Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 14: begining 2nd year
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 14: Beginning 2nd year.
September 1st arrived and they boarded the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ginny and Luna went in search of a compartment, while Rose, Hermione and the Patils looked for a different compartment. The pasted by several occupied compartments before Harry spotted a familiar face, alone in a compartment.
"Yukio?" asked an astonished Harry.
"Harry!" cried Yukio Black as she flew into Harry's arms.
"What happened to you? Where are your parents? What happened to my family?" asked Harry.
"Oh Harry! I was so scared! It's been a nightmare!" sobbed Yukio.
"Calm down. Start from the beginning," said Harry as he held her in his arms to comfort her.
"It started last Halloween," began Yukio. "Uncle Regulus showed up and as soon as he walked in the door her cast a curse that killed Daddy. I think it was abracadabra. Then he cast another curse that sounded like, vocal parbay. It shattered my mum's wand and he told her that if she didn't accept her new status as his wife, he would sell me and my sisters as sex slaves! My mother agreed to do what he says and he's been living with us ever since.
Then, last spring Uncle Regulus announced that we were moving. He made us move into a castle. I spent a lot of time exploring and discovered that the castle was right next to your house! I checked inside and found the bodies of your dad and your brother, David. I'm sorry Harry. A couple a of moths ago I found your mother. Uncle Regulus keeps her chain to the wall in the dungeon. She told me that he had threatened to sell you sisters into slavery, but she had fought him with every thing she had. She didn't know where your sisters are now. She also told me that every month, Uncle Regulus rapes her and I should get out while I can!
When my Hogwarts letter arrived, Uncle Regulus told me that I could go to school but that if I didn't come back next summer, he would sell my sisters!
Oh Harry! What are we going to do?" sobbed Yukio.
At this point, Harry's eyes began to crackle with green lightning. He held her close and tried to prevent his magic from flaring out of control.
"Don't worry about it," said Harry. "I promises you that I will make him pay for what he's done."
Just then, Susan and Ernie stuck their heads in the door.
"Is every thing okay?" asked Ernie.
"No! Everything is not bloody okay!" growled Harry.
Once they had all settled, Harry and Yukio shared what they had heard. They had just finished when the door slid open and in strode Ron and Draco.
"Ginny you need to mingle with a higher class of people than these-" began Ron.
Quick as a flash, Ginny had drawn her wand and waved it. The two Slytherins began scream and as full-grown bats began erupting from their noses. With another flick of her wand, she pushed them out the door and closed it behind them.
The feast went pretty much as expected until the sorting began. Yukio was sorted into Slytherin. This was only mildly surprising, considering her heritage.
Then it was time for Luna. She and the hat spoke briefly before the hat announced: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
(I guess I know who I'll be bundling with,) thought Harry.
Luna came and sat down beside him.
Near the end of the sorting came the call for: "Weasley, Genevra." Ginny spoke with the hat briefly and that announced: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
(Uh-oh!) thought Harry.
"What happened? Why are you in Hufflepuff?" asked Harry, when Ginny sat down on the other side of him.
"I told it I didn't care what house I was in as long as I was in the same house as Luna," replied Ginny.
"Well I knew I would end up in the same house as myself," replied Luna. "So, instead, I asked to be in the house with Ginny."
When Harry arrived back in his room, he found that it was full of double beds. Everyone in his year, was now betrothed and would be bundling with their fiancés. Ginny and Luna had already settled in, as they would both be sharing a bed with Harry.
"I must say, you're taking this rather well, Ginny," said Harry.
"I've learned to accept our situation over the past year," replied Ginny.
"Well, now that we know what house you two are in, we need to decide who is going to be my designated girlfriend," said Harry.
"I would like to go first," said Ginny.
"I'm not giving up my side of the bed," said Luna.
"Fine, well share him here in Hufflepuff and I be the girlfriend in public," replied Ginny.
"Don't I get a say in this?" asked Harry.
"No." the girls replied.
"This just leave the issue of secrecy," said Harry as he turned to Susan and Ernie. "I need for the rest of our house to keep quiet about my being in a triad. As far as the other houses know, Ginny is my girlfriend."
"What about Parvati?" asked Susan. "I thought you were going with her."
"I am. I mean I will continue to see her, but secretly," said Harry. "I'm trying to give the illusion of being a normal kid."
As they adjusted to the school year, it took some getting used to for the others to deal with Luna. Unlike the other girls, she didn't bother to go behind the screen to change and didn't wear anything to bed. The boys were delighted with this and the girls were angered by it.
Harry continued to see each of his wives secretly. They would make appointments with Ginny to see him. All of them were spending their spare time researching how to break a fidelius charm, how to remove a wrackspurt and how to find the youngest Potter girls.
On Halloween night, Harry had a research date with Padma. They were going to go over some books on fidelius charms. They each ate a light supper and shortly after Padma left the Great Hall, Harry left to meet with her. They had only been gone a short time when Rose and Parvati abruptly stood up and screamed!
"Harry!" screamed Rose.
"Padma!" screamed Parvati at the same time.
The two of them abruptly bolted from the room. This caused Neville, Ginny, Luna and Hermione to get up and run after them. This caused Susan, Ernie and Yukio to follow. Pretty soon, the whole school was following them. The crowd followed Rose and Parvati to a place, just outside of the girl's bathroom. There was a large puddle on the floor. Lying in the puddle were two bodies. On the wall beside them was a message, written in blood:
Enemies of the Heir beware
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened
"NO! NO! NO!" cried Rose and Parvati, as they turned over the bodies of their twins, Harry and Padma.
Chapter 14: Beginning 2nd year.
September 1st arrived and they boarded the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ginny and Luna went in search of a compartment, while Rose, Hermione and the Patils looked for a different compartment. The pasted by several occupied compartments before Harry spotted a familiar face, alone in a compartment.
"Yukio?" asked an astonished Harry.
"Harry!" cried Yukio Black as she flew into Harry's arms.
"What happened to you? Where are your parents? What happened to my family?" asked Harry.
"Oh Harry! I was so scared! It's been a nightmare!" sobbed Yukio.
"Calm down. Start from the beginning," said Harry as he held her in his arms to comfort her.
"It started last Halloween," began Yukio. "Uncle Regulus showed up and as soon as he walked in the door her cast a curse that killed Daddy. I think it was abracadabra. Then he cast another curse that sounded like, vocal parbay. It shattered my mum's wand and he told her that if she didn't accept her new status as his wife, he would sell me and my sisters as sex slaves! My mother agreed to do what he says and he's been living with us ever since.
Then, last spring Uncle Regulus announced that we were moving. He made us move into a castle. I spent a lot of time exploring and discovered that the castle was right next to your house! I checked inside and found the bodies of your dad and your brother, David. I'm sorry Harry. A couple a of moths ago I found your mother. Uncle Regulus keeps her chain to the wall in the dungeon. She told me that he had threatened to sell you sisters into slavery, but she had fought him with every thing she had. She didn't know where your sisters are now. She also told me that every month, Uncle Regulus rapes her and I should get out while I can!
When my Hogwarts letter arrived, Uncle Regulus told me that I could go to school but that if I didn't come back next summer, he would sell my sisters!
Oh Harry! What are we going to do?" sobbed Yukio.
At this point, Harry's eyes began to crackle with green lightning. He held her close and tried to prevent his magic from flaring out of control.
"Don't worry about it," said Harry. "I promises you that I will make him pay for what he's done."
Just then, Susan and Ernie stuck their heads in the door.
"Is every thing okay?" asked Ernie.
"No! Everything is not bloody okay!" growled Harry.
Once they had all settled, Harry and Yukio shared what they had heard. They had just finished when the door slid open and in strode Ron and Draco.
"Ginny you need to mingle with a higher class of people than these-" began Ron.
Quick as a flash, Ginny had drawn her wand and waved it. The two Slytherins began scream and as full-grown bats began erupting from their noses. With another flick of her wand, she pushed them out the door and closed it behind them.
The feast went pretty much as expected until the sorting began. Yukio was sorted into Slytherin. This was only mildly surprising, considering her heritage.
Then it was time for Luna. She and the hat spoke briefly before the hat announced: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
(I guess I know who I'll be bundling with,) thought Harry.
Luna came and sat down beside him.
Near the end of the sorting came the call for: "Weasley, Genevra." Ginny spoke with the hat briefly and that announced: "HUFFLEPUFF!"
(Uh-oh!) thought Harry.
"What happened? Why are you in Hufflepuff?" asked Harry, when Ginny sat down on the other side of him.
"I told it I didn't care what house I was in as long as I was in the same house as Luna," replied Ginny.
"Well I knew I would end up in the same house as myself," replied Luna. "So, instead, I asked to be in the house with Ginny."
When Harry arrived back in his room, he found that it was full of double beds. Everyone in his year, was now betrothed and would be bundling with their fiancés. Ginny and Luna had already settled in, as they would both be sharing a bed with Harry.
"I must say, you're taking this rather well, Ginny," said Harry.
"I've learned to accept our situation over the past year," replied Ginny.
"Well, now that we know what house you two are in, we need to decide who is going to be my designated girlfriend," said Harry.
"I would like to go first," said Ginny.
"I'm not giving up my side of the bed," said Luna.
"Fine, well share him here in Hufflepuff and I be the girlfriend in public," replied Ginny.
"Don't I get a say in this?" asked Harry.
"No." the girls replied.
"This just leave the issue of secrecy," said Harry as he turned to Susan and Ernie. "I need for the rest of our house to keep quiet about my being in a triad. As far as the other houses know, Ginny is my girlfriend."
"What about Parvati?" asked Susan. "I thought you were going with her."
"I am. I mean I will continue to see her, but secretly," said Harry. "I'm trying to give the illusion of being a normal kid."
As they adjusted to the school year, it took some getting used to for the others to deal with Luna. Unlike the other girls, she didn't bother to go behind the screen to change and didn't wear anything to bed. The boys were delighted with this and the girls were angered by it.
Harry continued to see each of his wives secretly. They would make appointments with Ginny to see him. All of them were spending their spare time researching how to break a fidelius charm, how to remove a wrackspurt and how to find the youngest Potter girls.
On Halloween night, Harry had a research date with Padma. They were going to go over some books on fidelius charms. They each ate a light supper and shortly after Padma left the Great Hall, Harry left to meet with her. They had only been gone a short time when Rose and Parvati abruptly stood up and screamed!
"Harry!" screamed Rose.
"Padma!" screamed Parvati at the same time.
The two of them abruptly bolted from the room. This caused Neville, Ginny, Luna and Hermione to get up and run after them. This caused Susan, Ernie and Yukio to follow. Pretty soon, the whole school was following them. The crowd followed Rose and Parvati to a place, just outside of the girl's bathroom. There was a large puddle on the floor. Lying in the puddle were two bodies. On the wall beside them was a message, written in blood:
Enemies of the Heir beware
The Chamber of Secrets has been opened
"NO! NO! NO!" cried Rose and Parvati, as they turned over the bodies of their twins, Harry and Padma.
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