Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry's Harem
Chapter 16: the Chamber of Secrets
Harry travels back in time to a world where Ron was the boy-who-lived. Harry/Tonks/Luna/Ginny/Hermione/Padma/OC
Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Chapter 16: the Chamber of Secrets
Less than a week after Winter break ended, Justin Fintch-Fletchley and the Fat Friar were petrified.
After that first incident under the mistletoe, Parvati had lost interest in kissing anyone. She couldn't figure out why she didn't like it as much anymore. Rose, however, had started going steady with Neville.
Since they had failed to find the diary, Rose asked Yukio to search the Slytherin dungeon for it. The others began extending their search to include the rest of the castle.
Ginny and Luna found Harry's Animagis book and began studying it. They also kept up their occulamency practice. But mostly they concentrated on searching for the diary.
Hermione woke up in her cell in Ravenclaw Tower. It was not at all like a prison cell but was more like the cells that monks live it. It was eight feet by eight feet square. The ceiling formed a gothic arch. There was a bed and a wardrobe for her clothes. All of the available wall space was taken up by bookshelves. She kept her books on these shelves and after the second morning of the term, the remaining shelf space had magically filled with some of the least checked out books from the library. If someone requested a book that was in Ravenclaw Tower, Madame Pinch could easily summon it to the front desk of the library.
Hermione stretched, put on her dressing gown over her nightgown, and walked the bathrooms. Grouped together were five bathrooms on each floor. Each bathroom was a full bath with a toilet, sink and bathtub/shower. This gave Hermione complete privacy for her morning routine.
After getting ready and going back to her room to get dressed, Hermione headed down to the great hall for breakfast.
She had almost finished breakfast by the time Luna and Ginny arrived and as she was leaving, Hermione made a point of stopping by the Hufflepuff table to wish Luna a Happy Birthday. Today was April 1st, April Fools Day. Hermione hated to admit it to herself, but today was the day that she missed the Weasley twins the most. Their pranks had been a background noise, quietly humming all around her, unnoticed until it was suddenly absent. Even after they had left school, their presence was still felt in the products of their joke shop. But in this reality, they had both died years ago. Hogwarts didn't feel the same without them.
"Happy Birthday Luna!" said Hermione as she bent down to hug Luna and kiss her on the cheek.
But Luna suddenly turned her head to that she caught Hermione's kiss on the lips.
"Thank you Hermione," said Luna. "Will I see you tonight?"
"Of course!" replied Hermione as she headed to class.
After a morning of double Potions followed by History (which Hermione had used to practice her Occulamency) it was time for lunch. After Lunch, came double Transfiguration and double Charms. She ate a light supper, then, slipped off to the Room.
When she got there, Rose and Parvati were already setting up for Luna's birthday party.
"Hi Hermione!" greeted Rose with a hug. "We're almost finished setting the table."
Hermione helped them finish setting the table with forks, spoons and noise-makers. Once it was all set, Hermione, Rose and Parvati donned their party hats just in time for Luna and Ginny's entrance. With a flick of her wand, Hermione lit the candles on the cake and they all started singing For she's a jolly good witch.
At the end of the song, Luna made a wish and blew out the 12 candles. After the cake and ice cream had been dished out, Luna began unwrapping her presents.
Ginny had given her a box of chocolate frogs.
Rose had given her some every flavor beans.
Hermione gave her a book on Divination.
Parvati gave her some home made perfume.
Tonks had sent her a crystal ball.
After the presents had been opened, Hermione announced:
"Let's play some games!"
"How about truth or dare?" suggested Rose.
"I rather like spin the bottle," replied Luna.
"Well, since it's your birthday, I guess we'll play spin the bottle," said Ginny.
The girls sat on the floor in a circle and Luna conjured a bottle. She spun it and it pointed to Parvati. The girls squealed with delight as Luna gave Parvati a peck on the lips.
Parvati spun the bottle and it pointed to Ginny. Again, the girls squealed as Parvati gave Ginny a peck on the lips.
Ginny spun the bottle and it pointed to Rose. When she went to kiss her, Rose grabbed Ginny's head and pulled her into a deep French kiss. Ginny was surprised at first, but soon responded with passion. When they started humming with pleasure, Luna said:
"Save some for the rest of us!"
Rose spun the bottle and it pointed to Hermione. Rose tried to pull her into another deep kiss and Hermione responded pretty much the way Ginny had.
Hermione spun the bottle and it pointed to Ginny. She tried to French kiss Ginny but neither of them enjoyed it as much as they had with Rose.
Ginny spun the bottle and it pointed to Luna. Ginny French kissed Luna until Rose cleared her throat.
Luna spun the bottle and it pointed to Rose. They both pounced on each other and began a contest of wills. Each wanted to French kiss until the other one broke it off. After several minutes the other girls began to get bored.
"I think that's enough of this game," said Hermione.
Finally, Rose and Luna broke off their kiss, panting.
"That was great!" said Rose. "But how come snogging used to feel better?"
"I think that since Harry's being petrified has broken off our empathic bonds, we don't feel how good we make each other feel anymore," said Luna. "I think that making the other person feel good was half the fun. Also, I think that Tonks' orgasms were giving you hormonal surges that were beyond your physical ages. I'm soul bonded to her independent of my bond to Harry, so I still feel them."
"That's an interesting theory," said Hermione. "I'll have to look into that more."
"I could help you experiment," offered Parvati.
"Oh! Me too!" chimed in Rose.
The girls decided to switch gears and play charades for a while until it was time for them to go to bed.
Hermione was only her way back to Ravenclaw Tower. As usual, she was careful to look around corners with a mirror before proceeding. She was almost at the tower entrance when she looked in the mirror and saw it!
The next morning, Hermione's petrified body was found in the hallway.
Over the next month, Luna, Ginny, Parvati and Rose, found themselves no closer to finding the diary than they had been last November. In the middle of May, a message was found, written in blood on the wall:
Her skeleton shall lie in the Chamber forever
A thorough check was made and the only person missing was a Slytherin girl, Amanda Addams.
The Board of Governors made the decision to close Hogwarts early and evacuate the school. Everyone was headed for the train when Ginny spotted her brother dragging his trunk down the hall and had a sudden insight.
"Ron!" called out Ginny. "I'll bet you're a parseltongue!"
"A what?" asked the boy-who-lived incredulously.
"You can open the Chamber of Secrets!" squealed Ginny. "Luna, go get the others and meet us at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom."
"Ginny, we've got to go!" said Ron. "The train is leaving!"
"Not so fast," said Ginny as she pulled out her wand and flicked it, putting her brother into a full body bind. Another wave of her wand and she had levitated his body as she proceeded towards the girl's bathroom.
Once Luna, Rose and Parvati had arrived, Ginny released her brother from the full body bind.
"Okay buster," said Ginny pointing her wand at him. "You are going to say open in parselspeech and open the Chamber of Secrets or I will do something unpleasant and painful to you!"
"But I'm not a parseltongue!" protested Ron.
"Just try!" demanded Ginny.
"~Open?~" tried Ron in a hiss.
The sink slid out of the way revealing a dark hole.
"I knew it!" said Ginny triumphantly.
"Hermione is going to kick herself when she finds out," said Luna.
"Okay, in the hole!" commanded Ginny.
"But we don't know what's in there!" protested Ron.
Ginny waved her wand and pushed him into the hole.
Ron fell with a scream. Ginny jumped in after him. Rose, Parvati and Luna were not far behind.
When Ginny arrived at the end of the pipe, she landed right on top of Ron. She quickly scrambled off of him and had gotten out of the way when Rose came down the shoot and landed on him. Every time Ron started to get up, another girl landed on him.
Finally, when Luna, the last one, had come down, Ron was able to get up. The girls all had their wands trained on him.
"Down the passage, go!" said Luna indicating the rough-hewn passage ahead.
Shortly, they came to a large, but delicate object.
"What's that?" asked Ron.
"It's a basilisk skin," said Luna. "It's been shedding."
"A basilisk!" squeeked Ron.
"Don't worry," said Rose, I'm sure that we'll be able to kill it before it finishes eating you."
Soon they came to another door covered in snake-like carvings.
"Okay, snake-boy, you're on again," said Ginny.
"I don't know how to open it," protested Ron.
"Just say Open in parselspeech again," commanded Ginny.
"~Open!~" hissed Ron.
The snake carvings started moving and the door opened.
"In you go!" commanded Ginny.
When they got into the Chamber of Secrets the basilisk was not there, the diary was not there, not even Tom Riddle was there. All that was in the room was the corpse of an 11-year-old girl, Amanda Addams.
Professor Bellatrix Black had just returned from seeing the children onto the train. When she got to the door of her office, she realized that her wards on the office had been breached. Drawing her wand out, she kicked down the door of her office.
"You!" exclaimed Bellatrix when she saw who was sitting in her chair.
"I don't believe I've met you, but judging from your reaction, you must know me. Come in, Professor. I believe we have much to discuss."
Chapter 16: the Chamber of Secrets
Less than a week after Winter break ended, Justin Fintch-Fletchley and the Fat Friar were petrified.
After that first incident under the mistletoe, Parvati had lost interest in kissing anyone. She couldn't figure out why she didn't like it as much anymore. Rose, however, had started going steady with Neville.
Since they had failed to find the diary, Rose asked Yukio to search the Slytherin dungeon for it. The others began extending their search to include the rest of the castle.
Ginny and Luna found Harry's Animagis book and began studying it. They also kept up their occulamency practice. But mostly they concentrated on searching for the diary.
Hermione woke up in her cell in Ravenclaw Tower. It was not at all like a prison cell but was more like the cells that monks live it. It was eight feet by eight feet square. The ceiling formed a gothic arch. There was a bed and a wardrobe for her clothes. All of the available wall space was taken up by bookshelves. She kept her books on these shelves and after the second morning of the term, the remaining shelf space had magically filled with some of the least checked out books from the library. If someone requested a book that was in Ravenclaw Tower, Madame Pinch could easily summon it to the front desk of the library.
Hermione stretched, put on her dressing gown over her nightgown, and walked the bathrooms. Grouped together were five bathrooms on each floor. Each bathroom was a full bath with a toilet, sink and bathtub/shower. This gave Hermione complete privacy for her morning routine.
After getting ready and going back to her room to get dressed, Hermione headed down to the great hall for breakfast.
She had almost finished breakfast by the time Luna and Ginny arrived and as she was leaving, Hermione made a point of stopping by the Hufflepuff table to wish Luna a Happy Birthday. Today was April 1st, April Fools Day. Hermione hated to admit it to herself, but today was the day that she missed the Weasley twins the most. Their pranks had been a background noise, quietly humming all around her, unnoticed until it was suddenly absent. Even after they had left school, their presence was still felt in the products of their joke shop. But in this reality, they had both died years ago. Hogwarts didn't feel the same without them.
"Happy Birthday Luna!" said Hermione as she bent down to hug Luna and kiss her on the cheek.
But Luna suddenly turned her head to that she caught Hermione's kiss on the lips.
"Thank you Hermione," said Luna. "Will I see you tonight?"
"Of course!" replied Hermione as she headed to class.
After a morning of double Potions followed by History (which Hermione had used to practice her Occulamency) it was time for lunch. After Lunch, came double Transfiguration and double Charms. She ate a light supper, then, slipped off to the Room.
When she got there, Rose and Parvati were already setting up for Luna's birthday party.
"Hi Hermione!" greeted Rose with a hug. "We're almost finished setting the table."
Hermione helped them finish setting the table with forks, spoons and noise-makers. Once it was all set, Hermione, Rose and Parvati donned their party hats just in time for Luna and Ginny's entrance. With a flick of her wand, Hermione lit the candles on the cake and they all started singing For she's a jolly good witch.
At the end of the song, Luna made a wish and blew out the 12 candles. After the cake and ice cream had been dished out, Luna began unwrapping her presents.
Ginny had given her a box of chocolate frogs.
Rose had given her some every flavor beans.
Hermione gave her a book on Divination.
Parvati gave her some home made perfume.
Tonks had sent her a crystal ball.
After the presents had been opened, Hermione announced:
"Let's play some games!"
"How about truth or dare?" suggested Rose.
"I rather like spin the bottle," replied Luna.
"Well, since it's your birthday, I guess we'll play spin the bottle," said Ginny.
The girls sat on the floor in a circle and Luna conjured a bottle. She spun it and it pointed to Parvati. The girls squealed with delight as Luna gave Parvati a peck on the lips.
Parvati spun the bottle and it pointed to Ginny. Again, the girls squealed as Parvati gave Ginny a peck on the lips.
Ginny spun the bottle and it pointed to Rose. When she went to kiss her, Rose grabbed Ginny's head and pulled her into a deep French kiss. Ginny was surprised at first, but soon responded with passion. When they started humming with pleasure, Luna said:
"Save some for the rest of us!"
Rose spun the bottle and it pointed to Hermione. Rose tried to pull her into another deep kiss and Hermione responded pretty much the way Ginny had.
Hermione spun the bottle and it pointed to Ginny. She tried to French kiss Ginny but neither of them enjoyed it as much as they had with Rose.
Ginny spun the bottle and it pointed to Luna. Ginny French kissed Luna until Rose cleared her throat.
Luna spun the bottle and it pointed to Rose. They both pounced on each other and began a contest of wills. Each wanted to French kiss until the other one broke it off. After several minutes the other girls began to get bored.
"I think that's enough of this game," said Hermione.
Finally, Rose and Luna broke off their kiss, panting.
"That was great!" said Rose. "But how come snogging used to feel better?"
"I think that since Harry's being petrified has broken off our empathic bonds, we don't feel how good we make each other feel anymore," said Luna. "I think that making the other person feel good was half the fun. Also, I think that Tonks' orgasms were giving you hormonal surges that were beyond your physical ages. I'm soul bonded to her independent of my bond to Harry, so I still feel them."
"That's an interesting theory," said Hermione. "I'll have to look into that more."
"I could help you experiment," offered Parvati.
"Oh! Me too!" chimed in Rose.
The girls decided to switch gears and play charades for a while until it was time for them to go to bed.
Hermione was only her way back to Ravenclaw Tower. As usual, she was careful to look around corners with a mirror before proceeding. She was almost at the tower entrance when she looked in the mirror and saw it!
The next morning, Hermione's petrified body was found in the hallway.
Over the next month, Luna, Ginny, Parvati and Rose, found themselves no closer to finding the diary than they had been last November. In the middle of May, a message was found, written in blood on the wall:
Her skeleton shall lie in the Chamber forever
A thorough check was made and the only person missing was a Slytherin girl, Amanda Addams.
The Board of Governors made the decision to close Hogwarts early and evacuate the school. Everyone was headed for the train when Ginny spotted her brother dragging his trunk down the hall and had a sudden insight.
"Ron!" called out Ginny. "I'll bet you're a parseltongue!"
"A what?" asked the boy-who-lived incredulously.
"You can open the Chamber of Secrets!" squealed Ginny. "Luna, go get the others and meet us at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom."
"Ginny, we've got to go!" said Ron. "The train is leaving!"
"Not so fast," said Ginny as she pulled out her wand and flicked it, putting her brother into a full body bind. Another wave of her wand and she had levitated his body as she proceeded towards the girl's bathroom.
Once Luna, Rose and Parvati had arrived, Ginny released her brother from the full body bind.
"Okay buster," said Ginny pointing her wand at him. "You are going to say open in parselspeech and open the Chamber of Secrets or I will do something unpleasant and painful to you!"
"But I'm not a parseltongue!" protested Ron.
"Just try!" demanded Ginny.
"~Open?~" tried Ron in a hiss.
The sink slid out of the way revealing a dark hole.
"I knew it!" said Ginny triumphantly.
"Hermione is going to kick herself when she finds out," said Luna.
"Okay, in the hole!" commanded Ginny.
"But we don't know what's in there!" protested Ron.
Ginny waved her wand and pushed him into the hole.
Ron fell with a scream. Ginny jumped in after him. Rose, Parvati and Luna were not far behind.
When Ginny arrived at the end of the pipe, she landed right on top of Ron. She quickly scrambled off of him and had gotten out of the way when Rose came down the shoot and landed on him. Every time Ron started to get up, another girl landed on him.
Finally, when Luna, the last one, had come down, Ron was able to get up. The girls all had their wands trained on him.
"Down the passage, go!" said Luna indicating the rough-hewn passage ahead.
Shortly, they came to a large, but delicate object.
"What's that?" asked Ron.
"It's a basilisk skin," said Luna. "It's been shedding."
"A basilisk!" squeeked Ron.
"Don't worry," said Rose, I'm sure that we'll be able to kill it before it finishes eating you."
Soon they came to another door covered in snake-like carvings.
"Okay, snake-boy, you're on again," said Ginny.
"I don't know how to open it," protested Ron.
"Just say Open in parselspeech again," commanded Ginny.
"~Open!~" hissed Ron.
The snake carvings started moving and the door opened.
"In you go!" commanded Ginny.
When they got into the Chamber of Secrets the basilisk was not there, the diary was not there, not even Tom Riddle was there. All that was in the room was the corpse of an 11-year-old girl, Amanda Addams.
Professor Bellatrix Black had just returned from seeing the children onto the train. When she got to the door of her office, she realized that her wards on the office had been breached. Drawing her wand out, she kicked down the door of her office.
"You!" exclaimed Bellatrix when she saw who was sitting in her chair.
"I don't believe I've met you, but judging from your reaction, you must know me. Come in, Professor. I believe we have much to discuss."
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