Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
Not The American Average
4 reviewsMaybe the liquor was clouding my judgement, but Ben looked pretty hot. His blue eyes were adorable and I just wanted to tangle my fingers in his fluffy hair. Not to mention them tattoos... *Frank ...
Not The American Average
(#) BleedingValentine 2012-06-13
Undoubtedly the weirdest pairing yet. Heeheehee, it was quite cute.
BleedingValentine xxAuthor's response
Aw thanks :3 Yeah, its a wierd pairing alright, but they're both awesome guys, so what the hell :PNot The American Average
(#) oh_my_mikey_way 2012-06-13
i beleive that this should be carried on, oh what the hell, i fucking loved it pweeaasse write more she begs leaning on her knees oh common i groveld for fcks sake!! you have to now ;)
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