Categories > Original > Poetry

Moving along

by CrimsonFlowers 0 reviews

Really different from what I used to write, its not depressing like my other poems. Review if you could, Thanks :]

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-20 - Updated: 2012-05-20 - 229 words - Complete

When I listen to music,
I feel obliged,
To write down my own rhymes or lines,
To share my message and make it more meaningful then yours,
To say that, hey, anyone can write,
Anyone can speak their mind,
You just have to have some guts to say what’s going through your mind,
Spill your thoughts onto a plate and pass it along,
Respect the opinions of others, but remember it’s only yours that matters,
Stand up and go along, to some other place where you can do whatever you want,
Don't fret when you don't accomplish what you want, just keep trying you got so much,
So much left inside your head,
That you can use to configurate some kind of plan,
A plan to do what you want and you know that it won’t flop,
You’re just doing your job,
Your job is to create your own life,
Enjoy what you do with your time,
Affect others but mostly yourself,
Make a promise to never look down,
Into the pit of your stomach,
And see that little bit of fear that’s always trying to climb up,
Let it climb up though, puke it out and just move on,
It doesn't deserve you and you don’t deserve it,
Keep on walking and writing your own songs and remember,
Do what you want.
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