Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sell Your Soul For A Chance At Love

Hi Fridge, I'm Frank

by Chemical_Loverox 0 reviews

Mikey looked at us strangely and went over to the coffee pot. Yup waaaaaaaaaay to much coffee.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-06-06 - Updated: 2012-06-07 - 888 words

Frank's P.O.V

I woke up all warm and happy, If I’m honest I have no idea why, after everything that happened last night I should be anything but happy, but I am and I can’t explain it. The bed was warm and soft against my back and I snuggled down more under the covers. I winched slightly at the pain that shot through me but I was way to happy to complain about it. I heard the door open and close as someone walked into the room. I opened my eyes to see Gerard walking over a smile playing on his lips as he approached me.

‘How you feeling now?’ He sat down beside me and moved the hair out of my eyes.

‘Okay, did you drug me?’ He laughed and shook his head.

‘No why?’ His voice was just amazing, so smooth and sleek.

‘because I’m all happy and stuff’ He chuckled and that made me goggle for some reason.

‘And stuff? Hmm.. I’ll have to ask Mikey about it, but no I nor Mikey drugged you, you just had a really good sleep. But know you have school so you got to get up’ I nodded and sat up, winching but kept my mouth shut. Everything that happened last night came flooding back to me in waves and I started to shack.

‘I don’t want to go, please don’t make me go, please’ Tears spilled out over my eyelids and slide down my cheeks. He raised his hand and I sunk away from him but relaxed when he shushed me and wiped my tears.

‘It’s going to be okay sugar, I promise.’ His voice was soft and calming.

‘How… how can you be so sure?’ I’ve only been in that school for a day and already I know its not a nice place. I hate it, and its also easy for my dad to find me there.

‘Trust me. Stick with mikey and you’ll be safe.’ He helped me stand and held on until I was steady enough to stand on my own. I nodded and headed for the bathroom. I needed to pee real bad. I did my stuff in the bathroom and went back to Gerard’s room. He was sitting on his bed with some clothes in his hands.

‘These might be a little big, the tee and hoddie will be, but the tacky bottoms should be fine when you tie them. I’d give you jeans but they’ll be way to big on you, as will mikes.’ He stood and walked over to me, handing me the clothes. ‘You be alright to dress on your own?’ I nodded and grabbed the clothes. The thought of him undressing me where to much to handle. He chuckled, a flicker of lust shadowing his eyes, but just as it quickly cased his eyes it was gone. Why did he look like that? Could he read my mind? Highly doubtful, nobody can read minds and anyone who thinks so is metal. He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I shook my head and took the clothes over to the bed and slowly undressed, I put the tracksuit bottoms on first, They where gray, the leg length was perfect but they where a little big around the waist, but once I tied them they hung nicely on my hips. Not to low which I was a little worried about. My ass was not something I wanted to show off. I picked up the band tee, misfits might I add and stuck it over my head and put my arms through the holes. It fitted perfectly. I stock the hoddie on and headed up stairs to find my shoes because they weren’t in the room.

‘There you are, I thought you got lost in those clothes’ Gerard was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen, coffee in hand and a perfect smirk planted on his face. I pouted and crossed my arms. He made a joke about my height, which Is not cool .

‘Awk Frankie I was messing’ He cooed and got on the stool,. Coolie walking towards me but I didn’t budge. He was about an inch in front of me now, I could feel his breath ghost over my forehead (Yes I’m that small, deal with it), it sent chills through my body.

‘You’re cute when you pout Frankie’

‘Am I not always cute’ I pouted more until I realised what I had said. Just then Mikey came running into the kitchen and knock me sideways straight into the fridge, which I bounced off and landed onto the floor..

‘Shiiiit Frankie I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there, you alright’ Mikey pulled me off the ground, and I fixed my clothes.

‘Yuuup, I’m fine Mikey don’t worry’ I looked at him and burst out laughing, His hair was all over the place, his glasses crooked and his eyes wide open, either from not enough sleep or too much coffee. Beside me I could hear Gerard laughing too. Mikey looked at us strangely and went over to the coffee pot. Yup waaaaaaaaaay to much coffee.

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