Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 13: the answer
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 13: the answer.
Rose began choking on her tea. After Harry had patted her on the back until she could breathe again he turned to Susan and asked: "What brought this on? I didn't even think you fancied me and now you want to get married?"
"Oh that's right!" exclaimed Susan. "You're not from a Hufflepuff family, so you wouldn't know."
"Know what?" gasped Rose.
"Most Hufflepuffs are betrothed by the beginning of their 2nd year," began Susan. "At first, the betrothed are just friends. But usually by that time they graduate, the couple is ready to get married. I'm not proposing that we get married right away. I'm asking you to be my betrothed so that hopefully by the time we've finished 7th year we'll be in love."
"I'm very flattered that you consider me that good a friend," said Harry. But you know I'm going with Parvati."
"But she's just a Gryfindor-" said Susan.
"Hey!" screeched Rose.
"No offense, but the other houses are not a loyal as we Hufflepuffs," explained Susan. "I didn't think she could really be serious about you. She's a Gryfindor, she's just playing the field."
By now, Harry had interposed himself between the two girls.
"Stop it! Both of you!" yelled Harry. "Susan, my relationship with Parvati is not a casual thing for either of us. Just as our friendship is for you and me. Unless you're willing to share me, I think you will have to find another betrothed."
"You won't tell Ernie that he was my second choice?" asked Susan.
"Of course not," said Harry. "I would never betray your confidence. I'm a Hufflepuff. Loyalty is what we do!"
That night, when they went to bed, Harry took advantage of the opportunity to watch Susan undress through Rose's eyes.
(You are such a perv) thought Rose.
The next day, Harry decided to give Susan a chance to proposition Ernie. So he had Rose gather up her trunk and her toad.
"Where are we going?" asked Rose.
"You'll see," said Harry. "I've got a portkey. Now put one hand on your trunk and hold my hand with the other."
Harry put his free hand on his trunk. Hedwig's cage was resting on it. Harry had sent her to fly ahead. Harry then activated the portkey in his Hufflepuff ring.
Rose looked around the throne room. On the east end of the room was a pair of ornately carved thrones. The walls were painted in elaborate forest scenes. The windows were stained glass. Hanging from the ceiling were candle-holding chandeliers.
"Where are we?" asked Rose.
"Hufflepuff Manor," replied Harry.
"Why do you have a portkey to Hufflepuff Manor?" asked Rose.
"I'm Lord Hufflepuff," replied Harry. "I inherited the title from out Mother's side. I found out after I came of age in the previous life."
"So what ever has happened to our parents doesn't prevent you from claiming your inheritance?" said Rose.
"Apparently not," said Harry.
"So does this mean that I'm Lady Hufflepuff?" asked Rose.
"No, I got the title because I'm the first male descendant in centuries," said Harry. "But if I die, your son would be the next heir."
"So, why are we here?" asked Rose.
"I thought it might be a good place to live until we find our family," replied Harry. I also thought we might want to spend a week with each of our wives, like we did last summer.
Over the next few weeks, they visited each of their wives.
"Have you got any ideas for how to remove the Wrackspurt?" asked Harry.
He and Luna were sitting, holding hands, on a swinging couch that hung from a tree.
"I really need to get Tonks to show me the memory," replied Luna, dreamily. "I've never heard of one latching onto someone's magical core before. Usually they just lodge in the conscious mind and muddy your thinking. How you ever noticed that mud comes in different colors?"
"Focus, Luna," said Harry. "He was my best mate before he went nutters."
"Well we can't do anything about it today," said Luna. Why don't we snuggle for a while?"
"I'd love to," said Harry. "But first I need to take care of some business."
"Well I would ordinarily consider engaging in Harlotry but since it's you-" said Luna as she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse.
"No! No!" exclaimed Harry. "I need your talent as a seer!"
"Oh-" said Luna. "What do you need to know?"
"Well, at I told you, I am unable to locate my family," began Harry. "I was hoping you could use your gift to locate them. Try my sister, Jane. Since she's the youngest, what ever is hiding them may not be as strong for her."
"You can't force the sight, you know," said Luna as she closed her eyes. "I see what I can do though."
Luna sat quietly for several minutes as she tried to force a vision. Then she began trembling. Finally, she collapsed against Harry, exhausted.
I'm sorry Harry!" gasped Luna. "All I can tell you is that she's somewhere in Asia!"
"It's okay. It's okay," said Harry, as he held her in his arms. "It least we now know more than we used to."
They sat there for an hour, Luna trembling, while Harry tried to comfort her. Finally, the trembling stopped and Luna turned her head up to gaze into Harry's eyes. Harry tilted his head down until their lips were almost touching. Then, Luna closed the distance and pulled him into a kiss.
That night, after the girls got undressed for bed, Harry took advantage of his opportunity watch Luna through Rose's eyes. The year had made a dramatic change in her body. She was maturing a lot faster than Rose or Hermione had. She clearly had breasts now. Harry guessed that they were as big as Hermione's in spite of the age difference. She had also grown some rust colored pubic hair. Watching her made him feel tinglely and gave him a strong urge to touch himself.
"Are you turning Ginny into a dike?" asked Rose.
Ginny and I have developed a deep friendship that includes some hugging a kissing," said Luna. "We've done a bit more, a few times, when Tonks gave us her hormonal surges and we happened to be together."
"I know what you mean," gushed Rose. "When that happens, Parvati and I like to hug each other until it passes. Could you show me what you and Ginny do?"
"I think that you are too young for that," said Luna as she saw Rose frown. "I'll give you a hint. We kiss each other in the same places that Tonks touches her self."
Rose's eyes grew big.
"Did Luna have any ideas about how to remove the Wrackspurt?" asked Ginny.
""She hasn't seen the memory yet," replied Harry. "Tonks is going to show it to her this week."
"Well I think he may already be showing signs of turning dark," said Ginny. "Look at this book he brought home from Malfoy's."
Ginny handed the book to him and he used his power to instantly absorb all of the knowledge in it. The name of the book was: An introduction to Blood Sacrifice. But as he went over his newly acquired knowledge, Harry realized that the contents were less inflammatory than its' title. It was mostly a history book with chapters on thing like Kosher butchering practices, Native American Hunting Rituals, and Voodoo chicken sacrifices. Near the bad was a chapter on human sacrifice, but it was not, by any means a how too manual.
"I wouldn't be worried yet," said Harry. "He's probably just interested in it for the gross out factor. After all, it's cool to be bad."
"Have you had any luck in finding your family?" asked Ginny.
"Luna thinks that Jane is some where in Asia, but nothing more specific that that," said Harry.
"Would you like me to help you forget about you problems?" asked Ginny as she put her arms around Harry's neck.
"Yes, please," said Harry as he drew her into a kiss.
As Harry watched Ginny change into her nightgown through Rose's eyes, He noticed that she was maturing almost as fast as Luna. The bumps on her chest where large enough to definitely be called breasts. He pubic hair had come in a deeper red than Luna's.
So, Luna says you have been kissing her down there?" accused Rose.
"Don't knock it 'til you're tried it," replied Ginny. "Besides, if we're married, what is it you think we're going to do in bed? Face it, if you decide to become sexually active with your wives, you're going to be doing a lot of kissing down there."
"Well how about so kissing up here?" asked Rose as she pointed to her lips.
Harry and Padma were sitting across form each other in the Patil's drawing room.
(Rose, tell Parvati that I want her to relay messages to Padma,) thought Harry.
(So that's why you told me to take Parvati and go for a walk,) thought Rose.
(Ask her why her parents won't let me kiss either of them,) thought Harry.
(She says that they are a bit old fashioned about things like that) thought Rose.
(But aren't we married?) asked Harry (I ought to be able to kiss my own wives)
(She says that her parents don't like public displays of affection and where you are old enough to have your own house, you'll be old enough for private displays of affection.) thought Rose. (Should we tell their parents about Hufflepuff Manor?)
(No, let's keep it between us and our wives for now,) thought Harry. (We still don't know why people are disappearing.)
(Padma says you'll just have to content yourself with watching us undress through my eyes,) thought Rose.
Over the past few nights, Harry had done a bit of peeking on them, but it wasn't very satisfying. The figures of the Patil twins were still stubbornly girlish.
"Mrs. Granger, try to understand," pleaded Harry. "I was in love with Hermione! I didn't know that she and all the other wives might come back at once! I Meant to make an eternal commitment, and I did!"
Hermione's Mother was glaring daggers at him as she sat in her living room across from him.
"Mum, if you can't be civil with my husband, I can always go live with him for the summer," threatened Hermione. "Don't forget what happened last summer!"
After they had gotten Hermione's parents calmed down and had dinner, They played a few hands of bridge. Soon it was time to go to bed. When Harry tried to use the bathroom, Hermione pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
"Hermione?" questioned Harry.
"It's time," said Hermione.
"Time for what?" asked Harry.
"Time for you to show me yours," said Hermione. "Because I'm not letting you peek at me through Rose's eyes until I've had a chance to peek at you."
"Oh! Sure!" said Harry as he began to remove his clothes for her. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his chest to her eyes. He hadn't gotten muscular yet. He unfastened his jeans and pulled them down, stepping out of them. Changing in front of her was starting to excite him and his boxers were starting to tent. He slid down his shorts revealing himself totally to her. Out of his bushy black pubic hair, projected his semi-erect penis. At this point it was about four inches long and growing.
"Okay, my turn," said Hermione as she pulled her T-shirt over her head. Her lacy red bra opened in front, and she unhooked it and slid it off, revealing her full, round breasts with her light tan areolas. She unfastened her jeans and slid them down, revealing lacy knickers that matched her bra. Slowly she slid them down until the dark brown hair of her pubis was revealed, then she let them drop to the floor.
"This is rather sudden," said Harry. "Didn't we agree not to go all the way until Rose and Parvati are ready? Since they can feel what they feel, I don't want to traumatize them."
"I'm not going to fuck you," said Hermione. "I just want to check you out and see how you're grown. I thought you might like to do the same with me. But I want to go first."
She ran her hands across Harry's shoulders and down his chest. As her hands brushed over his nipples he inhaled sharply in a gasp of pleasure. Kneeling, Hermione began to closely examine his genitals. She wrapped her hands around his balls and gave him a gentle squeeze. Then she ran her fingers along his now fully erect shaft. Harry put his hands in her hair and gently pulled her towards him. She came closer and closer and just before her lips touched him, she suddenly pulled back and said:
"I think it's you turn to examine me now."
She stood up and Harry took in the sight before him. He ran his hands across her shoulders and down the out side of her arms to her fingertips. Then, he traced his way up the insides of her arms until her got to the outer edge of her breasts. He slowly traced his way inward in a spiral until he'd mad his way to her nipples. Then he cupped her breasts and feel their weight in his hands. He felt them to see what their texture an rigidity were like. Kneeling, he ran his hands across her dark brown pubic hair. Then, parting the hair in the middle, he pulled apart her labia to take a good look at her. He liked the pinkness and moistness of her folds and bent forward to kiss them when Hermione backed away.
"Don't you want me to?" asked Harry.
"More than anything," gasped Hermione. "But I don't want to traumatize Rose. Let's get dressed."
After the girls had gone to bed and were lying awake talking, Harry couldn't get the memory of Hermione's flesh in his hands out of his mind. As he looked at Hermione, in her see through lace nightgown, which he was able to see by peering through Rose's eyes, his hand drifted down and began to stroke himself. By the time he realized what he was doing, he was too turned on to stop. His arousal built and built, higher and higher until it spurted out of him in an orgasm so intense that his jaw and eyes clenched shut involuntarily.
(Wow! That hurt!) thought Rose. (Did you just-)
(Yeah, I forgot how intense the first ones are,) thought Harry.
(I'm going to have to try that!) thought Rose as her hand drifted southward on herself.
Seeing Rose suddenly close her eyes and start touching her self, Hermione took advantage of the opportunity to do the same. And through the soul bond, they could feel the other girls joining in, one by one.
At the end of July, Harry and Rose invited the entire Harem over for a Birthday party.
Due to the Wards on Hufflepuff Manor, Harry had to go a get each of the Wives and personally portkey them there.
All of the girls had lost their girlish figures by now except the Patils. Before they knew it, the summer was over and it was time for Tonks to begin Auror training.
Chapter 13: the answer.
Rose began choking on her tea. After Harry had patted her on the back until she could breathe again he turned to Susan and asked: "What brought this on? I didn't even think you fancied me and now you want to get married?"
"Oh that's right!" exclaimed Susan. "You're not from a Hufflepuff family, so you wouldn't know."
"Know what?" gasped Rose.
"Most Hufflepuffs are betrothed by the beginning of their 2nd year," began Susan. "At first, the betrothed are just friends. But usually by that time they graduate, the couple is ready to get married. I'm not proposing that we get married right away. I'm asking you to be my betrothed so that hopefully by the time we've finished 7th year we'll be in love."
"I'm very flattered that you consider me that good a friend," said Harry. But you know I'm going with Parvati."
"But she's just a Gryfindor-" said Susan.
"Hey!" screeched Rose.
"No offense, but the other houses are not a loyal as we Hufflepuffs," explained Susan. "I didn't think she could really be serious about you. She's a Gryfindor, she's just playing the field."
By now, Harry had interposed himself between the two girls.
"Stop it! Both of you!" yelled Harry. "Susan, my relationship with Parvati is not a casual thing for either of us. Just as our friendship is for you and me. Unless you're willing to share me, I think you will have to find another betrothed."
"You won't tell Ernie that he was my second choice?" asked Susan.
"Of course not," said Harry. "I would never betray your confidence. I'm a Hufflepuff. Loyalty is what we do!"
That night, when they went to bed, Harry took advantage of the opportunity to watch Susan undress through Rose's eyes.
(You are such a perv) thought Rose.
The next day, Harry decided to give Susan a chance to proposition Ernie. So he had Rose gather up her trunk and her toad.
"Where are we going?" asked Rose.
"You'll see," said Harry. "I've got a portkey. Now put one hand on your trunk and hold my hand with the other."
Harry put his free hand on his trunk. Hedwig's cage was resting on it. Harry had sent her to fly ahead. Harry then activated the portkey in his Hufflepuff ring.
Rose looked around the throne room. On the east end of the room was a pair of ornately carved thrones. The walls were painted in elaborate forest scenes. The windows were stained glass. Hanging from the ceiling were candle-holding chandeliers.
"Where are we?" asked Rose.
"Hufflepuff Manor," replied Harry.
"Why do you have a portkey to Hufflepuff Manor?" asked Rose.
"I'm Lord Hufflepuff," replied Harry. "I inherited the title from out Mother's side. I found out after I came of age in the previous life."
"So what ever has happened to our parents doesn't prevent you from claiming your inheritance?" said Rose.
"Apparently not," said Harry.
"So does this mean that I'm Lady Hufflepuff?" asked Rose.
"No, I got the title because I'm the first male descendant in centuries," said Harry. "But if I die, your son would be the next heir."
"So, why are we here?" asked Rose.
"I thought it might be a good place to live until we find our family," replied Harry. I also thought we might want to spend a week with each of our wives, like we did last summer.
Over the next few weeks, they visited each of their wives.
"Have you got any ideas for how to remove the Wrackspurt?" asked Harry.
He and Luna were sitting, holding hands, on a swinging couch that hung from a tree.
"I really need to get Tonks to show me the memory," replied Luna, dreamily. "I've never heard of one latching onto someone's magical core before. Usually they just lodge in the conscious mind and muddy your thinking. How you ever noticed that mud comes in different colors?"
"Focus, Luna," said Harry. "He was my best mate before he went nutters."
"Well we can't do anything about it today," said Luna. Why don't we snuggle for a while?"
"I'd love to," said Harry. "But first I need to take care of some business."
"Well I would ordinarily consider engaging in Harlotry but since it's you-" said Luna as she unbuttoned the top button of her blouse.
"No! No!" exclaimed Harry. "I need your talent as a seer!"
"Oh-" said Luna. "What do you need to know?"
"Well, at I told you, I am unable to locate my family," began Harry. "I was hoping you could use your gift to locate them. Try my sister, Jane. Since she's the youngest, what ever is hiding them may not be as strong for her."
"You can't force the sight, you know," said Luna as she closed her eyes. "I see what I can do though."
Luna sat quietly for several minutes as she tried to force a vision. Then she began trembling. Finally, she collapsed against Harry, exhausted.
I'm sorry Harry!" gasped Luna. "All I can tell you is that she's somewhere in Asia!"
"It's okay. It's okay," said Harry, as he held her in his arms. "It least we now know more than we used to."
They sat there for an hour, Luna trembling, while Harry tried to comfort her. Finally, the trembling stopped and Luna turned her head up to gaze into Harry's eyes. Harry tilted his head down until their lips were almost touching. Then, Luna closed the distance and pulled him into a kiss.
That night, after the girls got undressed for bed, Harry took advantage of his opportunity watch Luna through Rose's eyes. The year had made a dramatic change in her body. She was maturing a lot faster than Rose or Hermione had. She clearly had breasts now. Harry guessed that they were as big as Hermione's in spite of the age difference. She had also grown some rust colored pubic hair. Watching her made him feel tinglely and gave him a strong urge to touch himself.
"Are you turning Ginny into a dike?" asked Rose.
Ginny and I have developed a deep friendship that includes some hugging a kissing," said Luna. "We've done a bit more, a few times, when Tonks gave us her hormonal surges and we happened to be together."
"I know what you mean," gushed Rose. "When that happens, Parvati and I like to hug each other until it passes. Could you show me what you and Ginny do?"
"I think that you are too young for that," said Luna as she saw Rose frown. "I'll give you a hint. We kiss each other in the same places that Tonks touches her self."
Rose's eyes grew big.
"Did Luna have any ideas about how to remove the Wrackspurt?" asked Ginny.
""She hasn't seen the memory yet," replied Harry. "Tonks is going to show it to her this week."
"Well I think he may already be showing signs of turning dark," said Ginny. "Look at this book he brought home from Malfoy's."
Ginny handed the book to him and he used his power to instantly absorb all of the knowledge in it. The name of the book was: An introduction to Blood Sacrifice. But as he went over his newly acquired knowledge, Harry realized that the contents were less inflammatory than its' title. It was mostly a history book with chapters on thing like Kosher butchering practices, Native American Hunting Rituals, and Voodoo chicken sacrifices. Near the bad was a chapter on human sacrifice, but it was not, by any means a how too manual.
"I wouldn't be worried yet," said Harry. "He's probably just interested in it for the gross out factor. After all, it's cool to be bad."
"Have you had any luck in finding your family?" asked Ginny.
"Luna thinks that Jane is some where in Asia, but nothing more specific that that," said Harry.
"Would you like me to help you forget about you problems?" asked Ginny as she put her arms around Harry's neck.
"Yes, please," said Harry as he drew her into a kiss.
As Harry watched Ginny change into her nightgown through Rose's eyes, He noticed that she was maturing almost as fast as Luna. The bumps on her chest where large enough to definitely be called breasts. He pubic hair had come in a deeper red than Luna's.
So, Luna says you have been kissing her down there?" accused Rose.
"Don't knock it 'til you're tried it," replied Ginny. "Besides, if we're married, what is it you think we're going to do in bed? Face it, if you decide to become sexually active with your wives, you're going to be doing a lot of kissing down there."
"Well how about so kissing up here?" asked Rose as she pointed to her lips.
Harry and Padma were sitting across form each other in the Patil's drawing room.
(Rose, tell Parvati that I want her to relay messages to Padma,) thought Harry.
(So that's why you told me to take Parvati and go for a walk,) thought Rose.
(Ask her why her parents won't let me kiss either of them,) thought Harry.
(She says that they are a bit old fashioned about things like that) thought Rose.
(But aren't we married?) asked Harry (I ought to be able to kiss my own wives)
(She says that her parents don't like public displays of affection and where you are old enough to have your own house, you'll be old enough for private displays of affection.) thought Rose. (Should we tell their parents about Hufflepuff Manor?)
(No, let's keep it between us and our wives for now,) thought Harry. (We still don't know why people are disappearing.)
(Padma says you'll just have to content yourself with watching us undress through my eyes,) thought Rose.
Over the past few nights, Harry had done a bit of peeking on them, but it wasn't very satisfying. The figures of the Patil twins were still stubbornly girlish.
"Mrs. Granger, try to understand," pleaded Harry. "I was in love with Hermione! I didn't know that she and all the other wives might come back at once! I Meant to make an eternal commitment, and I did!"
Hermione's Mother was glaring daggers at him as she sat in her living room across from him.
"Mum, if you can't be civil with my husband, I can always go live with him for the summer," threatened Hermione. "Don't forget what happened last summer!"
After they had gotten Hermione's parents calmed down and had dinner, They played a few hands of bridge. Soon it was time to go to bed. When Harry tried to use the bathroom, Hermione pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.
"Hermione?" questioned Harry.
"It's time," said Hermione.
"Time for what?" asked Harry.
"Time for you to show me yours," said Hermione. "Because I'm not letting you peek at me through Rose's eyes until I've had a chance to peek at you."
"Oh! Sure!" said Harry as he began to remove his clothes for her. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing his chest to her eyes. He hadn't gotten muscular yet. He unfastened his jeans and pulled them down, stepping out of them. Changing in front of her was starting to excite him and his boxers were starting to tent. He slid down his shorts revealing himself totally to her. Out of his bushy black pubic hair, projected his semi-erect penis. At this point it was about four inches long and growing.
"Okay, my turn," said Hermione as she pulled her T-shirt over her head. Her lacy red bra opened in front, and she unhooked it and slid it off, revealing her full, round breasts with her light tan areolas. She unfastened her jeans and slid them down, revealing lacy knickers that matched her bra. Slowly she slid them down until the dark brown hair of her pubis was revealed, then she let them drop to the floor.
"This is rather sudden," said Harry. "Didn't we agree not to go all the way until Rose and Parvati are ready? Since they can feel what they feel, I don't want to traumatize them."
"I'm not going to fuck you," said Hermione. "I just want to check you out and see how you're grown. I thought you might like to do the same with me. But I want to go first."
She ran her hands across Harry's shoulders and down his chest. As her hands brushed over his nipples he inhaled sharply in a gasp of pleasure. Kneeling, Hermione began to closely examine his genitals. She wrapped her hands around his balls and gave him a gentle squeeze. Then she ran her fingers along his now fully erect shaft. Harry put his hands in her hair and gently pulled her towards him. She came closer and closer and just before her lips touched him, she suddenly pulled back and said:
"I think it's you turn to examine me now."
She stood up and Harry took in the sight before him. He ran his hands across her shoulders and down the out side of her arms to her fingertips. Then, he traced his way up the insides of her arms until her got to the outer edge of her breasts. He slowly traced his way inward in a spiral until he'd mad his way to her nipples. Then he cupped her breasts and feel their weight in his hands. He felt them to see what their texture an rigidity were like. Kneeling, he ran his hands across her dark brown pubic hair. Then, parting the hair in the middle, he pulled apart her labia to take a good look at her. He liked the pinkness and moistness of her folds and bent forward to kiss them when Hermione backed away.
"Don't you want me to?" asked Harry.
"More than anything," gasped Hermione. "But I don't want to traumatize Rose. Let's get dressed."
After the girls had gone to bed and were lying awake talking, Harry couldn't get the memory of Hermione's flesh in his hands out of his mind. As he looked at Hermione, in her see through lace nightgown, which he was able to see by peering through Rose's eyes, his hand drifted down and began to stroke himself. By the time he realized what he was doing, he was too turned on to stop. His arousal built and built, higher and higher until it spurted out of him in an orgasm so intense that his jaw and eyes clenched shut involuntarily.
(Wow! That hurt!) thought Rose. (Did you just-)
(Yeah, I forgot how intense the first ones are,) thought Harry.
(I'm going to have to try that!) thought Rose as her hand drifted southward on herself.
Seeing Rose suddenly close her eyes and start touching her self, Hermione took advantage of the opportunity to do the same. And through the soul bond, they could feel the other girls joining in, one by one.
At the end of July, Harry and Rose invited the entire Harem over for a Birthday party.
Due to the Wards on Hufflepuff Manor, Harry had to go a get each of the Wives and personally portkey them there.
All of the girls had lost their girlish figures by now except the Patils. Before they knew it, the summer was over and it was time for Tonks to begin Auror training.
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