Categories > Original > Romance > Daydream Believer

Chapter 6

by Mojo-Risin 0 reviews

Later that day....

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2012-05-31 - Updated: 2012-05-31 - 196 words

After returning home with the groceries and putting everything in it's proper place, Peter and I decided to go over to his place to see the boys. Before we could there was a knock on my door. I went to open it. It was my aunt Grizelda. She wasn"t actualy my aunt but was a friend of my mothers who took me in because my parents didn't care about me. She always treated me like I owed her my life. "Hi auntie." I grumbled. She looked past me and at Peter, "Who is he?" She asked. "Peter Tork. My frined." I said. "Isn't he from that silly band that can't get a gig?" She said making more of a petty jab than asking a question. "Yes I am." Peter said with a smile. "He isn't very bright. I don't trust him." Peter's smile faded, "Why not?" We both asked in unision. Aunt Grizelda just tutted, "Your mother wants to see you." She said shrugging off our question. "Why?" I asked. "She wants to make things right with you, Angela." She replied. "No, she only wants to give her the shop." I said. "Yeah." Peter cheered.
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