Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions for the story I was talking about

Auditions for the story I was talking about

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 10 reviews

Auditions for a story involving a love triangle type thing, twins and a slutty Frank Iero.LAST CHANCE!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-05-27 - Updated: 2012-06-02 - 618 words

So here are the auditions for the story I was on about. If you haven’t read the note I posted yesterday regarding this soon to be written story, then here is the link:
The basic gist is that Frank is a slut and has a twin brother who he pretends to be in order to get with Gerard. Throw in love triangle kinda thing between some other characters and bam! That’s the story.
The parts I am looking for are a best friend for Gerard, Mikey`s girlfriend and frank`s twin brother. The audition forms for each character are different, so have a look before deciding which to fill in. Also, if auditioning for the part of the best friend you must be okay with being either bi or a lesbian and having a crush on Mikey`s girlfriend. And the girlfriend has to be okay with the best friend having a crush on her. And if you audition for the part of the twin you must be okay with having a crush on Gerard`s best friend (the lesbian/bi girl)
Oh and I am unsure what to call this, I have already had one pretty amazing suggestion, but if anyone else had one feel free to let me know.
Frank`s twin
Clothes you generally wear(include shoes):
Clothes you wear for a special occasion:
Hairstyle: (chose from one of Frank`s previous hairstyles please)
Any piercings or tattoos:
Any make up:
Anything else to do with looks:
Music you like:
Music you dislike:
What are you studying at university for?
Hopes for the future:
Thoughts on frank`s sluttish behaviour:
Briefly describe your relationship with Frank:
You have a massive crush on a girl that is a lesbian, do you know that she is gay or not? If you do, why don`t you move on to someone else?
How long have you liked her for and what first attracted you to her?
How do you react when you find out Frank has pretended to be you in order to get into Gerard`s pants?
Anything else:
Mikey`s girlfriend:
Hair style and colour:
Eye colour:
make up:
clothes(include shoes and any jewellery):
piercings or tattoos:
anything else to do with looks:
how long have you been with Mikey?
Do you love him?
Thoughts on his elder brother Gerard:
Music you like:
Music you dislike:
What are you studying at university?
Hopes for the future:
Do you know that Gerard`s best friend has a crush on you?
How do you feel about this if you know?
What are your thoughts on her as a person?

Gerard`s best friend
Hair style and colour:
Eye colour:
make up:
clothes(include shoes and any jewellery):
piercings or tattoos:
anything else to do with looks:
Music you like:
Music you dislike:
What are you studying at university?
Hopes for the future:
How long have you been friends with Gerard? How did you become friends?
Describe your friendship with him:
When did you figure out you were attracted to girls?
How did people generally respond to that?
Does it bother you what homophobes think?
How long have you liked Mikey`s girlfriend and what first attracted you to her?
Would you ever act on it or do you just want her to be happy with him?
How do you react when you find out that Frank was pretending to be the nice twin to get into Gerard`s pants?
Did you honestly believe that Frank was the other twin or did you have your doubts?
Anything else:
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