Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Gerard's Voices.

by EternalGlory 0 reviews

What was the real reason My Chemical Romance came together causing such chemistry, such music, that inspired people with the first line. This isn't a true story, but it is based on my perceptions o...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-05-14 - Updated: 2012-05-14 - 406 words

"Gerard. Gerard Way. A person bullied as a child; told they'd never make it. At one point that person begun to believe it, thinking life itself was just a waste of space in it's entirety. After a fair share of alcohol and drug abuse, life began to look up, seeming almost too good to be true. That's when it all came together; the music, the friendship, a family. That person seemingly had realised life wasn't just a turbulent wave of horror, rather an ever-growing ball of excitement. I am Gerard Way and my life starts here. That's what I tell myself. Every single damn day. "

Waking up to an empty household seemed extremely normal for a Saturday. The sun was already up and I figured I had been in bed for a long time. I tipped on out of bed and headed directly for the fridge to grab some pop tarts. I turned on the TV and sat indulging in sweet, unhealthy goodness. That's when I saw the advert: 'Battle of the bands! How will you fair?'. It struck me. How awesome would that be to enter something so outrageously crazy, and win?! Still, I could always dream. I switched the channel and started rocking out to some music, my pop tart falling to the floor in the process. This of course didn't go a miss from my darling family cat; bubbles. Still, I enjoyed the music, feeling every emotion, every instrument right there, right then. As I danced, little did I know my brother Michael had just come home from his job at the local grocery store. His expression said it all really. He looked down on me through his huge glasses, careful not to break a a smile.
"Gerard. You gotta stop doing that!" he laughed.
I simply looked at him, for he was my brother. Music was everything to me, I was just so inspired by the way every instrument comes together to create perfection.
"Mikey, forgive me," I smiled.
He looked at me and chuckled, continuing into the kitchen with the groceries. He saw the pop tart lying on the floor and his face dropped.
"Mom and dad are gonna kill you! You better clean it up!" he yelled.
I gave him the 'yeah,yeah' look and sat down in front of the tv. Maybe I could achieve something like that. It's just a wish though, why would it come true?
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