Categories > Original > Romance > Daydream Believer

Chapter 1.6

by Mojo-Risin 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-05-28 - Updated: 2012-05-28 - 158 words

"You're so young and you already have your own business." He sighed. "My grandmother owned the store first, I just took over after she died." I said slowly. "I'm sorry." He said. "That's fine." I replied. He nodded, "It must be fun owning a store." He mused. "Sometimes. Other times it's a stone drag. I do all of the baking so it wears me out." I explained. He inched closer to me, "I bet the nagging customers get annoying." He chuckled. "They sure do." I agreed. I stood to my feet, "I have to get going. I had fun." I said. He stood up and smiled, "Me too." He kissed my cheek, "I'll stop by the shop tomorrow." "Okay." I said, "Bye." "Bye." He replied. I trudged off the beach then looked back to see him talk into a shell before putting it to his ear before I started home. Tomorrow seemed to be a million miles away
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