Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Flase Justice

Chapter Twelve

by ArielMaria 0 reviews

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-05-13 - Updated: 2012-05-13 - 549 words - Complete

Chapter Twelve

Trying to process what he said was harder than I expected. It was like trying to swallow down slices of apple once the cores been lodged in your throat. I just sat there, staring at where he had been standing, a million questions on my lips.

It couldn't have been true. I had talked to the kid, had heard his voice, and seen every little expression, felt how exuberant he had been. I couldn't accept it and yet...well it might have been true. Anything might be true within the confines of this hospital. All it did was cater to the needs of the insane. Only problem was I wasn't insane.

I knew I had to get out. Knew that if I stayed here any longer I would be sucked into the darkness of my surroundings and begin questioning more than just the existence of some kid. The possibility scared the hell out of me.

I stood up, dropping the damp towel onto the ground and stretched out my limbs a bit. I was achy everywhere and the release of the drugs on my mind left a pounding. I could still smell blood on me, could actually feel it but there were more pressing matters at hand. Like what had happened to Janelle. And why, if I had done all of this, wasn't any extreme measures being taken?

I made my way out of the cell, trying to push past the lead like feeling inside of me. I checked inside each of the three neighboring cells but found nothing. I pressed up against the walls but found nothing but cold steel supporting the foundation of the basement. I leaned back against the wall with a heavy sigh trying to keep my thoughts in line. The effects of the drugs still lingering in my mind.

I made my way back into the cell and felt around the walls. I pushed, my hands aching as I did and finally with relief it gave way. It creaked open and opened to a hall leading down some sort of unlit path. I walked on in, my steps making inaudible sounds. The wall beside me was my guide and despite the sudden onslaught of fear I made my way down.

A light appeared, a dim one that was distant. I made my way towards it and found myself surrounded by tall shelves with boxes, no doubt full of records. There was a door at the center but it was locked,a padlock keeping it in place.

It was colder here than it was with the cells and I folded my arms across my chest. My eyes strained in the near dark and despite the lock I made my way to the door. I tried the knob but it wouldn't budge.

A sound from behind the door kept me from moving though. I pressed my ear against it and heard the same sound. There was a moan, more like a cry. It heightened the worry inside of me as well as a reluctant curiosity. I didn't want to think of what it could be even though I knew what it sounded like exactly. It had been a woman's cry and that just made every burden I felt like I was carrying even heavier.
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