Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never Coming Home

You're Not In This Alone

by Chemicalle 0 reviews

Frank sees the world differently, he is having a tough time through his years until he meets Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-21 - Updated: 2012-06-21 - 1286 words

The water was running cold in the bathroom's sinks and the floor was dirty. It was normal for this school, kids never kept anything clean or neat.
Suddenly, the bathroom entrance door quietly and slowly swang open, he entered, the pale, black haired newbie Frank couldn't sit around.

"Hey, is everything alright?" he asked worried.

"I'm all fine, there is nothing to be worried about," Frank gave an arrogant reply.

"Are you sure? You look worried, I want to help you if I can."

"I will be o-fucking-kay, I mean it."

"Okay, if you say so, but I want you to know that if you need help I will be here," he took a stand closer to Frank. "My name is Gerard by the way."

"Awesome to meet you, Gerard. I'm Frank," he nodded.

"Such a great name," Gerard said cheerfully looking down at Frank's hands in the sink. "Why did you do this to yourself?"

"Do what to myself?"

"Your wrists, why are you doing this?"

"I think this is mine and only my business, and I think you should stick out of it," Frank replied harshly with anger, this set Gerard off guard and made him upset. "I, I am, I am sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm just really depressed and lost, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, I know exactly how you feel, can I help you? please?" Gerard cheered up and had a slight smile on his face.

"Okay, if you want to, but you must know that I am not so easy to get to."

"I am sure I will handle this," he smiled and took a step behind Frank and grabbed his shoulder, "friends?"

"Yeah, sure, why not," Frank smiled, that caught Gerard an even bigger smile.

The two went out of the bathroom together, they were smiling, they looked happy. Frank's perfect smile donator. The two looked like they were friends since always when they were being together everywhere and laughing to each other's jokes. Frank seemed to have a perfect life.
If only his life was so perfect as it seemed to be near Gerard.

"Could you tell me about your problems that you are facing?" Gerard asked calmly, not to get on Frank's bad side.

"Well, normal depression problems, which lead me to self-harm and suicidal thoughts, people hate me too, and, well, treat me like a complete outcast, that just brings me down even more. My parents aren't also in a happy marriage, my family isn't happy. I don't have anyone anymore, I can't trust anyone, this brings me to all this."

"That sounds just terrible, I wish I can help you in any way. Your life really seems to be awful. But you're not alone, you can trust me, you have me, whatever you tell me, stays with me," Gerard gave Frank a secure smile and moved closer to Frank on the bench giving him a hug.

Frank feeled insecure now, he was uncomfortable in Gerard arms at the moment. There were many things he needed to tell Gerard, but he was afraid, he didn't want Gerard to leave him.

Gerard then pulled away, giving Frank a smile. Frank just grinned and gave Gerard a hug back, it made him feel too insecure now, he would never hug anyone. He knew Gerard just a day and he was ready to hug him.

"Are you feeling any better now?" Gerard questioned.

"I am feeling much better, sorry, I mean, for the hug, I know this made you feel insecure..."

Gerard cut Frank off, "insecure? of course not, why would it? I am happy that I can help you and make you feel safe."

Frank smiled, the bell ran and it was time to go home now.

"Should I walk you home?" Gerard asked.

"Please," Frank smiled.

The two got their stuff and walked to Frank's house. It was more of a villa, it was enormous, had a little lake in the garden and a patio. Frank's room could be recognised easily by a guitar leaning against the window.

"Frank, you are living in a luxury villa," Gerard admired.

"Trust me, it's no luxury, it may look nice on the outside, but the inside and the story of it is awful, trust me."

The two walked inside and were greeted by a cheerful woman's voice.

"Oh, hello! I see you brought a friend by, Frankie," she said cheerfully, she was smiling real much, Gerard found it hard to believe that she was being so misunderstanding for Frank.

Gerard grinned and waved to Frank's mother, she nodded cheerfully. Frank took hold of Gerard's wrist and held him upstairs to his bedroom.

The door to his bedroom was of a very clear black colour, entering the bedroom was blinding as the suns raise shone straight into your eyes after staring at the black door. The walls were of a dark red colour, they were covered with posters of various bands, from Misfits till The Smashing Pumpkins. There was a row of guitars beside the window, all of them had names. He was one hell of a guitar lover.

Frank threw his school bag on the bed and sat on the floor, he took his face in his hands and began to cry. Gerard ran over and sat next to him, trying to comfort him. He failed, Frank wouldn't even take his hands of his face.

"Sh, calm down, I'm here, you don't have to cry."

Frank stood silent there, he stopped crying but he wouldn't take his hands off his face, still. Suddenly, Gerard's phone started to ring. He picked it up and looked upset.

"I'm so sorry that I can't stay with you and keep you calm but my mum is begging me to get back home," Gerard said. "Promise me, if you feel worse, if you feel like hurting yourself, call me, please, I don't want you to harm yourself in any way."

Frank nodded and took his hands off his face, "Thank you."

~ ~ ~

It was dinner time now, Frank didn't harm himself, he was on the phone with Gerard instead, he confessed about something. Gerard advised him to tell this to his mother. Frank was up to telling her about his confession this very dinner.

"Will dad be here tonight?" Frank asked mum while entering the dining room, he saw his dad sitting on his place at the table. "Oh"

They all sat for dinner, Frank didn't eat anything, he was too worried about putting his words together about his confession.

"Frank, why aren't you eating?" Mr.Iero asked him.

"Mum, dad, I need to tell you something," he started breathing unevenly.

"What is it, Frank?" they both asked.

"I, I, I have to, I can't keep it from you any longer. I have to come out..."

His parents bother stared at him, shocked.

"I am sorry that I'm not good enough, it's my time to tell you, I am seventeen and I can't hide the truth from you any longer. I am coming out. I am gay," Frank came out to his parents, excused himself and left the table. He got a heavy weight off his heart now. But it was not how he wanted it to be.

He locked himself in his room, called Gerard, he wouldn't pick up his calls. This got Frank into worry and an even bigger depression. Frank took a razor and stared at it for a long time. Until he heard a knock on his door. He his the razor and unlocked the door.

"We have to talk," the both of his parents told him as they entered the room and sat on his bed.
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