Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Family Reunion

American Dream

by texaswookie 0 reviews

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-06-11 - Updated: 2012-06-12 - 3852 words - Complete

San Francisco

Piper groaned as she finished loading Prue’s car. They were taking it for their emergency trip to Sunnydale. She really wished that she were the one with telekinetic powers right now, instead of the ability to freeze things. It would make packing all of this crap into the car a lot easier than the way she was doing things, rules be hanged. It would also help if her sisters were helping her, instead of doing their own things. But she knew they were doing important things, and neither of them would likely think of the right things to take on a trip like this one. They had originally planned on taking a plane to the Sunnydale airport, but the airport was reportedly deserted at the moment. Which meant that whether they liked it or not, they would have to go by car, since a number of flights to closer places, like LA, were booked solid.

“Hey,” Phoebe said as she came outside carrying a box.

“Phoebe, is that?”

“Uh huh, you never know when you might need a little extra firepower.”

“No one better steal it,” Prue said as she came up, slamming her door angrily.

“More troubles?”

“Just the usual combination of Andy and work,” the eldest of the three grumbled.

“Ah,” Phoebe said, going quiet.

“What happened this time?” Piper asked.

“A minor demon thought it would be fun to take me down while I was at work. I managed to kill it, but I lost an outfit when he spat this slime at me. I was also late for a meeting, and Andy was part of the team that was called in after the demon was gone.”

“So, a typical week then?” Piper asked.

“Yes, unfortunately,” the irritated woman replied to her perky sister.

“Well, the messing up your clothes thing is new. And I’m not really helping, am I?”

“No, you’re not,” Prue told her.

“All right, well as soon as Phoebe gets the potions and book put away, we can go.”

“After I change my clothes,” Prue said “There is no way I am going to travel all the way in a business suit covered in demon slime.”

“Well, hurry up then,” Piper replied.

“Oh yes, hurry up. You don’t want to be late,” a figure said. Swallowing nervously, the three turned around and looked at who was talking.

“Okay, now that is just low,” Phoebe said as she gazed at the woman standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. She looked like the same woman that had put them in time out for screaming all of those years ago.

“Hi grams,” Piper said with false enthusiasm as she backed toward the car and behind Prue. Phoebe mirrored her actions so that Prue now stood between them and what appeared to be their grandmother in a bad mood. When she looked like this, Piper’s reasoning and Phoebe’s sweet talking could do nothing to please the old woman. Prue was the only one of them with the guts to stand up to the old matriarch of the family.

“Be quiet, Piper,” the woman ordered. Piper nodded, taking another step back, hitting her back against the car.

“Aw c’mon, grams.”

“Phoebe,” the woman warned, silencing the youngest of the three. Prue rolled her eyes at her cowed sisters. “Do you have something to add, Prudence?”

“You mean besides the fact that I’m not impressed?” Prue asked, crossing her own arms and shifting her weight until the two were now in identical positions as they stared at each other.

“Um, Prue, you realize that you’re talking back to a pissed off grams, right?”

“Phoebes, that’s not grams, or else I wouldn’t be able to hold my keys in her chest.” Eyes widening, the woman stepped to the side and watched as the keys sprang into Prue’s hand. “So what are you? A ghost, illusion, or maybe the First?”

“Try the last one, dear,” the old woman returned. “Don’t think that just because you know who I am, it’s going to help you. You’re just a bunch of little girls that don’t know what you’re doing.”

“Yeah, well it’s because of the scumbag demons that like you so much that we have to figure a lot of this out on our own,” Prue said coldly. “If it hadn’t been for your stupid demons, our mother might have been able to help us.”

“Big words, little girl,” the First said, before shifting into their mother. The three gasped in pain and sorrow. “What? Is this figure a bit more painful for you to look at?” The melodious sound of their mother’s voice asked. “Oh and that book of yours won’t help you either girls.” The figure disappeared, leaving the three shaken witches where they were.

“All right, that wasn’t fun,” Phoebe said, placing her hand on the car. “Damn it,” she grumbled as she got a vision. There were three kids stepping out of a flying carriage. The scene shifted, showing a bright orange car with a confederate flag on it. The scene shifted again, showing men and women fighting with swords. Another image showed a man with knives fighting a bunch of ninjas, while two girls were fighting another ninja with a demon mask. A man, wearing some weird, red visor, was being held by a giant in bronze armor. The image changed again, showing people in a castle. Another shift and she watched three men and a woman strapping on military gear and checking funky looking weapons. Another shift and three people in a blue pickup were on the road. “Whoa.” She held her head as the ringing in her ears stopped.

“Phoebe, are you all right?”

“Oh yeah, I’m just peachy with a side of keen,” she shot at her sisters.

“What did you see?”

“I don’t think we’re the only ones coming, and I think its going to get bad before it gets better.”

“Great,” the other two sisters said.

Cheyenne Mountain

General Hammond waved SG1, Bra’tac, and the leaders of the demon hunters into his office. “Thank you, sir. We’ll get to it immediately.” The round man hung up the red phone and beamed at the group. “That was the President,” he explained.

“We gathered, sir, since you don’t often call your granddaughter sir,” Jack joked.

Hammond gave his second in command an annoyed look before turning back to the group as a whole. “You have a go, people,” he informed them happily. “Operation Heaven vs Hell has been approved by the President himself. Despite the protests of certain individuals,” he added, just a little too smugly.

“It’s about time,” Riley grumbled. “I was about ready to pull a Scooby response; besides school is nearly out.”

“What does the school year have to do with anything?” Daniel asked.

“Its what those of us in the supernatural business call Hell month,” Graham explained. “Basically, it’s when the Hellmouth, or other areas of mystical convergence, get real active, and someone, or something, usually tries to end the world in some way or another. That’s probably why the school year is set up the way it is.”

“I would have thought a researcher of your caliber would have caught something like that, Dr. Jackson,” Commander Finn commented.

“And what is this Scooby?” Bra’tac asked. “I am unfamiliar with this term.

Graham snorted. “I’m telling them you said that.” He turned to the leader of the Jaffa resistance. “It basically means telling the higher ups to go take a flying leap, and doing what has to be done in their own style.”

“Sound like anyone we know, Jack?” Daniel asked innocently, pushing his glasses up.

“Then what are we waiting for people?” Jack asked, gesturing to the door. “We have to assemble the troops and all that jazz.” The others nodded as they left the general to do things like order troop transports for the assault group. Once they were outside the office, Jack began issuing orders. “Teal’c, Sam, and Bra’tac, get the zats and staff weapons ready for people to use. This may be the last time that you get to check them out without drawing attention to yourselves. Finn, you round your people up, make sure we have enough sharpened wood, holy water, and whatever else you think we’ll need. Daniel,” he said, turning to his friend. “I want you to go over those notes one more time, see if you can figure out anything else that might be useful.” Everyone nodded as Jack went to round up the other SG teams that were going with them. If he recalled correctly, about half of them were actually off planet. Of course, that only meant he and the general were going to have to do some paperwork juggling to get them where they needed to be.

Hammond looked over the various soldiers with pride. These men and women under his command were ready to serve their country. Or in the case of the Jaffa, they were here to help their allies in a nearly impossible battle. All of them stood at the ready in the hangar bay, a pack by their feet with all the gear they would need. “You men and women have pledged your lives to protect Earth, either from the forces above us or those below. You have always risen to the occasion, and now the forces below are the ones currently threatening us. You are going to go and take these creatures down. Remember as you defeat them, that this is for your planet, your home that you are fighting for.”

The soldiers all cheered. “All right, load up people!” Jack ordered, motioning to the flatbed trucks that were on standby. “We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.” Each soldier shouldered their pack and pounded up to the vehicles.

“Good luck, Colonel,” Hammond said, offering his hand to his second.

“Thank you, sir,” Jack replied, shaking the outstretched hand.

“Now go save your family,” the general ordered.

“Yes sir, thank you, sir,” he repeated, slipping his sunglasses on as he headed to the trucks.

Sam Finn was standing by his truck, waiting for him. “Yes?” he asked. “Something else hasn’t shown up, has it?”

“Latest intelligence from Sunnydale, sir. A team was sent in a while ago, without my knowledge, in response to a distress message. A member of the Slayer’s team was having troubles due to a glitch in some computer programming. We just now got the report. Riley nearly hit the roof when he read it.” Jack nodded as he accepted the file and began reading it. The Billy Idol vampire, or H17 as it was officially called, went by Spike. ‘ Some people have way too many names/nicknames,’ Jack thought to himself as he read. According to this, Spike had his implant break down somehow. The implant had sustained undetermined damage and needed a bit of reworking. When given the choice, his niece had ordered it removed. The girl probably had an idea of the amount of authority she had now when it came to the military and magic. He snorted to himself when he thought of the amount of power she had. He got into the truck and motioned for his driver to lead them out, while he read the rest of the report. Who knew, he might be able to find out something new about her.

New York City

Harry felt someone nudging him awake. “What?” he asked irritably. He was having one of his first decent rests in a long time, and didn’t particularly like being shaken awake by his bushy haired friend.

“You need to see this,” Hermione said excitedly, pointing out the window. “We’re coming up on the States!” Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he saw Ron get a spray of water shot at him. “You’re easier to wake up,” she answered his unasked question.

“Wuz going on?” Ron mumbled.

“Take a look out the window, Ron,” Harry said as he saw what had his friend so excited.

Ron reluctantly did as he was told. “Bloody hell,” he said, gazing outside. Hermione didn’t say anything to him as she stuck her own head out the window. They all looked with admiration at the huge form of the Statue of Liberty.

“It’s beautiful,” Hermione said as she looked at the figure holding its torch as a guiding beacon in the late night. The boys nodded, not sure how to respond to that statement. The thestral circled the statue a couple of times before landing at the statues’ base.

“I guess this is a rest stop,” Harry said lightly as they got out of the carriage.

“Is this safe?” Hermione asked cautiously as she looked around. “I mean, there are guards all over the place.”

“Yeah, but Thanos needs to rest after crossing the ocean, ‘Mione, and with our luck, we would have landed somewhere much worse, if we tried to pick an inconspicuous spot. Besides,” he said, grinning mischievously. “Are you telling me you can’t perform a disillusionment charm? Or that you didn’t want to land here?”

Hermione glared at her green-eyed friend. “You planned this didn’t you?” She accused.

“Maybe,” he said, shrugging as he removed the bit from Thanos’s mouth. Hermione shook her head, Harry had an uncanny ability, it seemed, to befriend animals. Fortunately, he had common sense when it came to dangerous animals, unlike Hagrid.”There,” he said as the horse, that neither she or Ron could see, went to hunt some food. He clapped the animal on the back. “So, is there anything interesting to do here?”

“Only reading, I’m afraid,” she answered.

“That a fact?”

“Yes.” She threw the invisibility cloak at her friend as she disillusioned herself and Ron. A part of her missed the time when the three of them could slip under that cloak. Of course, back then they had been little kids, and Dumbledore had been alive. Shaking her head, she returned to what they were doing. “On the bright side, though, we’ll need to use your brooms.” She hid her smile as her friends began grinning. Ron ferried Hermione up to the pedestal balcony, with Harry following behind them. Once they had all landed, Hermione grabbed each boy by his arm and led them to the base of the statue where the poem ‘The New Colossus’ by Emma Lazarus was. “Look at this,” she pointed out in excitement. “So many people have come here to see this and read these words. It’s supposed to have all sorts of protective charms on it. And there’s a rumor that Frederic Bartholdi learned the proper dimensions from observing giants. Though that’s outrageous since he was a muggle.”

“We’re not gonna get caught by the Yankee Ministry, are we?” Ron asked nervously, cautiously looking down at the open grounds below them.

“No.” Hermione turned back to the plaque, quickly going into lecture mode. “The plaque is actually essential to the spell.”

“Why?” Harry asked, examining the piece of metal.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman, with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lighting, and her name

Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she

With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

“Because it’s where the base of its power is located. It used to be located up in the torch.” She pointed high above them to the flickering device in question. “But because so many high emotions were brought to this spot, the kind of emotions that are helpful in keeping the protections up, it was decided to move it to the plaque. Hogwarts has similar wards placed around it. Why I wouldn’t be surprised that the more people love it, the stronger the wards are. Anyway, moving the main emotion sponge actually helped strengthen the wards. So they placed a secondary one near the torch, while the main one is now here.”

“Where did you figure all of this out?” Ron asked.

“I read about it in Top 1000 Magical Places to Visit.”

The three wandered around the island until Harry noticed that the dark winged horse was now ready to leave. “C’mon, Thanos is back from hunting.” The other two nodded, mounting the brooms and flying back down.

“Better recast the charms on the carriage while we’re here,” Hermione suggested. Nodding, Ron joined her to redo the charms while Harry hooked Thanos up. “Let’s go,” Hermione said excitedly. They were actually getting close enough now that she knew they might actually be able to get there in time to help.

“All right, boy, same orders as before,” Harry told the horse.”Get as close to the Hellmouth as you can, but be sure to rest up from time to time.”

HP: Grimmauld Place/Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Remus Lupin sighed as he sat down tiredly in his chair. The werewolf looked up at the head of the table and instead of an old man with twinkling blue eyes there was a woman with a severe bun. “Has there been any word?” he asked the new headmistress hesitantly. On one hand, he was rather proud of the exit the trio had made; it was worthy of the Marauders, and the twins, what with the disappearing act combined with the fireworks. Of course, those three had always been slyer than they were ever given credit for. Personally, he thought if it hadn’t been for the war, they would have followed in the footsteps of their predecessors, or at least been people to be wary of. But no, the werewolf thought bitterly, at the end of their first year at school they had survived their first battle and already acting older than their years. Now, when they should be acting like teenagers, they were still acting more mature than they had any right to be. Of course on the other hand, the professor part of him was worried about what they would run into. The man who had been the brains behind the Marauders had lost so much; he didn’t think he could stand losing the last piece of his family.

“No, Remus, I am afraid there has still been no word,” McGonagall said, her eyes flashing angrily. The woman, along with many members of the Order, was angry at what the three had done. They were also worried about the danger that the Trio would find, out on their own. “In fact, there has been no word for a couple of weeks now. I admit that the fireworks display was very uplifting, but I think I would like to know where they are now.”

“As would the Grangers and Weasleys,” Mad-Eye added as he sat at the table.

“And the Dursleys?”

“Couldn’t care less that Potter has up and disappeared on us,” the man said, lighting his pipe.

“Well I just hope they decide to give us some news soon. This is getting to be rather aggravating,” Remus said as he accepted a butterbeer. As if summoned by his words, Hedwig flew into the room, landing on the table in front of the headmistress.

The snowy white owl stuck her leg out for the woman, who quickly undid the clasp on the note. McGonagall read the note and frowned. “Remind me to ask Madam Pince for a list of books that Miss Granger checked out of the library when we get back to Hogwarts,” she said as she passed the note around.

Dear Headmistress,

You’re probably wondering where we are right now. This note will tell you our location after you have read the letter and copy of events that are in Dobby’s possession. The notes are under several protection charms that I found in the library. The defenses are somewhat more dangerous than the ones that protected the Sorcerer’s Stone. You need to deactivate the wards carefully or the notes will burn up.

Remus chuckled at this. “Better hope there are no puzzle spells on them, or we could be here for a long time.”

“What makes you say that?” Moody growled.

“Hermione is dangerously bright and might have left a puzzle that we wouldn’t understand.”

“Let’s get to finding these notes then,” the grizzled man said, rising to his feet.

“Yes, we’ll have to go to the castle and find Dobby. Then we can see what Hermione has left for us.”

“Right, let’s go,” McGonagall said. “Bill, I know you’re still a little weak, but I think you might be helpful in this.” The redheaded curse breaker nodded and followed his former teacher out with the other two that were leading the Order.

Four hours later they had finally gotten past the last of the wards guarding the notes. Mad-Eye and Bill ran several spells over it, checking for curses that might be hidden in them.

“All clear,” the young man finally said as the light from the last spell faded. “Remind me to never make Hermione angry. She knows way too many spells.”

Remus picked the book up and began reading. He groaned after the first few pages. “I know where they went,” he said.” Though I can’t believe even they are crazy enough to go there.”

“And where is that?”

“The Hellmouth in Sunnydale, California. I once met a werewolf from there. He was looking for something to cure or control the wolf.” Remus smiled fondly, remembering the quiet young man that had carried a guitar on his back.

“We’ll read this, while you get a team of Order members together, Alastor,” McGonagall ordered. Mad-Eye nodded and went to round up the few wizards with decent fighting skills. “What were they thinking?”

“They were thinking that someone needed their help,” Remus replied said, handing her the letter.

“I remember Miss Granger getting this,” she said. “She was oddly quiet after she got it.”

“Well, now we know why. Come on, we have research to do,” the werewolf said. “I wonder if my contact would want to help.”

“Is he capable of surviving there?”

“He’s a muggle werewolf that survived several years on his own there. It’s been a few years since I talked to him, though.”

“See if you can find him,” she ordered as she began summoning the reference books that Granger had suggested.
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