itself to his magical core and is feeding off it. This explains a lot! Malfoy must have infected Ron when he was captured and it slowly drove him insane. And since a non-corporeal being it was able to travel to this world with him, it has started up all over again. Tonks, we've got to remove it or it will drive him insane all over again!"
I tried, but it only tightened its grip on his core," said Tonks. "I don't think it is possible without turning him into a squib."
"We've got to find a way," said Harry. "He was my best friend for too many years to give up now."
"Padma and I will start researching it tonight," said Hermione.
After they had returned from the pensive, Harry brought up another subject.
"People are starting to get suspicious," said Harry. "One of my classmates even threatened to report Tonks for molesting me. I think that in order to keep up the appearance of normality, I need to have a designated girlfriend. Some one who everyone knows is in a relationship with me and the rest of you could be in the closet."
"I think this is a great idea," said Tonks. "The rest of us could make arrangements with your girlfriend to secretly see you when we wanted. You should have each girl get a year with you. But I'll take my turn after you're out of school and don't have to be in the closet any more."
"I would like to be 5th, the others can go ahead of me," said Padma.
As soon as Hermione realized the implications of this she said: "Oh! Me too! Make me 4th. Ginny and Luna can go ahead of me!"
"Well, since they are here, that leaves you," said Harry and he gazed into Parvati's eyes. "Parvati, would you be my designated girlfriend for the upcoming year?"
"Yes, that would be nice," said Parvati, blushing.
Harry leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.
"Hey! Me too!" said Hermione as she pulled him into a longer French kiss.
Tonks then pulled him into a hug.
When Harry turned to give Padma a kiss, she folded her hands together and bowed to him.
"Don't you want a kiss?" asked Harry.
"I would rather let the anticipation build for 4 years, then make it worth the wait," replied Padma.
"Well, I'm not willing to wait 4 years," said Rose as she pulled Padma into a kiss. She then hugged Tonks and kissed Hermione and Parvati.
Harry took Parvati by the hand and escorted her to the entrance of Gryffindor Tower.
Scene Break
As they settled into their school year, they established studying cliques. Harry studied with Susan Bones and Ernie Macmillan. The three of them were developing a friendship that was very similar to that he had with Ron and Hermione in the early years of his last time at school. Rose studied with Parvati and Neville, with occasional telepathic help from Harry. Padma and Hermione studied together.
Every morning they all received quite a few letters. In addition to their parents, who wrote on a weekly basis, Harry and Rose also got letters from, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Ginny, Luna and Yukio. Also, Tonks, Padma and Hermione corresponded regularly with them through unsigned love letters, delivered by owl. It wasn't hard to tell whose handwriting and writing style produced a particular letter. Padma always caused them to blush with her intensely erotic, yet heavily veiled letters. Tonks was more blunt and was more likely to use four letter words. Hermione was more likely to use scientific term to describe things.
It was quite a surprise for them that Halloween came and went without incident. They were used to some major disaster occurring on Halloween night. But two weeks later, there was still no letter from Sirius or Yukio. Any letters Harry or Rose sent to them were always returned.
Without the pressure of hormones, Harry and Parvati were able to court at a slow pace. He carried her books for her, they held hands, and they hugged hello and good-bye and occasionally kissed.
Hermione had been corresponding with her parents and was going to try going back to visit them for the winter holidays.
For the first time, Harry was going home for the holidays. Their parents along with their younger siblings were there to meet them at the station. And after they flooed home, their parents took them aside for a talk.
"Kids, have you heard anything from Sirius's family since Halloween?" asked their father.
"No, all our letters are returned," said Harry.
"Can you remember how to get to their house?" asked their mom.
"Now that you mention it, I can't," said Harry.
"What's going on? Is Yukio okay?" asked Rose.
Their parents exchanged a dark look before their father nodded.
"We don't know what has happened to Sirius' family, but they appear to have erected a Fidelius charm around their house and haven't let us know where it is," said their Mother.
Scene Break
The most remarkable gifts they got for Christmas was a book on Animagus transformations for each of them. All of their wives visited them over the holidays. With a combination of explaining things and using magic on her parents, Hermione had convinced them that they couldn't prevent her from going to Hogwarts and continued resistance would only keep her removed from their lives. The Patils, being Hindus, didn't celebrate Christmas. Ginny was much warmer with the other wives than she had been last summer. Apparently, her blossoming relationship with Luna had helped her adjust to the idea of sharing Harry.
Authors Note
Voldemort is dead in this fic. He is not a disembodied spirit that drinks unicorn blood and possesses DADA teachers while waiting for Wormtail to help him get a new body. He is dead.
Chapter 10:
Harry's first class was Potions with the Ravenclaws. When he walked into the room, Hermione and Padma were already there sitting together. So he sat down alone.
"Hi Harry!" chorused his Ravenclaw wives.
A few minutes later some more of the Hufflepuffs filed in. Susan took the seat next to him. Harry found that Slughorn was a much better teacher than Snape and the fact that Harry, Hermione and Padma had taken this before made it very easy for them. Still, Harry was careful not to finish his potion first. He didn't want to call attention to himself as he had more fame in his previous life than he wanted.
His next class was Transfiguration with the Slytherins. When Ron came into the classroom, it was in the company of Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe. They were chatting animatedly as if they were the best of friends. Harry was careful to be the second one to transfigure his toothpick into a needle, after Susan Bones.
After lunch, they had Herbology with the Gryffindors. When Rose and Parvati walked into the greenhouse Harry thought: (Rose, you'll probably want to be paired up with Neville. He was the best Herbologist in the school.)
(Thanks Harry!) Thought Rose as she walked over and sat next to Neville.
Harry motioned for Parvati to sit next to her. She smiled demurely and complied with his unspoken request. (Is that him? It's not clear what her you meant.)
When Susan arrived, she seemed disappointed that Harry already had a partner. She ended up partnered with Ernie Macmillan.
Like potions, Herbology was easier for Harry the second time around. Harry was careful not to work at a faster pace than Neville. After a few minutes, Parvati was able to relax and enjoy working with Harry.
The next class was the one Harry had been dreading: Defense Against the Dark Arts with the Ravenclaws. The entire class was already seated when Professor Bellatrix Black entered. She had that same billowing robes effect that Snape had in the other world. But it was a lot sexier when she did it as it showed off a bit of leg.
"Good afternoon class," began Black. "I am Professor Black. Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. In this class we will be incorporating techniques from all your other classes, but especially Charms and Care of Magical Creatures. Some of you may be wondering just what the Dark Arts are that we will be defending against. For purposes of this class, a Dark Art is any spell or Creature that can only be used to harm others. While you can certainly harm others with spells that have other uses, some spells only have baneful applications. Over the next few years, in this class, you will be taught how to defend yourselves against such spells or creatures."
And so it went, as much to Harry's surprise, Professor Bellatrix Black gave a very good lesson in defense without even once, touching on something that might give her away as a Dark Witch.
When it was time to do homework, Susan and Ernie asked to study with Harry. He found that he really had a liking for teaching. He pointed out the right book for them to look things up in and asked them leading questions that would cause them to figure things out for themselves. It was a lot like the study group he had with Ron and Hermione in the previous life, except, this time, he was playing Hermione's role.
The next afternoon, Harry felt Rose's excitement through his twin bond. She had been agitated for quite a while and now, she was suddenly gleeful.
(Rose, what's going on?) Thought Harry.
(I've just been made Seeker on the Quidditch team!) Thought Rose.
As he got her to recount the circumstances that led to this, they were almost exactly like what had happened to him. Malfoy stole Neville's rememberall and she had caught it. Harry remembered the attention that he had gotten for being such a young seeker, but he had decided not to try out for the Hufflepuff team until he was older.
At dinner, on the third night, Tonks came over to the Hufflepuff table, put her arms around Harry, and whispered. Meet me in the Room of Requirements after dinner. As she left, Harry noticed that Susan was staring at him.
"What did that Slytherin want with you?" asked Susan.
"Nothing, she just wants to talk," replied Harry.
"Harry, is the Head Girl molesting you?" asked Susan. "Because if she is, I'll report it and we can get her to stop."
"No!" said Harry. "We just know each other from outside of school. She just wants to talk!"
"Then why was she hugging on you?" said Susan. "That seemed awfully familiar for a 17 year old to be doing with an 11 year old."
"She's just an affectionate person," lied Harry. "Besides, I liked to be hugged by girls."
"I'll keep that in mind," said Susan with a smile on her face.
Scene Break
After dinner, Harry went to Room of Requirements. Inside, Tonks, Hermione, Rose, Padma and Parvati were gathered around a large pensive.
"I've called you all together because I've thoroughly scanned Ron's mind," began Tonks. "The good news is that he hasn't brought any of his memories with him from the previous life. The bad news is that I have discovered the cause of his insanity. Here, let me show you."
Concentrating, Tonks put her wand to her head, pulled out a silvery thread and dropped into the pensive.
"Okay lets go in and I'll show you," said Tonks.
They all stuck their heads over the enormous pensive and Harry felt himself falling. The next thing he knew he was in a bizarre psychedelic landscape. Beside him were the other girls.
"I had to probe very deeply into Ron's mind before I found this," said Tonks as she indicated a squid like creature wrapped around a pillar of light.
"What is it?" asked Parvati.
"It's a Wrackspurt," said Harry. "I wish Luna were here. She's the expert on such things. It looks like it attached itself to his magical core and is feeding off it. This explains a lot! Malfoy must have infected Ron when he was captured and it slowly drove him insane. And since a non-corporeal being it was able to travel to this world with him, it has started up all over again. Tonks, we've got to remove it or it will drive him insane all over again!"
I tried, but it only tightened its grip on his core," said Tonks. "I don't think it is possible without turning him into a squib."
"We've got to find a way," said Harry. "He was my best friend for too many years to give up now."
"Padma and I will start researching it tonight," said Hermione.
After they had returned from the pensive, Harry brought up another subject.
"People are starting to get suspicious," said Harry. "One of my classmates even threatened to report Tonks for molesting me. I think that in order to keep up the appearance of normality, I need to have a designated girlfriend. Some one who everyone knows is in a relationship with me and the rest of you could be in the closet."
"I think this is a great idea," said Tonks. "The rest of us could make arrangements with your girlfriend to secretly see you when we wanted. You should have each girl get a year with you. But I'll take my turn after you're out of school and don't have to be in the closet any more."
"I would like to be 5th, the others can go ahead of me," said Padma.
As soon as Hermione realized the implications of this she said: "Oh! Me too! Make me 4th. Ginny and Luna can go ahead of me!"
"Well, since they are here, that leaves you," said Harry and he gazed into Parvati's eyes. "Parvati, would you be my designated girlfriend for the upcoming year?"
"Yes, that would be nice," said Parvati, blushing.
Harry leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.
"Hey! Me too!" said Hermione as she pulled him into a longer French kiss.
Tonks then pulled him into a hug.
When Harry turned to give Padma a kiss, she folded her hands together and bowed to him.
"Don't you want a kiss?" asked Harry.
"I would rather let the anticipation build for 4 years, then make it worth the wait," replied Padma.
"Well, I'm not willing to wait 4 years," said Rose as she pulled Padma into a kiss. She then hugged Tonks and kissed Hermione and Parvati.
Harry took Parvati by the hand and escorted her to the entrance of Gryffindor Tower.
Scene Break
As they settled into their school year, they established studying cliques. Harry studied with Susan Bones and Ernie Macmillan. The three of them were developing a friendship that was very similar to that he had with Ron and Hermione in the early years of his last time at school. Rose studied with Parvati and Neville, with occasional telepathic help from Harry. Padma and Hermione studied together.
Every morning they all received quite a few letters. In addition to their parents, who wrote on a weekly basis, Harry and Rose also got letters from, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Ginny, Luna and Yukio. Also, Tonks, Padma and Hermione corresponded regularly with them through unsigned love letters, delivered by owl. It wasn't hard to tell whose handwriting and writing style produced a particular letter. Padma always caused them to blush with her intensely erotic, yet heavily veiled letters. Tonks was more blunt and was more likely to use four letter words. Hermione was more likely to use scientific term to describe things.
It was quite a surprise for them that Halloween came and went without incident. They were used to some major disaster occurring on Halloween night. But two weeks later, there was still no letter from Sirius or Yukio. Any letters Harry or Rose sent to them were always returned.
Without the pressure of hormones, Harry and Parvati were able to court at a slow pace. He carried her books for her, they held hands, and they hugged hello and good-bye and occasionally kissed.
Hermione had been corresponding with her parents and was going to try going back to visit them for the winter holidays.
For the first time, Harry was going home for the holidays. Their parents along with their younger siblings were there to meet them at the station. And after they flooed home, their parents took them aside for a talk.
"Kids, have you heard anything from Sirius's family since Halloween?" asked their father.
"No, all our letters are returned," said Harry.
"Can you remember how to get to their house?" asked their mom.
"Now that you mention it, I can't," said Harry.
"What's going on? Is Yukio okay?" asked Rose.
Their parents exchanged a dark look before their father nodded.
"We don't know what has happened to Sirius' family, but they appear to have erected a Fidelius charm around their house and haven't let us know where it is," said their Mother.
Scene Break
The most remarkable gifts they got for Christmas was a book on Animagus transformations for each of them. All of their wives visited them over the holidays. With a combination of explaining things and using magic on her parents, Hermione had convinced them that they couldn't prevent her from going to Hogwarts and continued resistance would only keep her removed from their lives. The Patils, being Hindus, didn't celebrate Christmas. Ginny was much warmer with the other wives than she had been last summer. Apparently, her blossoming relationship with Luna had helped her adjust to the idea of sharing Harry.
Authors Note
Voldemort is dead in this fic. He is not a disembodied spirit that drinks unicorn blood and possesses DADA teachers while waiting for Wormtail to help him get a new body. He is dead.
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