Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Waking Gerard

by xXmayberryXx 2 reviews

Waking Gerard isn't as easy as it seems , well , for Frank it isn't

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-06 - Updated: 2012-07-06 - 338 words

"mrrmrmrrrrrrrrrr" Okay Gerard was dreaming about coffee , definitely , or me because I'm so damn sexy , but most likely coffee . "Geeerrrrrraaarrrrdddd " I crossed my arms as I stood in the doorway and pouted - "GERARDWAKEUPIHAVECOOKIES " . Not a sound , I narrowed my eyes , its on Gerard , operation wake the lump .

5 minutes later

"GERARD , HOLY SHIT GERARD THERES A FIRE !!! " I jumped on his bed listening to it creek as he groaned and pulled the covers over his head in his subconscious , I scowled and took a trip down memory lane .

"GERARD WAKE UP " I frowned , we had a big exam coming up this morning, and geetard was making us late, we ere fresh out of coffee . Mikey had drunken the last bit and was leaning against the wall smirking , I shot Mikey the one finger salute as I gingerly approached Gerard . I knew how much the guy liked his sleep and I didn't want to disturb him , but MIKEY had to drink the last of the coffee . "watch out Iero , he bites " Mikey chuckled as he watched me poke Gerard, I shivered , did he really......bite . Okay I'm not taking any chances , " BUYSOMEMORECOFFEE!!!" I screamed at Mikey and watched him race out of the door . mwahahah , now to deal with Geetard

Ah good times , good good times ,I beamed and straddled him whispering in his ear . "Geeeerraarrrddd " okay I'll admit it , I was enjoying this , just a bit . "Gerard , its me , LynZ, wale up sleepy head " Gerard smiled in his sleep and murmured "Frank.....piss off " .
I crossed my arms , dude , really ?

5 minutes later

I poked Gerard with a stick "ohmygawd he's Dead , MIKEY , GERARD'S DEAD !!! " "WHAT?!?!? " "JUST KIDDING " I looked around the room to check no one was hiding in a cupboard before letting out an evil laugh which admittedly sounded gay .

"Feel the wrath of the evil one Gerard ........ " before I could jump on him Gerard woke up widening his eyes and sitting up . Mikey sauntered into the room smirking .

"Coffee anyone ? "

A/N sorry its shamefully short

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