Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Do You Like Scary Movies?

Do You Like Scary Movies?

by MyNomDePlume 4 reviews

I should've been creeped out, but I wasn't. It felt... nice to have Brendon that close. Yeah, nice. (Ryan's POV)

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2012-06-11 - Updated: 2012-06-12 - 304 words

Brendon let out of bloodcurdling scream and hid behind a pillow. Spencer grabbed the remote and paused "Scream" for the fifth time.

"I thought you like scary movies." he sighed.

"yeah, well… I kind of lied." Brendon admitted from behind the pillow.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and stole the pillow away from him.

"Quit being a baby or watch Teletubbies instead." 

"I'm not a baby!" he bit his lip nervously and leaned into me, "just p-play the movie."

Spencer resumed the movie without another word.

About an hour later, the movie was over. Before leaving, Spencer glanced over at me and a smile danced at his lips. He obviously knew something I didn't. I was about to ask about his little secret, but the sound of soft snoring came to my attention. Brendon had crawled into my lap and fallen asleep. His head was resting on my chest, his soft hair tickling my chin. I should've been creeped out, but I wasn't. It felt... nice to have Brendon that close.

Yeah, nice.

I played with a lock of his hair absent-mindedly. He was simply mesmerizing when he was asleep. Come to think of it, he was always that beautiful, like an angel sent from heaven. I guess I never put much thought into it. I made a mental note to start doing so ASAP.

"I love you, Brendon." I murmured without thinking. 

Oh shit. Those three words would ruin our friendship if he ever heard me say them. But it was okay, he was asleep. It's not like he heard me, right?

Brendon stirred suddenly. He turned his head to look up at me with those big brown eyes and a perfect smile.

"What took you so long?"

Just a little one-shot I wrote a last week. Hope you liked it!
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