Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Taylex


by AllTimeRomance 2 reviews

There's no AllTimeLow catagory, so I just put it here, but hey ;D Taylex \m/

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-07-04 - Updated: 2012-07-04 - 1037 words

Chapter 1;
As the lights went down, and the roar from the crowd softened, Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian all bundled together in a heap on the floor, dripping with sweat. The crowd was wild that night, and even though everyone was knackered, they were all still hungry for more.
“Kiss Me Again... KISS ME AGAIN!!” Tay Jardine (from We Are The In Crowd) came jumping onto the stage, pulled Alex up, and signalled the sound guy to start up the song. It went pretty well, except from Alex nearly fainting with exhaustion half way through. A Big fat Kiss from Tay later, Alex found himself getting a death stare from Lisa, his control freak of a girlfriend.
“ALEX. What have I told you about kissing that slut Tay Jardine?! You know, if we’re gonna spend an eternity togeth- Alex, are you listening to me?!”
“Huh? Yeah... What? Babe! Stop stressing! It’s only a bloody kiss! You say it like the world’s going to end!”
“LOL Did I just hear LISA RUCCO call TAY JARDINE a slut?! Sorry Alex, but that’s just weird” Jack Remarked.
“URGH, Alex. I wish you were never in a band. Forget this, you know what. I’m done. Someone get me on the next flight back to L.A?”
As Alex chased after Lisa, Tay appeared from behind Jack’s Dressing room door.
“I’ve been here all along, I had to listen to her call me a slut myself, I just couldn’t believe it. She can’t talk. Anyway, sorry if I’ve creeped you out Jack”
“Nah, don’t worry about it, I don’t know why he bothers with her anyway, we all hate her, and now he’s gone off to try and get her back! Sometimes I wish you were the singer, Tay, but don’t tell him that, you know how much the fans love Jalex.”
“Just think what she’d call me if I’m in a band with you, who constantly humps anything, Zack, who is kick ass at skateboarding, and stuff like that, and Rian, who’s just indescribable! Be a good laugh though, anyways, I’m going now, I’ve got some song writing to do, I’m taking my lipstick encase I see Alex and ‘her’ again” Tay strolls off, and the rest of All Time Low board the tour bus. It didn’t take long to find Alex; he was at the local pub, singing very badly due to the amount of beer he’d drunk, Lisa was nowhere to be seen. Rian and Zack had to literally cling on to Alex’s arms and legs to get him onto the bus, and into his bunk. At about 1 o’clock in the morning, Jack had just finished staring at his home alone picture, when he turned over, to see Alex’s crotch right in his face. Jack punched Alex in the balls, rolled over, and went back to sleep.
The next morning wasn’t too talkative, Alex was hung-over, and still moaning that Lisa had gone back to L.A, Jack was annoyed with Alex because he keeps choosing his snobby girlfriend over him, and Rian and Zack didn’t want to get involved, so they watched the big bang theory instead. No one really ate anything. Rian nibbled at a piece of toast, and Zack had gulped down a smoothie, But Jack didn’t feel like eating, and Alex was still half asleep. Jack was reading their song ‘damned if I do ya, damned if I don’t’ when he had the awesome idea for a music video.
“Hey, Rian, Zack, come here for a minute?”
“What’s up? Why are you reading that?” asked Rian.
“I have an awesome idea for a music video! We could focus it on Alex having an affair with someone, and then we could all be annoyed, he could leave the band to make off with her, and that’s as far as I got.”
“Awesome! We’ll have to run it up with Collusey, but he lets us do anything! We could base it on someone like... his school teacher!”
“Yeah, and it could be on a chat show!”
“Wow! This is Awesome! Everyone could kill each other with cupcakes!”
“No Jack, too far” Zack replied, trying to stifle his laugh.
Alex had decided that he wants to go and sort things out with Lisa in L.A, which put more stress on the group! If Alex wasn’t back in 3 days time, they’d have to cancel their Sonisphere tour! The band was furious with him. Jack thought that it would be a good idea to see how Tay was, so he found her number, and began to ring her.
“Everyone, guess what?!”
“Tay just told me that she has feelings for Alex! That’d be much better than him and that Lisa!” They all agreed not to tell Alex, because if he told Lisa, she would get the media involved, and that’s the last thing All Time Low need at the minute.
It was mid-afternoon, and Jack got the first bit of good news (well, for them anyway.) Alex was coming home after getting nowhere with Lisa. He was still annoyed that Alex didn’t listen to him in the first place, and that he wasted £250 going to L.A and only staying there for 3 and a half hours, but at least he was coming home, alone. It was 8 o’clock, and Rian had ordered pizzas for everyone, when Alex peered around the door. He looked really hurt, and for the first time since this happened, the band felt a bit of guilt, for being annoyed with him.
“She’s gone, and never coming back. Are you lot all fucking happy now?”
“Alex, we’re so sorry to hear that, come on, join us, have some pizza, and we can all get hammered, fancy that, you know you want to “
“Meh, what have I got to lose?”
“Nothing” Zack shouted, his mouth stuffed with pizza.
4 hours later, everyone decided to turn in, the bus was a mess, and everyone wanted to go to sleep.
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