Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 12: a Day in the Life of a Slytherin.

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor - Characters: Tonks - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-07-07 - Updated: 2006-07-08 - 1401 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 12: a day in the life of a Slytherin

Tonks woke up and looked around the dorm. Most people were not awake yet. The Slytherins all slept in a single room. There were bunk beds running the length of the room with an aisle down the middle. Between each bunk was a trunk for the person on the lower bunk. The students on the upper bunks kept their trunks at the foot of the bed. There was a strict hierarchy as to where the students would sleep. The 7th years had their bunks closest to the door that led to the Common Room. The 1st years had theirs closest to the opposite door, the one leading to the bathroom.

Tonks stretched and got out of bed, grabbed her toiletry bag, then walked to the bathroom. The toilets had separate stalls. It was the only place that offered privacy in the whole of the Slytherin Dungeon. After she had emptied her bladder, Tonks walked over to the hooks and pulled her nightgown over her head. She hung her nightgown and bag on the hook then stepped into the shower room. It was a tile-covered room with 20 showerheads. There was only one student already in the showers, a 4th year girl. Tonks was relieved that there would still be hot water left. She turned on the water and let it flow over her body. As she began to wake up, Tonks lathered her self and rinsed. She had just gotten the shampoo in her hair when she heard voices. She opened her eyes to see a group of 1st year boys that included Ron Weasley.

(Great! Those idiots will use up the hot water in no time!) thought Tonks.

As they came towards her, they starred at the water washing over her nude form. Tonks scowled back at them and they kept going past her the far end of the room to take their showers, where they would be safe from her. Tonks rinsed her hair and left the shower room. After she dried off, she brushed her teeth and groomed herself for the day. Rather than putting on makeup, she used her metamorphmagus abilities to alter the color of her eyelids, lips and cheeks and thicken her eyelashes. She then strolled out of the bathroom with her nightgown draped over her shoulder and went to her trunk. She put on her bra and slipped on her knickers, then pulled a school robe over her head. After she had gotten dressed and put things away in her trunk, she headed down to the Great hall for some breakfast.

Tonks ate a light breakfast. Even though it was Saturday, being a N.E.W.T.s student gave her lots of homework. With her ability to absorb knowledge from any book she touched (an ability she shared with Luna and Harry and one they hoped to teach the other co-wives someday) and with her knowledge as a 147-year-old former Auror, she could easily answer any question and perform any spell in class. But she still had to write massive scrolls of fully annotated and referenced essays, just like any other 7th year student.

After breakfast, she headed back the Slytherin Common Room and sat at a table to write her essays. For several hours, things went fine. But then she began to get distracting feelings.

(Who is it this time?) thought Tonks as she closed her eyes and concentrated. In a few seconds, she realized that it was Harry and Parvati again. They were kissing and their arousal was distracting her! When it stopped, she went back to her writing. But about fifteen minutes later, Harry and Parvati started up again.

"Fine!" yelled Tonks, to no one in particular. "You want to fool around, we can fool around!"

Tonks stomped out of the Common Room and into the playroom.

There were three doors leading out of the Common room. One, led to the dorm where everyone slept. Another, led out side of the Slytherin part of the dungeons. The third, led to the Playroom. The Slytherin playroom was filled with all kinds of bondage furniture. One wall was covered with hooks from with hung manacles, whips, paddles, prods, and other torture devices. One corner was set aside for people who wanted to masturbate without being disturbed and that was where Tonks headed. She removed her clothes, sat down on the fur-lined recliner and began touching her self. After a few minutes, Tonks' ex-girlfriend, Barbara came in, leading her new boyfriend, David, by the hand. Barbara seemed disappointed that Tonks was in the corner of aloneness. Tonks ignored the couple as David chained Barbara to the four-poster bed and proceeded to have sex with her.

Once she'd reached her climax, Tonks began to feel guilty. This guilt was increased when she felt Rose panic.

(What if I've made them do something that they're not ready for?) thought Tonks as she got dressed.

Passing through the Common Room, Tonks exited the Slytherin part of the Dungeons and headed for the stairway to the surface. She had had just reached the top of the stairs near the front doors when she saw Rose walk into the castle, her broom slung over her shoulder.

"Rose, are you all right?" called out Tonks.

Rose dropped her broom and ran to give a Tonks a hug.

"I'm fine, now," said Rose.

"I felt you panic a few minutes ago," said Tonks. "I hope I didn't cause that."

"Well, yeah. I was in Quidditch practice when you, you know?" explained Rose. "I nearly fell off my broom."

"I am so sorry!" said Tonks. "I don't mean to traumatize you. How can I make it up to you?"

"Could you do it again?" asked Rose.

"Rose!" scolded Tonks.

"How about a kiss?" asked Rose.

"How about another hug?" suggested Tonks.

Rose wrapped her arms around Tonks' waist as she put her head against Tonks' breast. Tonks stroked her head and she held the girl close.

"Let's get some lunch," said Tonks after a few minutes.

When they walked into the great hall, Tonks sat at the Slytherin table and Rose sat at the Gryffindor table with Neville.

When Tonks saw Rose get up to leave, she also rose and followed her out of the hall.

"Say Rose, would you care for a quick game of Quinis?" asked Tonks.

"If the pitch is free, that would be great!" said Rose.

"Right, I'll just hop off to the dungeon and get my broom and meet you on the pitch," said Tonks.

Once she'd retrieved her broom, Tonks went to the pitch. Rose was already there with the box that contained the bludger. Quinis is similar to tennis, except a bludger is used instead of a tennis ball and bludger bats are used instead of rackets. While flying, the two players are hitting the bludger at each other with each hit required to go through the middle hoop of a Quidditch pitch. Failing to hit the bludger through the hoop counts as one point for your opponent. Tonks flew into the air while Rose released the bludger. As soon as the bludger came back for her Rose hit it through the hoop at Tonks.

The score was 23-7 in Rose's favor when the Ravenclaw Quidditch team arrived wanting to use the pitch.

After Rose had wrestled the bludger back into its box she turned to Tonks and said: "That was fun. How about a swim?"

"Sounds good to me," replied Tonks.

After they had walked down to the lake, where Harry and Parvati were snogging on a blanket, they shed their clothes and waded into the water. They joined some 3rd year Hufflepuffs in playing with the giant squid. After a short time, Tonks pulled Rose aside.

"I need to go back to the dungeon and study for a while," said Tonks.

"Okay, I'm going to stay here for a while," said Rose as she gave Tonks a hug.

Tonks walked out of the water and used a drying charm on herself before donning her clothes.

Once she had made it to the Slytherin Common Room, Tonks resumed her essay writing until dinner.

After dinner, she had to make her rounds as Head Girl. Finally, exhausted, she stripped off her clothes, pulled on her nightgown and went to sleep.
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