Categories > Anime/Manga > Neon Genesis Evangelion > Evangelion Gear

Episode 3: First Blood and Vengeance

by snafuthegreat 0 reviews

Category: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-02 - Updated: 2012-07-02 - 7250 words

Episode 3: First Blood and Vengeance

Snafu's Notes: I kinda goofed on the timeline. Snake is called out by Big Boss in 2013, not in 2012. It is then that Seele attacks the facility. Oh, and part of the story is done in MGS fashion.

Snafu's Notes, Pt. 2: The Beauty and Beasts Unit make their debut!

FOXHOUND Training Facility – near Seattle Washington.

In the chaos that was Second Impact, the city of Seattle, Washington had managed to survive the chaos that was Second Impact pretty much intact. Originally considered to be the new home of the United Nations before pulling out its bid and allowing Tokyo-2 to win the bid.

It was home, however to the newly-reformed Special Forces unit, codenamed FOXHOUND.

The location of the facility was that of an industrial warehouse, located on a small airfield, about the length of a football field, complete with a training area, workout center, firing range, laboratory for research and development, and a nearby hangar where FOXHOUND's main mode of transport - the modified C-17 Globemaster III which was christened The Nomad - was at the moment, parked.

At the moment, FOXHOUND's second-in-command (and squad leader of Rat Patrol One) was strode down the hallway with a purpose. Short scarlet hair, piercing green eyes, dressed in the short-sleeved khaki uniform that served as the summer uniform of FOXHOUND. She held the rank of Major, as it was noticed by the gold oak leaf insignia on her collar. The hip holster contained her signature weapon – a matte-black, Mark VII Desert Eagle.

The name tag read CAMPBELL, having taken on her father's surname in honor to his memory.

Stopping in front of a door whose sign read FOXHOUND COMMANDER, along with the second sign which read ABANDON ALL HOPE, YE WHO ENTER HERE, she knocked on the door.

"Come in," the voice of the FOXHOUND commander spoke from the inside.

The gun-toting Shadow Moses survivor entered the office. Along with the FOXHOUND commander, one other person was present. He was known as one of the two computer geniuses FOXHOUND had on payroll, Doctor Hal Emmerich. Seated behind the desk, dressed in FOXHOUND khakis, the rank of Colonel evident on his collar, the bandanna absent, was the current commander, Solid Snake.

The hair was shorter, but there was no denying the fact that it was him.

"Scarlet Fox," Snake greeted, calling Meryl by her codename.

Meryl Silverburgh-Campbell nodded her head in greeting. "Gentlemen," she responded.

Snake acknowledged his subordinate with a nod. Motioning Meryl to come closer, Snake gestured to the laptop on his desk – apparently Otacon's since the Policenauts sticker attached to it was a dead giveaway.

"Looks like the old man has finally made his move against Seele," Snake said. "We got the video feed from the RAYS when they attacked the Tarumae facility. Otacon?"

The bespectacled man nodded. Punching in a couple of keys, he spun the laptop around, allowing Meryl to look at the video. Needless to say, Meryl was impressed.

"Good thing those RAYs are on our side," Meryl noted. Pausing for a moment, she turned to Snake. "Permission to speak freely, Colonel?"

"Granted," Snake replied.

"Can you really trust Big Boss, let alone Ocelot?" Meryl asked, still skeptical of the alliance between FOXHOUND and the reformed Patriots.

"Given what's at stake here," Snake replied, "I'm willing to give Big Boss the benefit of the doubt. Then again, Zero and the original Patriots have used me to infiltrate Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland and screw Big Boss over. And that incident two years ago..."

Meryl stiffened at that remark. She remembered that incident all too well. Two years earlier, Seele, seeing the reformed Patriots' power as a thread for their plans for Instrumentality, tried to have the Patriots killed, using a PMC they had on their payroll. Snake and Meryl were there at the time, and had retreated along with Big Boss and the others, but there were two casualties in the ensuing gunfight.

Roy Campbell, Meryl's father and the former commander of FOXHOUND, and EVA, Big Boss' faithful consort.

Snake had seen Big Boss pissed before, and with the deaths of his longtime friend and lover, he knew that the old man would be out for blood. Namely Seele's.

In the months following the Manhattan Incident, Snake had rejoined Meryl. Aiding Raiden, the trio rescued Olga's newborn daughter from the Patriots. As to the question of who would raise little Sunny, Rosemary volunteered, adopting the young girl and raising her as her own, along with Raiden.

For the past decade, Snake and Meryl had tiptoed around the idea of having an actual relationship. They dated on-and-off for the past decade. But mostly, Snake had taken Meryl on as his student in CQC. Needless to say, Meryl was a talented student.

"So what happens now?" Meryl asked. "Do we just sit here and wait?"

Snake shook his head. "No. Knowing Big Boss, he will call. When the time comes, we'll be ready. From what Otacon got from the scrolls, there should be at least two Angels left. Then Seele will make their move in trying to take over Nerv, since Ikari now holds the key to unleashing Third Impact. We can't let that happen. Too many lives were lost when Seele triggered Second Impact."

Snake wasn't no fool. His high IQ bear witness to that. But since Second Impact and the start of the Angel Wars, even the solider known to make the impossible possible found his foundations rocked to the core.


FOXHOUND's resident otaku turned to his longtime friend. "Yeah, Snake?"

"When will the new Sneaking Suits be completed?" Snake asked.

Otacon pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "Well, we just got to see if the OctoCamo works, and that should take about a week."

"Anything else?"

"Just that Wolf's battlesuit upgrade will take an extra couple of days, but that should be no problem."

Snake nodded. "Both you and Mei Ling finish up on the suits. Once these last two Angels are destroyed, Big Boss will call us in to help. With Seele losing their main advantage, they will surely move to invade Nerv Headquarters once the Angels are defeated."

Otacon nodded.

"Dismissed," Snake said.

Once the office was cleared, Snake leaned back into his chair and sighed. Things had become very hectic in the past couple of years following Outer Heaven, Zanzibarland and more importantly, Second Impact. The last thing he expected was to run the special forces unit that his father had built.

Father...Snake never really could call Big Boss that. He had his reasons. Liquid and Solidus did, but not him. The events which led him to assume command of his old unit began two years ago...

Two years earlier, A.D. 2013...

Following the Manhattan fiasco, Philanthropy continued its work, tracking down duplicate copies of Metal Gear. As time passed, however, the nations of the world had decided that rebuilding the world from the ashes of Second Impact was a lot better than creating weapons of war. Thus, the number of Metal Gears dwindled, until there was none.

During this time, Snake had caught up with his old flame, Meryl. Since Shadow Moses, she had been working with the Army's Criminal Investigation Command, trying to track down the Patriots. Like Snake and Otacon, she had reached a dead end. Raiden, in the meantime, had reconciled with Rosemary following Manhattan. At Rose's suggestion (or urging, depending on your point of view), Raiden sought psychiatric help. In between visits to the shrink, he and Snake had tracked down Olga's child and had rescued it from the clutches of the Patriots. The former child soldier known as 'Jack the Ripper' and Rose decided to adopt the child as their own, with Snake and Otacon acting as uncles, while Meryl and Mei Ling played the doting aunts.

Mei Ling continued to work for the Army's Soldier Systems Center, although she had toned down her activities in obtaining the items needed for Snake and Otacon to continue their war against the Gears and the Patriots.

Then one day, while visiting Raiden, Rosemary and Sunny, Snake received a call on his CODEC. A call from someone he did not expect.

"Snake. We have unfinished business. Come outside."

Naomi Hunter.

The former chief medical officer of FOXHOUND during Shadow Moses. The younger sister of Gray Fox, who had died in that same place.

With his pistol loaded and tucked behind his back, Snake stepped outside. Sure enough, Naomi stood there, waiting for him. Behind her, was a parked sedan, the windows tinted. Snake made his way towards the exotic beauty, still apprehensive, still on his guard. After Shadow Moses, he did not really trust Naomi, after what she had done to him in the name of vengeance. When he got within double arms' reach, he stopped. Back on the porch, Raiden and Meryl watched, weapons at the ready, should Naomi tried anything.

Naomi didn't waste any time. "I want the truth, Snake," she said calmly. "I want the truth about Frank."

That caught Snake off-guard. Of course he knew that Frank was the one who had killed her parents during the Rhodesian Civil War, but spared her out of guilt. Frank had told him while in Shadow Moses. Following the mission, Snake relented from telling Naomi.

It was a confession, released in the midst of battle against Metal Gear REX. When Snake demanded that Fox should stop Naomi, Frank dropped the bomb on his former comrade.

"Because I was the one who killed her parents. I was young then, and I couldn't bring myself to kill her too. I felt so bad, that I decided to take her with me. I raised her like she was my own blood, to soothe my own guilty conscience. Even now she thinks of me as her own brother...From the outside, we might have seemed like a happy brother and sister. But every time I looked at her, I saw her parents' eyes staring back at me. Tell her for me. Tell her that I was the one who did it."

Snake sighed. Naomi deserved closure.

"He told me, back in Shadow Moses," Snake began. "We were taking cover from REX and he told me. He killed your parents back during the civil war in Rhodesia. But he could not kill you, because of the guilt. He took you with him to raise like a little sister. I purposely held back because you loved him so much, that you were even willing to take revenge on him by killing me."

Silence reigned for a moment, Snake allowing Naomi to digest this information.

"Snake...thank you...for telling me the truth," Naomi said. She then pulled out a item from her pocket and tossed it to Snake.

Snake caught the item and inspected it. It was a syringe, labeled FOXALIVE.

"It will cure you of the FOXDIE that is in your system," Naomi explained.

Snake looked at the syringe, then back at Naomi. "How do I know that this isn't going to kill me?" he asked.

Naomi produced a second syringe, only this one was red. "Because this one would have killed you," she said before pocketing the item. She turned to leave, but stopped and turned around. "One more thing. Go to Prague. Someone wishes to speak with you. Look for a church in the old part of town, and ask for Big Mama. It concerns him."

With that, the meeting was over. Naomi stepped into the passenger side and the sedan peeled off.
Prague, Czech Republic – several days later.

Following Second Impact, most of Eastern Europe was caught in the civil wars that had engulfed the world. Following the Valentine Treaty, things had calmed down. With a new military government in place, order was restored in the country. The military government also kept a tight leash on who could and could not enter the country.

However, luck was on Philantrophy's side, since a friend of Otacon's worked with the military government. At the moment, the Nomad was parked on a runaway.

Inside the plane, Snake and Meryl were going through the parameters with Otacon. Snake was clad in his Sneaking Suit – the same one he wore during the Manhattan mission – while Meryl was dressed in her own battle dress uniform (i.e., her Rat Patrol 01 uniform). As it turned out, Naomi was as good as her word. After Snake had injected himself with the syringe, the following physical showed that his body was free of FOXDIE.

"I managed to clear it with the Czech government," Otacon explained as he watched the two prepare. "We can stay in the country for 36 hours. After that, we got to leave. Remember, we're here to find Big Mama, hear what she has to say, then we get the hell out of here. The Czechs already dislike foreigners, Americans especially. From what I managed to find out, there's been some serious activity inside an abandoned church located in the old city. Rumor has it that Big Mama's hiding there. But the church is heavily guarded by her private militia, war orphans and a small number of vets who survived Outer Heaven. Which is why you're going to be using the stealth camouflage, since there are armed patrols by the Czech military."

"Got it," Meryl said as she holstered her Desert Eagle.

"Good luck, the both of you," Otacon said.

"Thanks," Snake replied as he and Meryl activated the camos and departed from the plane.

Despite the stealth camo, Snake and Meryl stayed close to the shadows. It took them about an hour, but they soon reached their destination – a cathedral. Built in the grand design of Gothic architecture, it was closed for renovations – a perfect cover for someone who didn't want to be discovered. Of course, getting in was a completely different story. The only way in was by using a numeric code, one that Snake nor Meryl did not have on hand. That problem was rectified when Snake and Meryl noticed someone walk up to the front door and punched in the code. Snake was on him in an instant. Of course, it had negated his stealth camo once he touched him, but Snake was one who did not worry on small problems.

With the guy's arm twisted behind his back and his own arm secured around his throat, Snake forced his way in, followed by Meryl, still in her stealth camo. Seconds later, Snake found himself surrounded by three armed men.

"I'm here to see Big Mama," Snake declared, still behind his human shield.

"Is this him?" one of the armed men asked.

"That's him all right," the second man replied.

"I...I didn't hear him coming," the human shield managed to croak out.

That was all that was said, before Snake took down those three men, plus five more with his CQC, the last one Snake punted through a set of double doors, sending him into the sanctuary, where he landed in a heap in the center aisle.

Another soldier tried to get the drop on Snake, but was dropped himself, as Meryl clocked him with her Desert Eagle, smacking him in the back of his head, knocking him out. She deactivated her camo and followed Snake inside the sanctuary.

Inside, standing at the altar (in her MGS4 get-up), was an elderly blonde woman. Standing beside her, was Naomi Hunter.

"You CQC is most impressive, Snake," the old woman complimented, arms folded. "You truly are the one who makes the impossible possible."

Snake lowered his gun, but kept it drawn. Meryl did the same. "You're Big Mama, I presume?" Snake asked.

Big Mama, otherwise known as EVA, nodded. "I am," she admitted. "You've grown, David."

That caught Snake off guard. She knew him by his real name. "You know me?"

"I should. I was the one who gave you life," EVA replied. "I'm your mother."

Snake looked like as if he had been gut punched Meryl also looked flabbergasted as well.

EVA decided to explain. "The Les Enfant Terribles Project. You can't grow a human being in a test tube. Not even a clone. You need a woman's body to give it life."

"A surrogate mother," Meryl snorted.

Eva did not look offended. "That's an awfully cold way to put it, but yes. Either way, I gave birth to you...and for the Patriots."

"Forgive me if I seem skeptical," Snake declared. "But I find this hard to believe."

"It's true, Snake," a second voice said from the shadows. "She's telling you the truth."

Snake blinked, as did Meryl. ' can't be...' they both thought at the same time.

The man stepped out from the shadows. He was no longer in uniform, but rather a formal business suit. He was also leaning on a walking cane.

Snake recognized him instantly. "Colonel Campbell?"

Roy Campbell nodded. "It's been a long time, Solid Snake," he greeted. Turning to Meryl, he simply said, "Meryl."

Meryl nodded in greeting. "Dad."

In the years following Shadow Moses, Meryl had come to terms that she was the end result of the affair between her mother and Roy Campbell. Growing up, she always thought of the old man as her uncle. But since losing her mother in Second Impact, Meryl had made an attempt to reach out to her estranged father.

So far, it had worked.

"What are you doing here, Colonel?" Snake asked.

"It's kind of complicated," Campbell admitted. "But you should listen to Big Mama. She came to me and explained what was at stake. In the end, I decided to join up with her."

Snake looked at Campbell for a moment. "Okay, Colonel. I'll bite."

Campbell turned to EVA and nodded.

EVA laid it all down. Operation Snake Eater, Les Enfant Terribles and her role in that secret project, and her relationship with Snake's father, Big Boss. It did answer questions that Snake had in regards to some questions in regards to his origins. But EVA kept back from answering certain questions about his past and that of the Patriots.

It was then, Snake and Meryl received shock number two.

Snake's intuition snapping into overdrive, he shoved Meryl out of the way and hopped back, just as the gunshot went off, the bullet striking at Snake's feet. Meryl rolled along the ground, stopping to retrieve her Desert Eagle, Snake brandishing the Operator.

"Well, well, well," an old voice said. "Isn't this the big reunion...shadows of Shadow Moses, isn't it, Snake?"

Watching from the sidelines as Ocelot appeared, his dual revolvers drawn, EVA, Naomi, and Campbell were not all that happy. They wanted to get Snake and Meryl on their side, and given Snake's past with Ocelot, that would not be easy.

It was a standoff. Ocelot had his revolvers drawn, aimed at both Snake and Meryl, the former with his Operator drawn, while the latter had the gunslinger in her sights with her Desert Eagle.

"Ocelot..." EVA drawled. "You promised to behave. Holster your weapons."

"When these two lower their weapons, I will lower mine," Ocelot replied, guns still raised.

"Goddammit, Ocelot! Holster your guns now!" Campbell shouted.

"I don't take orders from you, Chicken Fox," Ocelot snapped, calling the former FOXHOUND commander by his former codename.

"No. You take orders from me," a fourth voice - just as old as Ocelot's - said. "Holster your weapons."

It had been years since Zanzibarland, but Snake recognized that voice in an instant.

He then came into view, appearing from the back room near the church's altar. The footsteps echoed throughout the church as he walked along the hardwood floor. Ocelot, in the meantime, holstered his revolvers.

There was no denying it now. Six feet, two inches tall, the white hair combed back, the beard trimmed. The ever-familiar black eyepatch covering his damaged right eye. The olive green officers' uniform which had no rank – not that he needed one, since everyone knew who he was, the uniform partially concealed by his khaki FOXHOUND-issue trenchcoat.

Last, was his signature weapon – the modified Colt XM-16E1 with the shortened barrel and the removed stock, known as the Patriot – held in his right hand.

"It's been a long time, Snake," Big Boss drawled.

Snake's aim faltered slightly. "Big...Boss?"

Meryl blinked. She was facing a legend. The same one that Snake had defeated when she was a child. "Big Boss? The Big Boss? Are you sure?"

"The one and only," Ocelot said as he backed up to where Naomi, EVA and Campbell stood.

Big Boss raised the Patriot as he resumed his slow advance. Snake had the gun raised in an instant, prepared for anything. He knew that Big Boss was deadly with that weapon. Meryl decided that discretion was the better part of valor and backed off. When the old man got within five feet of Snake, he stopped.

Then he lowered his gun.

Snake breathed out a sigh of relief.

Then, after taking two steps, Big Boss raised the gun with one hand, slowly and deliberately, until he had it aimed at Snake's chest, forcing Snake to raise his own gun.

Then Big Boss did something that Snake wasn't expecting.

He dropped the Patriot, where it landed on the floor with a clatter. It also distracted Snake long enough for Big Boss to make his move.

Snake had just lifted his ban on practicing CQC, and was pretty rusty. Big Boss, however, had never stopped practicing. In under five seconds, Big Boss had disarmed Snake and had the younger man flat on his back, the Operator in his gloved hand.

"Let it son," Big Boss said calmly, as Meryl helped Snake to his feet. "I'm not here to fight." Gripping the Operator by the barrel, he extended the weapon to Snake. "Or should I call"

"How...?" Snake began.

"Simple," Big Boss replied. "That was a decoy who you have killed back in Zanzibarland. I had been in Japan the whole time, recovering from Outer Heaven. I'm not as spry as I was when I was younger."

Snake reached out and gripped his pistol. Holstering it, he knew that Big Boss held his attention.

Big Boss looked at Meryl. Without turning around, he addressed Campbell. "Your daughter?"

"Yes," Campbell admitted.

"Hmm. Looks like you," Big Boss mulled. He then turned back to Snake. "I guess I should start from the beginning, so that you can understand. It all began with a bunch of old fools. Now...most of them have passed away. Their era of folly is over. Ocelot...EVA...and myself...we're the last. The last of the original Patriots."

"The Patriots?" Snake repeated. "You're one of the members?"

Big Boss nodded. He explained everything. From the Philosophers, to the formation of the Patriots, to Big Boss' departure and later open rebellion against Zero. Snake wasn't very happy to being used as a pawn in Zero's game. For many years, he thought that Big Boss was a traitor. Now, everything was clear. Big Boss was no traitor.

He wanted to simply free himself from Zero's intentions. Big Boss also came to terms about his own faults regarding Snake and the Les Enfant Terrible project.

"I've never thought of you as a son," the old man admitted. "But I've always respected you as a soldier. a man. If you'd been in my place back then maybe you wouldn't have made the same mistakes that I did. Ever since the day I killed The Boss with my own hands...I was already dead."

A sad smile spread across Big Boss' face as he remembered his mentor. " were right. It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others... And believing in your own. Isn't that what you fought for? At last...after all these years...I understand the meaning behind what you did. At last... I understand the truth behind your courage."

"It was you, wasn't it?" Meryl asked. "You were the one who blew the lid off of Operation Snake Eater? You got The Boss the posthumous pardon from both the U.S. and Russia, right?"

"It was the least I could do," Big Boss replied.

"And you got Otacon and myself cleared as well, right?" Snake said.

Big Boss nodded as he retrieved his Patriot. "There was another reason why I called the both of you here," he continued. "With the deaths of Zero, Signt and Para-Medic, and the destruction of the Patriots' AIs and their proxies, the Patriots have a new much as I would like to unite the world, we first must defend it."

"Defend it? What are you talking about?" Snake asked.

"You are familiar with the event on 13 September 2000?" Big Boss asked.

[Scene fades out to that of footage of Evangelion. Mainly, Second Impact. ADAM's Wings of Light are spread as disembodied souls surround him.]

SNAKE: (voice-over) You mean Second Impact, right?

BIG BOSS: (voice-over) Correct. It was not caused by a meteor crashing into the South Pole at light speed. Second Impact was man-made...and deliberate.

[Scene shifts to ADAM under Mount Markham. The Katsuragi Expedition has discovered him.]

BIG BOSS: (voice-over) There was something there, underneath Mount Markham. A being known as the first of Earth's Seeds of Life, codenamed ADAM. ADAM was discovered by the Katsuragi Expedition in early 2000. But something went wrong as the expedition team researched their find. The experiment was sabotaged, and ADAM, for lack of a better term, exploded. The explosion melted the ice caps and triggered the mega tsunamis that laid waste to the Southern Hemisphere.

MERYL: (voice-over) Who...who was responsible for this?

[Scene shifts to the twelve monoliths that consists of Seele.]

EVA: (voice-over) A powerful entity known only as Seele. They control the United Nations, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. From what I found out, they've been around since World War II, as a rival to the Philosophers. When the Philosophers splintered due to the Cold War, they gained power. In 1947, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Within those pages were a segment called the Secret Scrolls.

[The clips end here. Back to the story...]

Big Boss turned to Ocelot and nodded. The old man reached into his pocket and retrieved a flash drive. He tossed it to Snake, who caught it. "The information is on that drive. I'm sure that Dr. Emmerich would be most interested on what's inside. Like father, like son."

"You knew Otacon's father?" Snake asked.

Big Boss nodded. "Yes. We met back in Costa Rica nearly thirty years ago. Back when I was the commander of Militaires Sans Frontières."

"Seele's intentions are to unleash a Third Impact upon the world," Ocelot said. "If you thought Second Impact was bad, then Third Impact is far worse."

"Third Impact?" Snake repeated.

"Seele believes that humanity has reached its peak and is stagnating," Ocelot explained, "and wishes to use Third Impact to achieve Human Instrumentality And despite the world having its faults, humanity is worthy of survival."

"Basically, Third Impact is the end of the world," Big Boss said. "Second Impact will look like a firecracker compared to what will happen if Seele succeeds. Which is where we come in. Only problem is despite the financial reserves from the Patriots' funds and what's left of my personal reserves, we lack the manpower. My influence is that of the American government and military, as well as the Japanese forces. But even that is not enough. I want people that I can trust."

"You're asking us to join up with you?" Snake asked.

Big Boss nodded. "Yes."

[End Flashback]
'I guess it had taken a lot of willpower to call me out like that,' Snake continued as he continued to think back. 'And now he's the leader of the Patriots...I guess I must be out my mind when I actually decided to join him.'

When Big Boss had made his peace with his remaining son (or clone, depending on your point of view), he gave Snake an offer: join the Patriots and help defend the world against Seele. Before Snake could give Big Boss his answer, the church was under attack.

Seele, deciding that Big Boss and the Patriots were a credible and deadly threat for the plans for Human Instrumentality, had decided to strike. Using a contact within the Czech government, Seele had found out where the reformed Patriots were hiding, and decided to strike.

Seele's primary military arm was a PMC known as the Haven Shock Troops. Nicknamed FROGS because of their superhuman acrobatic and athletic abilities, the Haven Shock Troops were an elite, all-female, men-hating, and incredibly deadly military force consisting of three highly-trained combat combat units. In the wake of Second Impact, they became known for their ruthless campaigns throughout the Southern Hemisphere. That ruthlessness had caught the attention of Seele, who retained them for several covert campaigns all over the world, eliminating those who had exposed the truth concerning Second Impact, killing their friends and families.

EVA's personal 200-man guard, called Paradise Lost, held them off as they made their escape. Much to Snake and Meryl's surprise (aside the fact that they were on the same team as Ocelot and Big Boss), was that Campbell was holding his own in the firefight.

Gunfire erupted from the inside of the church as Big Boss, Campbell, EVA, Ocelot, Naomi, Snake and Meryl made their retreat. The church had a rear parking lot, where several motorcycles were parked, along with a military-grade Humvee complete with a 50-caliber gun mount.

One of the Paradise Lost members ran up to EVA and Big Boss. "Big Boss! Big Mama! This way! We will cover your escape!"

"Never thought that Seele would do something like this," Ocelot muttered as he reloaded his Single Action Army.

Campbell reloaded his own Beretta. "They caught us with our pants down. We need to get out of here."

"On it," Meryl said. Activating her own CODEC, she hailed Otacon on the Nomad. "Otacon, it's Meryl! Get the Nomad ready! We're coming in hot! ETA is ten minutes! And we're bringing company!"

"Understood," Otacon's voice replied.

"You five, in the Humvee," Big Boss ordered.

As Snake, Meryl, Naomi, Ocelot and Campbell piled into the vehicle, Campbell behind the wheel, Ocelot riding shotgun and Snake manning the 50-cal and Meryl and Naomi in the back seat, Big Boss walked over to EVA, who was starting up her motorcycle – a Triumph motorcycle, pre-Impact model.

"Just like old times, huh, Jack?" EVA said as she relished in her newest toy.

Big Boss settled in behind her, one hand around her waist, the other still holding the Patriot. "Been a while since I went on a ride with you."

EVA smiled, a moment only for them in the middle of a gunfight. "I told you once before, Jack," she said as she gunned the engine.

"I know," Big Boss said, returning the smile. "You'll only get off your bike only if you either fall in love or fall dead."

EVA pulled up to the Humvee. Big Boss turned to Campbell. "Reminds me of the first time we met back in San Hieronymo. Good to see you're still good at what you do. Follow us to the airport. Snake got you covered."

Campbell nodded. "No problem, Boss."

Just then five FROGS came charging into the parking lot. Brandishing Belgian-made FN-P90s loaded with armor-piercing rounds, they opened fire on the remaining members of Paradise Lost. They, however, did not last very long against Big Boss and his trusty Patriot. Nine more came out, only to be dispatched by the gun mount atop the Humvee.

EVA gunned the engine on her Triumph. "Let's go!"

She peeled off on her bike, the Humvee close behind.
Following a high-speed chase through the deserted streets of Prague, the six survivors arrived at the airport, with Seele's forces hot on their heels. During the chase through the empty streets, along the canal road, a FROG sniper had fired upon the Humvee, nailing Campbell in the chest. Snake spun the turret around and riddled the sniper with bullets.

Campbell was still alive, but the round from the sniper's rifle had caught him in the lung. Naomi applied medical aid and was able to stop the bleeding, but even she could see that his chances of survival were low. However, EVA had planned something like this, and had acted accordingly. One of the bridges was rigged with C4 and after crossing it, Ocelot had detonated it, destroying the bridge, thus forcing their pursuers to take the long way around.

Finally, they had reached the airport. Seconds later, two vans containing ten armed men appeared. Snake turned his 50 caliber upon one of the vans, and was able to destroy one of the vans before running out of ammo.

The Nomad's ramp was down, Otacon standing in front of the plane as the Humvee and the bike screeched to a halt.

Snake hopped down from the gun mount and provided covering fire, while Meryl and Naomi helped the injured Campbell on board. "Otacon! We are leaving! Now!" she shouted.

"Got it!" the resident otaku nodded. His eyes widened at the sight of not only Ocelot, but also Big Boss himself.

"Move!" Ocelot barked, forcibly spinning Otacon around and shoving him up the ramp.

Big Boss and EVA provided covering fire as the others boarded the plane. The arriving FROGS were forced to take cover from Big Boss and his Patriot, ducking behind cars.

EVA's Mauser clicked empty. As she retrieved a fresh clip, she saw that one of the FROGS had attempted to flank her and Big Boss's position. Big Boss was distracted with gunning down two of the shock troops, but EVA saw her coming.

She shoved Big Boss out the way, just as the gunman fired, EVA cried out as the bullet punctured her chest.

"EVA!" Big Boss screamed, right before training the Patriot upon the gunman, the rounds from the modified Colt spinning end over end, catching the unfortunate assassin. He was dead before he even knew what had happened.

Big Boss tossed the Patriot to Ocelot. He then scooped the injured woman into his arms and carried her on board The ramp closed and the Nomad made its way onto the runway. More gunmen had arrived on the scene, but it was no use. The Nomad had escaped.
30 minutes later, the Nomad was out of Czech airspace. Naomi, with Snake acting as her de facto assistant, was hard at work, trying to save the lives of both EVA and Campbell. But it was no use. The wounds they had were indeed mortal. Even Snake knew that there was no hope. So despite their circumstances, Naomi had tried to make their last moments comfortable.

Roy had died first. Meryl was so wracked with grief that Naomi had to sedate her.

Big Boss was at EVA's side. The old woman was resting on a cot, with her longtime companion watching over her in a silent vigil.

"Jack?" EVA whispered, her eyes slowly opening. She did not have long.

Big Boss gently clasped his mate's hand. "I'm right love."

EVA smiled weakly. She knew she was dying. This part of Big Boss - the side where he was not a soldier - was for her alone. "Jack...can you do something for me?"


EVA caressed his bearded face. "Kiss last time."

Big Boss complied. He kissed EVA for the final time. Then she took her last breath and her body was still.

EVA was gone.

Then Big Boss did something that no one had ever seen him do.

A single tear escaped from his eye as his shoulders shook with every sob he made.

Big Boss was crying.
Six days had passed since their escape from Eastern Europe. During this time, a funeral was taking place, in Arlington National Cemetery.

Roy Campbell's funeral.

He was buried in his officer's uniform and beret, with full military honors. Snake, Meryl, Otacon, Raiden, and Mei Ling were in attendance, along with three more people.

Naomi Hunter, Revolver Ocelot, and Big Boss.

The three had arrived together, Ocelot and Big Boss in full uniform, complete with berets given the fact that Ocelot himself was a former FOXHOUND member and Big Boss himself, was the founder of the unit, while Naomi wore a black mourning dress.

Raiden took one look at Big Boss and was about to go for his service pistol, until Snake ordered him to stand down. "It's not Solidus, Raiden," he said. "Solidus had the eyepatch over his other eye, remember?"


"It's Big Boss, the founder of FOXHOUND," Snake explained. " father."

"And Ocelot?"

"Long story, but all I can say is that Ocelot and Big Boss worked together since Operation Snake Eater."

Once Big Boss had paid his respects to his fallen comrade, he did not leave the graveyard. Instead, he moved on to a second headstone not too far from where Campbell was being buried, as did Ocelot. Naomi had decided to wait near the sedan.

Once the funeral was over, Mei Ling led Meryl to a waiting car, while Snake, along with Otacon and Raiden, followed Big Boss and Ocelot to the other grave.

A grave which Solid Snake recognized.

The grave of Big Boss' mentor, The Boss. The headstone had been replaced, but it still bear the same epitaph, just slightly modified; IN MEMORY OF A PATRIOT WHO SAVED THE WORLD - BORN: 1920 DIED: 1964.

Big Boss placed a bouquet of flowers along the headstone, as did Ocelot. The two old men snapped into attention, before raising their right arms in a salute, showing deep respect towards the woman who was the driving force behind both their lives, before dropping the salute.

"We were betrayed by a senior member of the Czech government," Big Boss explained without taking his eyes off the grave. "Ocelot found him while he was in Germany and he explained everything."

"He also died very, very painfully," Ocelot added, a sadistic grin on his face.

"Otacon checked out the flash drive," Snake said. "Looks like you were right about everything. You're going after Seele, aren't you?"

Big Boss nodded. "I owe it to EVA and Roy," he replied, his face grim.

"I want in," Snake said. "We all do. Roy was not just my former commanding officer. He was my friend."

The old man turned to Snake. "I had a feeling you would, son. Welcome to the Patriots."

"So what's the plan?" Snake asked, following Big Boss and Ocelot to the parked cars.

"We wait," Big Boss replied. "We got two years before Seele hatches their scheme for Instrumentality. I hope by that time, the next-generation RAYs will be completed."

"'re constructing RAYs?" Otacon said. "Why?"

Big Boss responded to that question. "Simple, Dr. Emmerich. By using the power of Metal Gear, it will even the playing field, so to speak. Think of them as our ace-in-the-hole."

"How many are you constructing?" Snake asked.

"Three. At the moment, they are being constructed at the old Shadow Moses facility," Ocelot said. "Seele thinks that they have destroyed the Patriots, so we have the advantage."

"I will be heading back to Japan," Big Boss explained. "I got some friends from Outer Heaven who are top brass within the JSSDF. I'll be working as a analyst with the U.N. armed forces."

"What about us?" Snake asked.

"Easy. One year from now, FOXHOUND will be officially reactivated...and I want you to lead the unit," Big Boss said. "FOXHOUND will be a special forces unit under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army and the C.I.D."

"So you want us to check things out stateside, right?" Snake asked.

Big Boss nodded. "There's several facilities that Seele uses for their operations. Then there's Nerv, which is financially backed by Seele. The RAYs will act as a buffer to the EVAs. Naomi is already working at Nerv as a psychologist and doctor. If you want to get in touch with me, contact her. Understand?"

Snake nodded. "Crystal." When Big Boss and Ocelot turned to leave, Snake stopped him. "Boss?"

Big Boss turned around.

"For what it's worth," Snake began, "I'm sorry for thinking the worst of you following Outer Heaven."

"I never was a traitor, David," Big Boss replied. "I'm...loyal to the end. That's my purpose."

Big Boss turned and departed from the scene, Ocelot behind him.

[End Flashback]
That was how it had all begun.

The last thing Snake had expected was to work for the Patriots, given how he had spent a number of years trying to expose them, only to find out that Big Boss, Ocelot and EVA had destroyed them.

Since then, FOXHOUND had grown. Meryl was the second person to join up, since Seele had taken away her parents; her mother had died while vacationing in Australia, one of the countries hit hard during Second Impact, and Seele had killed her father. After taking with Raiden about it, Raiden also agreed to work for Big Boss. Mei Ling and Otacon joined up soon thereafter. With the Patriots' funds at their disposal, Otacon and Mei Ling had came up with some nasty toys for the team to use.

Meryl was the squad leader for Rat Patrol One, a three-man team which herself, and two veterans of the wars that had engulfed the world following Second Impact. Ed and Jonathan were two soldiers hand-picked by Meryl, since she served with them following Shadow Moses, and had personally vouched for them. Snake allowed Meryl control of her own three-person squad, a play on the word 'Patriot,' hence the name, Rat Patrol One.

Then there was the second unit. A high-tech, all-female unit trained by both Big Boss and EVA, and thus, came highly-recommended by the old man himself.

The Beauty and Beast Unit.

In the wake of Second Impact, Big Boss, EVA and Ocelot had traveled the world, working as freelance troubleshooters at the U.N.'s request. In their travels, they came across four young girls, each one of them not only sole survivors, but traumatized by the events they witnessed, and in some cases forced to take part of.

EVA had taken them to Europe, where the continent had survived Second Impact pretty much intact. In the years following Outer Heaven, EVA had worked with Big Boss in reintegrating former child soldiers and those suffering under intense post-traumatic stress disorder back into normal society.

Big Boss and EVA saw the potential that these women had, and began to train them in their mid-teens. Seeing as how the girls had lost everything due to the Haven Shock Troops, they would be perfect as their instruments of vengeance. Using the ultimate advancements in Patriots technology, they were outfitted with specially designed suits which turned them into incredible soldiers.

Each of them were the best at what they did, and answered to both Snake and Meryl, while they both answered to Big Boss.

"It's your move, old man," Snake muttered to himself. "And I hope for all our sakes you know what you're doing."
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