Categories > Original > Romance > Summer In The City

Todays the day!

by TwoTeenageGirls 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-06-04 - Updated: 2012-06-04 - 805 words

Joy's P.O.V
"Are you still going today, Joy?" My mother called up the stairs as I ran my brush through my hair. I looked at my calender, I'd been counting down the days until Summer In The City. My excitment about today would last a long while after this.
"Yeah. I'm calling a taxi soon," I shouted down after her. The fact I was going alone didn't bother me; I just wanted to meet Harrison Webb.
"No need," my mother replied, I could hear her voice coming closer, "your dad is taking you as soon as he get's back." Her voice was now outside the door of my room, which opened as soon as her sentence finished. She shone a smile at me, "you look nice," she complimented, "I guess this does mean a lot to you." I nodded in return, it did mean quite a lot to me, but I wasn't as dressed up as she made me out to be. A red tank top fell over my torso and stomach, covered slightly with a black 'Midnight Beast' jacket. Tight black jeans clung to my legs, covered at the bottom with the red converse that I had purchased yesterday. Other than that I wore eyeliner and a bit of mascara; my chest-nut coloured hair fell straight down, just under my shoulders, my side fringe covering most of my forehead.
"Ever since we moved down here to London, a year ago, I've wanted to meet many YouTubers at Summer In The City." That was one of the advantages of living more south than we had before. This is where most of the YouTube gatherings were held. My mum let out a small laugh.
"Are you still staying the weekend?" She asked, looking over at my bed, which was where my small green suitcase was packed full.
"Yeah. I figured it would be easier to book a hotel than come back here every night, considering it isn't in this part of London." She nodded in agreement.
"Well have fun, and don't be falling in love with any boys from YouTube."
"A bit too late for that," I remarked, looking at the small picture of Harrison Webb, Bertie Gilbert, Roy Avartz and Dom Herman-Day blue-tacked to the corner of my mirror. She chuckled and left my room, waving a goodbye.
I slipped my cap on, today was going to be good - heck the rest of this weekend was going to. I picked up my suit-case and bag at the sound of a cheerful greeting - to no one in particular - from my dad as her entered the house.

Snow's P.O.V
I looked at my apperence in the mirror and smiled, today was the day of Summer In The City. I grabbed my brush off my desk and brushed through my long blonde hair before heading downstairs with my suitcase to the living room where my mum was sitting "Do I look okay?" I questioned, I was wearing some black shorts, black and white stripey knee socks and a simple black tank top "You look beautiful Snow" she smiled "Your taxi will be here soon" she added while I slipped my black converse on, I smiled "Thanks mum" "Rememeber to be careful Snow, I don't really like you going to the other side of London alone, you're only 15" she said sounding a bit concerned "I'll be fine mum" I said trying to reasure her, I soon heared a horn outside and knew it was for me "bye mum" I said pulling her into a hug "Have fun and call me if you need anything" she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek "I will do, don't worry" I said before heading out the door pulling my blue suitcase behind me.


"Thanks" I said paying the driver before walking into the hotel, "What's your name" the man behind the counter asked "Snow Horne" I answered smiling "Oh yes follow me to your room please" he smiled. The walk to my room didnt take very long as it was only room 23, when we arrived infront of my door he handed me my key "Thanks" I grinned, while opening the door, I placed my suit case on the bed and opened it looking for a jacket as it had began to get cold. I looked in the mirror across from where I was standing, I looked a mess my hair was messy, my make-up had begun to come off and my socks had fallen down, I sighed and grabbed my brush and make up and walked closer to the mirror, I applied my eye liner and masscara, brushed my hair and then sorted my clothes out, I put my things back in my bag grabbed my jacket before heading out the door.
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