Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 11: Kissing

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Harry, Hermione, Padma, Parvati, The Giant Squid, Tonks - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-06 - Updated: 2006-07-06 - 1924 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 11: Kissing

On the train back to Hogwarts, at the end of winter holidays, Parvati was sitting between the Potter twins. Across from them were Hermione and Padma.

"Harry, how come you use your tongue when you kiss the others but not me?" asked Parvati.

"I didn't think you were old enough for French kissing," replied Harry.

"But Ginny and Luna are younger than me and you French kiss them," observed Parvati.

"Although they have the bodies of ten-year-olds, Luna's mind is 139-years-old and Ginny's is 19," explained Harry. "Do you think you're old enough for French kissing?"

"I'm old enough to learn," replied Parvati, hopefully, "if you will teach me."

Harry grasped her chin and turned his face towards hers. He leaned towards her until their lips had almost touched and paused until she leaned forward and initiated the kiss. He held it for longer than they usually did, then, tentatively licked her lips. They parted to allow him entrance and he lightly touched the tip of her tongue with his. When she hummed with pleasure, he probed further caressing the side of her tongue with his. She responded by entering his own mouth with her tongue to imitate his movement causing him the hum with pleasure. But In a sudden insight, Harry realized that there was someone else moaning at the same time. He opened his eyes and saw that Rose had her eyes closed and her hand in her blouse.

"Rose what are you doing?" demanded Harry.

"Oh! I was trying learn too," said Rose.

"By concentrating on what Parvati was feeling while I snogged her?" asked Harry.

"No, I'm not trying to learn how to kiss you. I'm trying to learn how to kiss Parvati. I was concentrating on what you were feeling," said Rose.

"Less talk. More Kissing!" demanded Parvati and she planted her lips on Harry's.

Rose got up and sat between Padma and Hermione.

"Well, I've got to learn somehow," said Rose to Hermione.

Abruptly Padma turned Rose around and pulled her into a kiss. It quickly became apparent that Padma was a much better kisser than Parvati or Harry. All four of them were humming with pleasure as they snogged deeply. Hermione rubbed Rose's back as she enjoyed the feeling the others were giving off. This went on for quite a while before the Potter twins began to fondle the chests of the Patil twins. Padma broke off her kiss and grabbed Rose's hand.

"As much as I am enjoying this, I am not yet old enough to fully appreciate it and my sister is not old enough to be felt up at all," said Padma.

Harry pulled away from Parvati as if he had been shocked.

"Sorry about that," said Harry. "I guess I got a little carried away."

Parvati glanced over at Rose and got a look that told her that the two of them would be experimenting with this next time they got a chance to be alone.


As the year progressed, Harry and Parvati continued to grow closer, as did Ginny and Luna. Rose and Parvati were having a closeted lesbian relationship. While Hermione and Padma weren't falling in love, Padma was teaching Hermione how to read Sanskrit so they could study sex magic together.

All of the girls continued to study Occlumency. Harry though it was only a matter of time before Dumbledore scanned one of them. They were careful to stay beneath the radar by always being second best. Between Harry, Padma and Hermione there was a fierce competition for second place on each activity or test.

In April, the letters from Harry and Rose's parents stopped coming and their letters started being returned, unopened. They began frantically corresponding with Remus and Uncle Peter trying to find out what had happened to their parents, but no one knew and no one could remember where they lived. Even writing to their younger siblings was unfruitful. Their family had vanished beneath a Fidelius charm and no one had been let in on the secret.


It was nice sunny day in May when Harry and Parvati decided to go for a swim and a picnic. Harry had the house elves pack him a nice picnic basket, which he carried out to a tree that was near the beach. After they had spread a blanket and set the basket on it, they shed their clothes and holding hands, waded into the water. Parvati couldn't help noticing that Harry was starting to grow some golden coloured pubic and armpit hair. They swam and played in the water for a while before Harry pulled her into a kiss. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled their pelvises together as his tongue tentatively probed her mouth. The cold water kept him limp but she could feel that her close proximity was starting to overcome that. But then she jumped with startlement as she felt something stiff brush between her legs. Harry jumped too as he was experiencing the same thing. They leaped apart from each other, then laughed when they realized the there was a tentacle draped over Harry's shoulder.

"It's only the giant squid!" exclaimed Parvati as she reached out to pet the tentacle.

"I think we've worked up an appetite," said Harry. "How about some lunch?"

"Good idea," said Parvati as she began heading for shore.

They dried off and dressed, then sat down to enjoy their lunch.

"That squid gave me quite a scare," said Parvati. "I thought you-
-not that it would be bad if you did-
-it's just that-"

"You don't think you're ready for that yet," finished Harry. "It's okay. I don't think you are ready either. I think it would better to wait until our bodies are more mature, anyway. For now, I am quite content to snog you senseless."

"Well maybe we should work our contentment for a while," said Parvati, with a smile.

Harry brushed her hair out of her face and stroked her cheek. Then he pulled her in for a kiss. They held that kiss for several seconds before Harry felt her tongue brushing against his lips and he parted them to give her entrance.

They continued stroking their tongues for 5 minutes before they felt it. It began with a sensation of a finger brushing across their lips. Then they each began to feel a finger on their chests, slowly tracing a spiral path inward. When the pleasurable sensations of their snogging increased, there was no doubt about what was going on. Tonks was masturbating again! Both of them were experiencing the hormonal rush of a turned on 17 year old. Harry started to move his hand down and was about to put in on her chest when something stopped him.

(What am I doing?) Thought Harry. (She's only 11 years old!)

But it was too late, Parvati had noticed what he was about to do, grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest. Then she put her own hand on Harry's chest. They stroked each other in broad strokes then started imitating Tonks' movements. Her slow, spiral movements had almost made their way to her nipples by now. As Harry and Parvati stroked each other's nipples, it felt much better than they could ordinarily feel. Tonks continued until they were almost at the edge of orgasm. Then her hand started moving down. Harry started to imitate her movements, but thought better of it, and instead, put his hands on Parvati's back and pulled her closer as they continued to snog. They kept it up until they felt the joyous waves of Tonks' climax wash over them.

Suddenly Harry felt Rose was in emotional distress.

(Rose, are you all right?) Thought Harry.

(Yeah, I almost fell off my broom, just now) thought Rose.

Harry had forgotten that Rose was at Quidditch practice right now. She had been doing as well as he had as the Gryffindor Seeker. She had caught the snitch at every match. But he could understand how hard it would be to concentrate on flying when you are feeling someone else's orgasms.


Throughout the year, Harry had been studying his Animagus book with Susan and Ernie, while Rose had been doing the same with Parvati and Neville. Harry was the only one who had made any progress though. By the end of the year he had discovered what form he might one day be able to take.

When they got on the Hogwarts express to go home for the summer, Harry, Susan, Ernie, Rose, Parvati and Neville all shared a compartment, while Padma and Hermione had to go to a different one. They had just settled in when the compartment door opened. In the doorway stood Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Well, isn't this a cozy little pack of Mudbloods, squibs and blood traitors?" said Ron.

In response, as one, they all pulled their wands out.

"Sod off Weasley!" said Rose. "We don't need your racist rantings in here!"

"Well, if you get tired of hanging out with these lowlifes, Bones, I'll be just down the hall," said Ron as he winked at Susan.

"Ginny is not going to be happy with the direction her brother has grown in," observed Neville.


When they arrived at Kings Cross station, Harry and Rose wondered who would be waiting for them. It couldn't be Remus since he would be too debilitated from last night's Full Moon. There's no way Harry was going to 4 Privet Drive with Uncle Peter and Aunt Petunia. They hoped that this was all just an elaborate prank and Sirius, their parents and both families would be waiting for them.

When they debarked onto the platform, they saw that Uncle Peter and Aunt Petunia were indeed waiting for them.

"I'm sorry but there's been no sign of your parents," said Uncle Peter. "You'll have to stay with us for a while."

"There is no way in hell I'm going anywhere with you," growled Harry.

"Harry!" pleaded Rose.

"How do I know you didn't murder them and are now planning our deaths too?" growled Harry.

(Harry Potter stop that, this instant!) Thought Rose. (It's not their fault our parents are missing! They're only trying to help us!)

"Perhaps I could help," interrupted Susan. "You could stay with us for a few days. I'm sure Auntie wouldn't mind."

"That would be acceptable," said Aunt Petunia.

"Fine, we'll stay with Susan for a while," said Harry.

Once they'd found Susan's aunt and flooed to her home, they settled in and were given a brief tour of the house. After dinner, Susan's aunt invited them into the parlor for tea.

"I believe that Susan has something she would like to speak with you about," said Susan's Aunt.

"Well yes," began Susan. "I was hoping that Auntie would get a chance to discuss this with your parents, but since they're missing I guess I should discuss it with you. Because if you don't want to, there no reason to proceed. But I'm hoping you will because you're my best friend and that usually works out best, or so I'm told. But I'm really nervous because I'm afraid you think me too forward, But I don't want us to be the only ones left out next year. But it's not just because every one else is doing it. I really like you and want our friendship to continue. So-"

"SUSAN!" yelled Harry. "What is it?"

"Will you marry me?" said Susan.
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