Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Of Comics and Coffee

Of Notes and Memos

by GAClive 1 review

“You... are Lauren,” he muttered and looked slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed. He breathed in sharply through his nose, “Good morning, coffee.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-06-19 - Updated: 2012-06-19 - 728 words

Lauren paused just outside her dorm room and smiled awkwardly up at Grant. The taller man leaned over her and gave her yet another of his breathtaking smiles. “Well...” she nodded at the door, “This is me! Thank you for the tea.”

“I should be thanking you for the wonderful time I had,” she felt herself grow mushy inside. “And I was wondering if you want to go to a party with me next friday? My fraternity is welcoming in some freshmen and it should be really fun.”

Lauren felt her stomach clench up just at the mention of a party. She made it a point to avoid them as often as possible... but for this she could make an exception.

Laruen arrived bright and early at the shop... well, “bright and early” by her standards was not very early. She glanced at her phone to make sure it was indeed 10 AM and pressed her hands around her eyes to peer into the shop. He did say 10, and it is now 10:15...

“Where is he?” She blinked blearily and leaned away from glass door. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to wake up more and decided to check around the back to see if that door was open. She trudged through the parking lot in the back and noticed a black jeep with a bumper sticker that advertised the store. It had to be his.

She stepped over the cement blocks that marked the ends of the parking spaces and reached the back door. She squinted from the glare of the harsh Los Angeles sunshine reflecting off of chipped white paint of the door and finally knocked on it.

This time she heard a startled rustling behind the door and after a few moments it opened. “Morning,” she mumbled at her new boss. He blinked owlish eyes at her in response and seemed intent on deciphering the many small features of her face as though he was trying to remember who she was.

For a while she stared back and took in his rumbled black t-shirt, track pants, and vivid red hair that stuck out in every possible direction it could. She decided to try again, “Good morning, Gerard!” He blinked again at her obviously forced morning cheerfulness.

His stare turned slightly suspicious. “You... are Lauren,” he muttered and looked slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed. He breathed in sharply through his nose, “Good morning, coffee.”

“Wh-what?” He had already turned his back to her and she followed him into the back room that she recognized as his office. Except this time it was littered in loose papers and crumpled memos. Sketches and what looked like poetry were scattered over his desk.

“Coffee.” He said a bit louder to her, his head turned only slightly towards her as he continued his bee-line for the coffee maker on the other side of the room.

Ten minutes later found them sitting in the small reading corner of the shop on an old but comfortable brown sofa, sipping coffee while watching people walk by outside. “Sorry about being so out of it this morning,” he muttered from behind his mug.

“No problem! I'm not a morning person either,” she looked him over again and noticed his shoeless feet and the heavy bags under his eyes. “Did you stay here all night?”

“Uh yeah... kinda sucks being a night owl, y'know? Like whatever the hell is stuck inside your head will only come out around midnight and won't stop spilling out till you collapse from exhaustion...” his words trailed off as he realized he had no idea where his thoughts were leading him.

“Oh? What were you working on?”

Gerard frowned in thought for a moment, “Um... I don't remember much. Guess I'll just have to look at the notes on my desk. The thoughts kinda just exploded last night all over the place for the first time in years.”

“Anything good?”

“Damn, I hope so...”

A/N: Oh hey, remember me? Yeah still hanging around! Yeah this is a BIT of a filler BUT I already have the next chapter halfway done so that should arrive soon!

OH! And auditions are still open for whoever is interested. It will be a few more chapters before the results are in but thank you so much everyone for your participation so far! You rock!
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