Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem

Chapter 15: Discovered!

by selenepotter

Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harem Harry, Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica, Humor - Characters: Ginny, Hermione, Luna, Parvati - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2006-07-11 - Updated: 2006-07-11 - 2287 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling

Chapter 15: Discovered!

Suddenly, Ginny grabbed Luna by the hand and started dragging her off.

"Where are we going?" asked Luna.

"Back to our room!" yelled Ginny as they broke into a run.

Once they got back to her room Ginny turned to Luna and said: "Search my stuff."

"What am I looking for?" asked Luna.

"An old diary with the initials TMB on it," replied Ginny.

"Couldn't you just save time and tell me where it is?" asked Luna.

"I don't remember having it!" yelled Ginny. "It has a piece of You-know-who's soul in it! It must have been given to me while Ron and Lockhart were making fools of them selves when we were shopping. Just Look. If it's taken possession of me I might not know it."

A thorough search of Ginny possessions failed to turn up a diary.

"It's not here," pronounced Luna.

"Okay, okay what can we do?" said Ginny. "My mind! You can use legimancy to scan me and find out where I've hidden it!"

"If you don't remember having it, I would have to probe very deep. I might cause brain damage," said Luna.

"I don't care!" yelled Ginny. "Mind-rape me as brutally as you have to. Just get that information!"

Since Ginny wasn't fighting her on even a subconscious level, Luna was able to thoroughly scan her mind without damage. But no sign of Ginny ever having a diary was found. But the process took hours. By the time Luna had finished, a crowd of their room mates had gathered to observe.

"I'm sorry Ginny, you don't have it," mumbled Luna as she collapsed on the bed.

"Hang on, what were you two doing?" asked Susan.

"Legimancy, she was looking into my mind," mumbled Ginny as she lay down next to Luna and fell asleep.


When Ginny woke upon the right side of the bed, she and Luna were facing away from each other. This seem quite strange to her. On the occasions over the past year when Ginny and Luna had shared a bed, she had always awakened with Luna cuddling her. As she looked as Luna she suddenly realized that she could no longer feel Luna's emotions. She bent down to kiss Luna on the cheek. The kiss didn't give her the same tingle that it has the day before.

"Good morning," said Ginny when Luna opened her eyes.

Luna, looked around. Everyone else had already gone to breakfast. Grabbing a set of robes, they headed for the girls bathroom. There were separate stalls for each of them to relieve themselves in. Once they'd emptied their bladders, Luna and Ginny headed for the bath area. They walked past the girls communal bathtub, which was the size of a small swimming pool, they didn't have time for a bath. They didn't have time for a sauna either, even though that option was available. Instead, they walked over to the showers. There were hooks outside the shower where Ginny and Luna could hang their robes. They had not bothered to change before going to sleep last night. They each pulled back a curtain and stepped into one of the showers. After a quick shower, they got went to the sinks and did their daily grooming, then got dressed.

They got to the great hall just in time for the end of breakfast. When they came in, Hermione rushed over to the Hufflepuff table to speak with them.

"Did you find it?" asked Hermione.

"No, we couldn't find the diary anywhere," said Ginny. "I even had Luna look through my mind for it. But I don't have it."

"Someone else must have it," guessed Hermione. "We need to search all of the houses for it. I'll tell Rose and Parvati."

"How is Harry?" asked Ginny. "Is he?"

"Harry and Padma are both petrified," said Hermione. "They'll be fine, as soon as the mandrakes are grown."

"That's a relief," said Luna. "I didn't think they were dead. Who's going to tell Tonks?"

"Oh Merlin! She doesn't even know yet!" exclaimed Hermione.

"I'll send her an owl," stated Luna. "But, I don't know when she'll be allowed to read it. She's kept incommunicado during the initial, boot camp phase of auror training."

"Excuse me, what are you planning to search our house for?" asked Ernie.

"An old diary with the initials TMR on it," said Ginny. "Do you want to help us?"

"I don't think there's any point of searching the Hufflepuff wing for it," said Ernie. "No Hufflepuff would ever betray another by stealing."

"The person with this diary is being possessed by it," replied Hermione. "And they didn't steal it. They were given it as a gift by someone who wants to hurt them."

"I'll talk to the prefects," said Ernie. "See if we can organize a mass search."

"That would be a great help," said Ginny.


Rose had been going out of her mind with worry all day. Even with their empathic connection severed, Rose could tell that Parvati was undergoing something similar. At dinner, she went to the other tables and requested a meeting with her wives in the Room.

"Okay, what's the deal with this diary?" asked Rose.

"It has a piece of the soul of you-know-who," explained Ginny as she went into a detailed explanation of what had happened in Ginny's first year with the Chamber of Secrets.

"So if Harry was able to open the chamber because he is a parseltongue, maybe I could open the Chamber?" said Rose.

"It's worth a try," said Hermione. "But we shouldn't try to enter without telling professor Dumbledore. We need his phoenix if we're to have a chance against a basilisk."

"Well, we can at least find out if Rose can open it," said Ginny. "Let's go now."

When they got to the girls restroom, Hermione led them to the sink that had held the entrance before.

"Okay, what do I do now?" asked Rose.

"Try saying "Open" in parseltongue," said Hermione.

How do I do that?" asked Rose.

"You just do it! I don't know! Harry was the parseltongue, not me!" said Hermione.

"Open!" said Rose.

"Nothing happened," observed Parvati.

"You're not doing it right! Try again!" said Ginny.

"I don't know how!" said Rose.

"Just try!" pleaded Ginny.

"Open!" yelled Rose.

"Leave her alone," said Luna. "She's obviously not a parseltongue. We'll have to find another way."

"Luna's right," said Hermione. "We should concentrate on finding that diary."


"You asked to see me, professor?" asked Luna.

"Yes, child, please be seated," said Professor Sprout and she directed Luna into her office.

"The other girls are still complaining about my walking around the Hufflepuff wing naked?" stated Luna.

"Yes they are, but that's not why I've called you here," said Professor Sprout. "I has come to my attention that you and miss Weasley have organized the other students in a search of our house. No one is willing to betray your trust and for that, I am proud of them. But as head of our house, I feel that I ought be in on this secret. So, would you care to enlighten me? Miss Lovegood?"

"Did you know that plant is infested with nargles?" said Luna, peering at the shelves behind her.

"I see," well perhaps you'd care to speak with the headmaster?" said Professor Sprout.


"So, Professor Sprout sent you to see me," said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "Would you care to tell me why?"

"Is that a phoenix?" giggled Luna as she looked into Dumbledore's eyes and redoubled her shields. "I think phoenixes are so pretty!"

They stared at each other for several minutes before Dumbledore turned away and rubbed his head. After failing to penetrate Luna's mind he would need a headache potion.


It was with great trepidation, the next day that Ginny entered Dumbledore's office. Luna had told her about how the day before, he had tried to penetrate Luna's mind. Ginny had been studying Occulmancy for a year but didn't think she could keep Dumbledore out. She had decided that her only hope was to make a partial confession.

"Lemon Sherbert?" offered Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "Do you know why I've sent for you?"

"You want to know why Luna and I are searching for Tom Riddle's diary?" suggested Ginny.

"And would you care to enlighten me as to why you are searching for an old diary of a former student?" said Dumbledore, his eye twinkling even more madly.

"It's a horcrux created by Tom when he was a student here," said Ginny. "Anyone who writes in it becomes possessed by the soul of you-know-who."

"And just how do you know all this?" asked Dumbledore, his eyes still twinkling.

-Luna is a seer," said Ginny.

"Is she indeed?" said Dumbledore. "Well, I'm afraid in this case, she is mistaken. It's true that Tom did try to make a horcrux in his 7th year, but I am afraid, he was unsuccessful and never attempted the operation again. No, Lord Voldermort is truly dead. He died when his killing curse rebounded off your brother.

Thank you, Miss Weasley. You've been most helpful."


Over the next few days, Dumbledore interviewed Hermione, Rose, Parvati, Neville, Susan, Ernie and Yukio, but no one was willing to tell him more than Ginny had.

Within a week, the Hufflepuffs had completed a thorough search of their house. By Winter break, Hermione, Rose and Parvati had searched their houses. No sign of a diary was found.


"Parvati, have you noticed that we don't hug and kiss as much as we used to?" asked Rose.

"Yeah, I've noticed," said Parvait. "Do you think that Harry's petrification has severed our soul bond?"

"I never thought of that," said Rose. "We may not be married anymore!"

"Well, I know one way to test that theory," said Parvati as she pulled Rose into a kiss. "Well?"

"It felt good," said Rose. "But not like before. I think we might not be married!"

"Do you realize what this means?" asked Parvati.

"It means that I can find out what it's like to kiss a boy!" said Rose.

"And I can find out what it's like to kiss someone other than Harry so I'll have something to compare it to!" said Parvati.

"Neville!" said both the girls as they raced out of the 2nd year girl's room and down the stairs to the common room.

Nevillie was doing some late night studying. He completely didn't expect to see his best friends race into the room dressed only in their night gowns.

"Come on!" said Rose as she and Parvati pulled him off the couch. "We need to do something under the mistletoe!"

The next thing he knew, they had dragged him under the mistletoe and Rose was sticking her tongue down his throat! As soon as she came up for air, Parvati pounced on him and snogged him with equal enthusiasm.

"What was that for?" asked Neville when Parvati was done.

"I wanted to see what kissing a boy was like," explained Rose.

"And since you two do everything together-"said Neville.

"Exactly!" said Parvati.

"Well, how did you like it?" asked Neville.

"I think we'll have to do more kissing before we can decide if we like it," said Rose as she pulled him closer


Everyone in the Harem stayed for the Holidays except Ginny and Luna. Parvati had not told her parents what had happened to Padma. Without Harry, Rose had no where to go for the holidays. Hermione wanted to stay and do research. Tonks got a few days off from Auror training and came to visit Harry.

"Nymphadora, what a pleasant surprise!" said Dumbledore with his eyes twinkling when he ran into Tonks in the hallway outside of the infirmary.

"Don't call me Nymphadora!" said Tonks as she felt his try to breach her occulmentic shields. She could tell that he could breach them, but not without a fight.

"Of course, I had forgotten that you don't like to be called by your first name, Ms. Tonks, or should I say, Mrs. Potter," said Dumbledore. "What brings you back to Hogwarts?"

"If you know who I really am, then you know I've come to see Harry," replied Tonks.

"I am afraid that he and Ms. Patil are still petrified," said Dumbledore. "We won't be able to reverse it until the mandrakes mature. But, of course, you already know that."

"Whatever you think you know, keep in mind that Harry wants to live as normal a life as possible," said Tonks.

"Of course, of course, most of us want that for ourselves," said Dumbledore. "But you should all keep in mind that Ms. Weasley is mistaken. In this world, Lord Voldemort is dead and he never succeeded in creating a horcrux. There must be another explanation for what is going on and it would be best to let the staff determine what that is."

"Well, I hope you succeed before someone gets killed," said Tonks.


Christmas morning, Rose got up and went to look under the tree in the common room.

Uncle Peter and Aunt Petunia had given her some new socks.

Remus had given her another book on animagery.

Parvati gave her some homemade perfume.

Neville gave her a poinsettia.

From Ginny, she got a hand knitted jumper.

Luna gave her a box of chocolate frogs.

Tonks gave her a book on metamorphmagery.

Soon, Parvati came down and opened her present. Her parents, being Hindus, had not given her any presents. Rose had given her a box of chocolate frogs and Neville gave her a poinsettia.
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