Categories > Original > Drama > Pull yourself together!

chapter 2

by DoYouLoveMe 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-06-28 - Updated: 2012-06-29 - 1009 words

“Oh, my gosh, are you okay?” ‘Mystery Girl’, as Alex was now calling her in his mind as thoughts slowly formed after getting over the shock of her being there, asked. She took notice in the gash over his left eyebrow and kneeled down in front of him. He cautiously looked up and into her eyes, watching as they sparkled. He could see the reflection of his gash in her eyes, as if looking into glass.

“Y-Yeah, I’m alright. My hand just slipped, I guess,” Even though Alex knew that it was no slip, it was shock. He was shocked that an angel had appeared in front of him. Even though it was no angel, it sure as h.ell looked like one – in the eyes of Alex. Most people just bypassed the ‘mystery girl’ and never gave her a second thought. But Alex seemed to be in a trance. He couldn’t get over the fact that she was here. This wasn’t the girl of his dreams, she wasn’t the one he wanted to marry – she was better than the girl of his dreams. And she wasn’t the one he wanted to marry, he wanted more than that – to be with her forever. Alex knew this with just one look into her light brown eyes.

“Come on, let’s get a band-aid over that. Oh goodness, it’s getting worse. What did you do? Hold a piece of glass up to your eye?” She says with a hearty laugh, obviously meaning that as a joke of some sort. She then saw the serious look in his eyes and responded with a small “oh.”. Safe to say, that was the end of their bathroom conversation until Alex finally stood up.

“Let’s go get a band-aid, and then you can go back to wherever you need to be,” ‘Mystery Girl’ had completely ignored the shattered glass on the floor and the backpack in the sink, filled with bottles of Vodka. She moved her feet around the glass, not even looking at it, with her eyes focused on the door. She didn’t even seem to mind that she was in the men’s bathroom.

“So, what’s your name?” Mystery Girl said once the both of them were out of the bathroom. Alex had quickly zipped up his backpack and threw it over his shoulder, hearing the bottles clanking together. Mystery Girl didn’t even flinch at the sound of the bottles, much less blink an eye.

“Um, Alexander Gaskarth, but you can call me Alex,” Alex says, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He bit his lip, following Mystery Girl towards a door with the sign ‘Employees Only’ on it. He furrowed his right eyebrow since he knew it would be extremely painful if he did it to his left one – which was still bleeding badly.

“No,” Mystery Girl said, opening the door and grabbing the sleeve of Alex’s shirt. His face went a bright cherry red at the skin contact that they shared. It was so unlike him, to be this flustered over a simple. But that’s the problem – she wasn’t so simple.

“Um, what?” Alex says before noticing that he’s been saying ‘um’ a lot. He was nervous, and he didn’t know what to say. Can you blame him?

“I don’t like Alex, so I’m calling you Alexander. It sounds more original,” Mystery Girl speaks quickly and quietly as they move into what looked like a storage closet but a little bit bigger.

“Okay then,” Alex says, suddenly nervous as Mystery Girl lets go of his sleeve. He hears her rummaging around in something, not even bothering to turn on a light. It was like she knew this place like the back of her hand.

“Alright, turn around. Let’s get out of here,” Mystery Girl says. She has something in her hands, he can tell, as she puts a hand on his back and leads him out of the room. Once again, his face goes a bright red and he can feel the vibration of her laughter in the silent room.

Exiting the room, the both of them turn to look at each other. Alex’s blush had slowly faded, but a slightly shade of pink was still there.

“I got a band-aid and a paper towel,” She says, going over to the water fountain and wetting the paper towel at the crumbled up edge.

Mystery Girl put the band aid in her pocket for the time being. Getting the paper towel steady in her shaking hand, she pressed it on all of the spots that were dampened with Alex’s blood. To say she was nervous would be the understatement of the century. She was shaking so hard she felt like an earthquake.

“Thanks,” Alex said quietly after she had finished cleaning him up and put a Spongebob Squarepants band aid onto his small cut.

“Alright, I’ve got to go. But maybe I’ll see you again sometimes, alright?” Mystery Girl says, throwing the wet and red paper towel into a nearby trashcan, as well as the trash from the band aid. She grinned up at Alex, chuckling a little at the children’s band aid.

“Wait, you never told me your name!” Alex yelled as soon as she started to walk down the hallway and start to turn a corner. He stood in the middle of the hallway, and it was like taking a small scene out of a movie.

“Alison. Alison Saunders,” She looked back at him over her shoulder before grinning and turning the corner.

Alison Saunders. What a beautiful name, Alex thought. And he was much better. He hadn’t thought about his deceased brother in the past ten minutes, and was shocked. She made him feel better, more alive. Grinning like he just won the lottery, Alex made his way back to the recording studio, suddenly ready to take on that sad, hurting song.
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