Categories > Original > Drama > A Holiday To Remember

A Holiday To Remember

by TMBohyeah 0 reviews

Simply, girls go on holiday meet TMB and shizz happens.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-06-10 - Updated: 2012-06-10 - 751 words

"SHANNON YOU LAZY PIG GET THE FUCK UP FOR THE 4TH TIME!!" I think that was the 5th time actually. Anyway that was Alisha my best friend/mother for all intensive purposes, she is defiantly the more mature of the 3 of us living in this flat, she is one of the most amazing girls I have ever met, honestly.

Then there was Holly, she was a whole other subject. Just think Jay from the Inbetweeners and you have her in a nut shell, she has one dirty mind, no one would want to go into that brain, but she is still amazing! I love her to bits!

"SHANNON!" Me thinks getting up would be the right decision right now, I am not risking ice cubes down the back like last time I failed to get up, that was a grim sight.

"OKAY! CALM YO TITS!" She isn't like this all the time, its just today is HOLIDAY DAY! Everyone partayyyy!! Woop woop! We are off to the US of A! Specifically Florida! This is our first holiday together, and its going to be carnage! Well I think, that depends on how mature Alisha is going to be. Time to get food. I rolled out of bed and slipped on my tiger feet slippers. They are so comfy its like walking on clouds, even though I don't know what that feels like, and its impossible, its just a guess if clouds were a solid object and not water vapour.

"You look like a zombie."

"Aww, thanks Holly, morning to you too." I need a shower. But I need food. Foooood. I don't know what to eat! I will just have cereal.

"Is that all you're having? Its a long flight." Being the fussy mum again are we Alisha.

"Its not like this is going to be all I'm having, there is a thing called a shop inside the airport, and guess what it sells food!"

"Seriously with the sarcasm. Its 5 in the morning, can't you give it a rest?" I shook my head, why you roll your eyes woman? Its sarcasm, it's what I do! Right devour the cereals and run to shower! Have a quick sing in the shower, back to room hit play on the Ipod! And so the beautiful voices of The Midnight Beast fill my room. Oh Stefan, you beautiful man, with a beautiful voice. The definition of perfect.

"PIZZA IN FLO-RI-DA! PICKING THE CHEESE OUT OF MY TEETHA!" Yes I changed the lyrics but it fits today! Dancing round, my love for these men is unbelievable. Right, I think I shall wear my TMB t-shirt actually, there is a possibility that we might meet them!! I mean, Stefan has been tweeting about going to Florida for the past week! And it turns out we are going on the same day. Imagine that, being on the same plane and the stefro, those amazing eyebrows and the beard. Omg, that would be heaven. Okay! I am ready! One last look in the mirror. Brown hair, looking boring, as usual. Face, looking like a potato, as usual. Okay we are all set! I need to get on this plane now!

"TAXI'S HERE!" Yayayayayayayayayay! Time to go to Floridaaa!! Okay, now, somehow, I have to drag this suitcase that ways as much as an elephant down the stairs without getting crushed by it? Unless I throw it down and hope it doesn't rip. Well that's by best bet.

"TIMBURRRR!!" That was easy! I skipped down the stairs and picked the case up again, just to have it taken straight off me and put into the back of the car/bus thingy. I don't know what it is okay, it is bigger than a car but smaller than a mini bus. If anyone knows do tell! It smells in here.

"It smells in here." Holly said, reading my mind. Mind reader.

"It always does in Taxi's its like all taxi drivers have the same smell." I replied, I need to shout 'convoy', I need to, that's like a key thing anytime you go on a big journey.

"Don't you dare." Alisha hissed, also giving me evil eyes. She never really is good with mornings, I suppose. The taxi ride took a while, this is what you get when you live very far away from the nearest airport. Right then now we have arrived, drag suitcases out the boot and away we goo!! Let's hope its going to be a holiday to remember.
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