Categories > Original > Romance > Monster High + a Vampire

Chapter 5

by ArsaoTome 0 reviews

Richie and company kills Kuyo ending the Enforcer threat. Richie's girlfriend shows up.

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-07-03 - Updated: 2012-07-04 - 2121 words

Chapter 5

While the group of friends were having their picnic lunch, from the shadows, a mysterious man pulled out a cellphone. A simple warding spell prevented anyone with super hearing from listening to his conversation. 

"Sir, it’s me. It’s as you feared. Incu has awoken." 

Suddenly a bright flash of light and a strange heat filled the area. 

"Uh-oh. Well, sir... it seems another has stepped forward to challenge him."

The enraged Yoko attacked without warning or hesitation, blasting the area with such heat as to melt steel itself. 

"DIE! ALL OF YOU DIE!!!" Kuyo screamed at the top of his lungs as his fire erupted from his body like a volcano. 

As he looked down at his prey, he smiled victoriously as he saw the numerous dead bodies that lay strewn around him. He then marched towards the charred and deceased body of ‘Kid Incu’ and let his twisted smirk play out even more. 

"You’ve given everyone here the impression that you were a monster. Something special. Well, you are nothing now. And I did it! I destroyed all of you! By Myself! This will only serve to reinforce just how much everyone need fear the Enforcement Committee! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" 

"Are you done gloating?" a voice suddenly spoke up. 

"Wha?" Kuyo asked, looking down and seeing everyone stand up, as if not hurt, scarred or burnt in the slightest way. 

"Because, honestly, I can’t take it anymore." Richie said as he dusted himself off, even as Clawdeen and Moka stood behind him. 

Kuyo looked around and noticed that everyone he had attacked and burnt, were in fact still alive and staring at him as if he should be embarrassed. 

His confusion took to new heights as their features and clothes suddenly changed. Within seconds they looked as if nothing had happened. None of them were hurt or injured or dying. Their clothes looked untouched, not an inch looking charred or burnt. 

"What? How? This Is Impossible!" Kuyo shouted. 

"Not really." Richie said. "I knew you wouldn’t rest until you got one final shot at me and my friends for all the things we’ve done to you." 

"So we had our resident magic users whip up a little illusion spell to make you think you had killed us all." Clawdeen said, indicating Yukari, Dahlia and Kurumu. 

"Actually it was Fang we have to be thankful for." Dahlia said. 

"Fang?" Kuyo asked. 

"My new pet wolf." Shinji said, indicating the wolf cub who was being held by Mizore, barking at Kuyo. 

"He alerted us to your presence before you had a chance to strike." Frankie said. 

"An ice shield, provided by Shinji and Mizore kept us safe from your initial attack." Richie stated.

"Which brought you out of hiding..." Draculaura stated. 

"And right into our midst." Rachael exclaimed, cracking her knuckles. 

"You’re Going To Die!" Kuyo shouted, outraged at being tricked. 

"No, Kuyo. You are." Richie said, having changed into his fallen angelubus-form, as he shot forward and punched the yoko in the face, sending him flying to the orc behind him. 

"SERVICE!" Crackskull boomed as he punched Kuyo in the back, propelling him towards Rachael. 

"Comin’ At Cha!" Rachael shouted as she leapt into the air and kicked the yoko in the chest, sending him towards Frankie. 

"I Got Him!" Frankie shouted as she punched him hard in the back, sending him flying towards Shinji. 

"And I don’t want him!" Shinji shouted as he leapt up into the air and kicked Kuyo in the face, sending him towards Kris and Sean. 

"SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!" the twins shouted with their sonic scream, striking Kuyo in the stomach and propelling him towards Richie. 

"THIS. ENDS. NOW!!!" Richie shouted, his hat off and his full fallen angelubus powers exposed to all, as he shot his right hand forward into Kuyo’s chest, impaling the yoko in one deft move. 

"Urk!" Kuyo whimpered in pain, blood coughing up from his mouth as he felt his entire body go limp in Richie’s arms. 

Everyone was silent as Richie dropped Kuyo on the ground, blood continuing to spill out of his chest even as Dahlia approached the now deceased yoko. Holding out a crystal ball over his body, the voodoo girl whispered a few mystical incantations, the empty crystal ball suddenly glowing with a yellow/orange/red flame inside it. 

"Is that..." Draculaura started to ask. 

"Fire of the Yoko." Dahlia said, holding up the crystal. "Kuyo’s power contained and preserved. He may have been evil, but perhaps his essence can be of benefit to others. Later on." 

Dahlia suddenly felt weak and fell backwards, causing Richie to catch her body as Draculaura grabbed the crystal before it hit the ground. 

"Dahlia, are you alright?" Richie asked. 

"I-I’m fine. The incantation to preserve his elemental power... took a lot out of me." she sighed. 

"Alright." he said, lifting her up into his arms bridal-style. "Let’s get you back to the Monster House. We’ll tell your teachers you’re gonna miss a day or two." 

The group packed up their belongings and left the area, leaving only Kuyo’s body lying on the ground for all to see. 


The next morning, Richie and the other were up and getting ready for the day. Word of Kuyo’s death had spread rapidly throughout the school. Many of the monsters were relieved, now that they didn’t have anything to fear from Kuyo and his Enforcers. Because of this, the Headmaster was able to officially disband the School Enforcement Committee, on the grounds that they were not strong enough to protect the school. 

Especially since most of them quit and Kuyo was now dead. 

When Richie heard that it was amusing and annoying to him. As if the Headmaster was actually grateful to him for doing something that he should have done himself. 

As he was headed for home room, he heard someone cry out in his direction. 

"THERE YOU ARE!" a female voice shouted. 

Turning around, he gasped when he saw a smoking hot blond leap at him and wrap him up in her arms. She had honey-brown eyes, caramel colored skin and a nice figure. She was dressed in a faux-fur lined jacket, spaghetti strapped tank top, jeans and heeled sandals. She hugged the incubus in tight, affectionate embrace, then pulled back from him to slap his cheek. 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He asked rubbing his cheek. 

"For forgetting my birthday." She said with an eyebrow twitch, then she grabbed his collar and pulled him into a passionate kiss. 

"And that was for?" he asked, mildly dazed by her kiss. 

"Forgiveness and love. I'm so happy to see you 'Incu'." she said as she hugged him again. 

"I’m glad to see you too, Candy. Hey, how's your dad?" he asked. 

"Dad's fine. Though he’s upset right now. He wants to find those jerks who kidnapped you and um, have a little 'talk' with them." 

Richie gulped, remembering when he had to 'talk' to her dad. Those bees almost ate him alive. 

"Did you come here just to find me, or to take classes?" Richie said, the pair arm-in-arm as they headed for Candy’s homeroom. Which happened to be Richie’s as well. 

"Well, ‘officially’ I’m here to take classes, but I came here because of you, sweetie." Candy said he smiled. "So, how are you doing?" She smiled that beautiful smile that Richie knew very well, as they headed to their homeroom.

Everything was going smoothly during school and afternoon clubs, Candy herself was glad to meet up with so many of her friends from Monster High. She even enjoyed meeting the students of Yokai Academy. Crackskull, Angus, Momoki, Rachael, Sean and Kris, Harleen, Steven and was even surprised to meet Shinji, who was Clawdeen’s cousin. 

Afterwards, Richie and Crackskull were on their way to their dorm when a group of 10 monstrels showed up and got in front of them. 

"Well, look who we have here!" Said the leader, "Aono and his friend! What are you doing with him? Join us, we're not ‘human’." he said with disgust in his voice. 

The pair rolled their eyes.

"In case you forgot, dumbass, neither am I." Richie said. 

"LIKE WE ARE GOING TO BELIEVE THAT!" one of the monstrels shouted. 

"Doesn't Matter," Crackskull stated. "I'm not joining you, not to beat up on my best friend!"

"Then we'll get you too!" a second monstrel stated, his hands starting to turn to large claws. 

Just then another group of monsters appeared, walking up behind Richie and Crackskull. 

"Then you have to go through me!" Clawdeen declared. 

"And me!" Draculaura said. 

"Me too," Dahlia said. 

"Yep," Angus said. 

"Let's do this!" Steven said. 

"Ah, if'n there's one thing I love it's a good fight." Kris said. 

Momoki just laughed like a mad woman and sent shivers down the spines of both the monstrels and her own friends. 

"Guys, let's just do this and get to our dorms." Candy said as she looked at Richie who took off his fedora and nodded. His horned halo appeared over his head, tossed his hat over to Frankie, who caught it and placed it on her head. His wings sprouted from his shirt, turning it into a tanktop that showed the letters 'K.I.' on his right arm. 

(Say it to my face-Downstait)

The monstrels were now worried since they had only been prepared to take on two of them. Now they were outnumbered. 

The monstrels wisely decided it was time to leave. 

"You will be alone, Aono, and that will be when we'll get you!" the leader of the group said as he turned and walked away, following his gang. 

"And I'll be waiting! But, the difference between you and me I got friends not followers." Richie said as he shifted back to his ‘human’ form as Frankie came over and placed his hat back on his head. 


(Headmaster’s office)

"Headmaster, the situation with these monstrels is getting out of hand." one of the teachers said. 

"I am aware of that, but we can't do anything about it." the Headmaster said, "We will have to let the Ryans boy handle this." 

"I don't like it. Students shouldn't have to police their own problems." another teacher said. 

"I know, but we are understaffed, and after what happened with Kuyo and his Enforcers..." 

The teachers could only nod, knowing what the Enforcement Committee had become while they had originally been created to protect the school, they eventually became one of its problems. 

"Of course, it’s not as if Richards is alone in ending the monstrel threat." the Headmaster said to the teachers.

(Monster House) 

"You know, these dinner’s of ours are becoming a regular event." Draculaura said as she brought out a large bowl of ‘Potatoes All Rotten’ from the kitchen. 

"Not like we can’t afford it." Frankie said, hefting a large roasted pig over her head. 

"Sure. If we pool our resources." Dahlia said as she carried out two bowls, one soup and one salad. 

"It’s not just our resources, remember." Clawdeen said as she brought out a large tray of drinks, with her cousin right behind her carrying another tray of drinks. 

At the large dinner table, Kurumu was trying to grill Mizore about her date with Shinji. Yukari and Harleen were talking about a place called ‘Witches Knoll’ that had a beautiful sunflower field. Angus and Sean were talking about wrestling moves they would have used on the monstrels. Uncle Crackskull and Momoki were sharing a private joke. Candy and Kris were discussing fashions with Moka and Rachael, even as the half-vampire kept arguing she didn’t like their color choices. 

Dinner went on and everyone was enjoying themselves. They were talking about classes, their club activities, and laughing up a storm, until Angus accidentally spilled some wine in Candy’s lap. The ‘queen bee’ grabbed her plate and poured it over Angus’s head. 

"Oh, here we go." Richie said with a sigh and a laugh. 

"FOOD FIGHT!" Sean shouted and soon everyone was throwing food at each other and laughing up an even bigger storm. 

"Oh, you are going to get it Momoki!" Said Frankie as she was now wearing a plate of mashed potatoes. 

"Hey! Who hit me with that pigs head?" Clawdeen shouted as she tossed her salad at Kurumu. 

"No! Not My New Dress!" Draculaura shouted as she glared at Sean and Kris. 

This went on through the night, the group of teen monsters actually using their powers once they ran out of food. 

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