Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditionistas!

Official resultation!

by tmbfucks 10 reviews

You already probably know what part you got, this is more for me than anyone else! Hope you like it! XD xx

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-07-04 - Updated: 2012-07-04 - 175 words - Complete

These are in some sort of order... :P

Ray's wife: Ravan-VanSlaughter
Frank's wife: Unknown098123
Gerard's wife (and my mum): XCherrikidXD
Bob's wife: gunpowderandlead
Mikey's wife: Cookie_monster

My sisters from the same mister(s) - I just had to make it sound right. XD: BleedingValentine, S-C-A-R-E-C-R-O-W and MissAbbieHudson.

My sister from another mister: Drowning_in_Irony

Frank's two son's: Bella_Jinxx and lolhai
Mikey's kids: Bella_Jinxx and bloodbunny15
Ray's kids: Ravan-VanSlaughter and YoshikiHide182
Bob's kids: MissAbbieHudson and Mikeys_Glasses

I'm pretty sure that's it! If it isn't please let me know! I swear to god my internet is so slow at my mum's house. So if I missed you it's because I wasn't paying enough attention, and the internet is going too slow for me to check twice! Anyway, that's probably it. The story should be out soon! XD xx

Okay, I've edited this slightly for a latecomer and an error I made! Don't worry! Everyone will have a part now! Okay. Phew! Now I have to write it. Wish me luck! XD xx
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