Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > A Different World, A Different Hero

A Different World, A Different Hero

by AkuTenshi 0 reviews

Naruto/GoW Xover Naruto Uzumaki lost everything in order to save his own world. 10,000 years later the world is hanging on the brink of destruction yet again. Marcus Fenix will try to save it, but ...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-07 - 881 words

A/N: Well. Here it is. It might be a month or more before I post this, since I don't currently have internet. Well, just to clear a few bits up: I've only played Gears Of War 2. Not Gears Of War, or Gears Of War 3. Just 2. So, I don't really know much about Marcus' past, since my guess is that its in the first game. Meh. Anyways, in my fic his past was simple. His father, Adam Fenix, left when he was small. Four, or five. He grew up with his mother, Natalia Fenix. Anything further, if I do decide to give more details, will come later. Possibly much later. I'm not really sure how to start this, though.

Bits and pieces:

(1) means you should look for the explanation at the end of the chapter. Whether you wanna skip down there immediately, or be puzzled until chap. end.

'Die, Madara!' Th-th-th-thinking.

"Prepare to meet Thanatos, fool." Demon/Higher power speaking.

"Hey, Dom!" Normal speech.

The song(s) I'm currently listening to: A Playlist consisting of Become Mad, Memories, Face Me, and Wasteland. All are by EarlyRise. Listen if you like, it doesn't really set the tone of the story or anything, though.

A old man huddled next to a fire next to a hospital in Jacinto. Trying to keep warm in the biting cold. He saw several Ravens coming in, probably with reinforcements. Three COG Gears began walking towards him. One thin, and wearing a helmet. One had obviously seen his fair share of battles, wearing a bandana, along with several scars. The other looked hispanic, and just as war-torn. Though alot less grim.

"Hey!" The old man said. He got the trio's attention, as he intended.

"Whaddya want, old man?" The grim one said.

"To tell you a tale. It won't take long." The old man spoke.

"Lets humor the old man, Marcus." The hispanic one replied.

"Alright, alright, Dom. We'll stay. Not for long, though. Still have to show the rookie the ropes." The newly named Marcus said.

The old man began, "Ten-thousand years ago, the world of Sera was home to five nations, constantly fighting with each other. A boy, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, was born to one of the nation's leaders on October 10th Sadly, on that same day a great demon, The Nine-Tailed Fox, was forced to attack the village by a madman named Madara Uchiha. The nation sent their greatest warriors, Ninja as they were called, to stall the beast, and if possible to defeat it. They had no hope of doing so, they knew. Regardless, they fought on, and granted their leader the time to figure out a way to defeat the great beast. And he did. Minato Namikaze, Yondaime Hokage, and Kushina Uzumaki, his wife, sacrificed their lives to summon the Shinigami, and seal the great demon into their newly born child. His last wish was for him to be a seen as a hero for what he contained. He wasn't. He was hated, beaten, starved, and made an outcast. He hid behind a mask of stupidity, until he was eleven, and made a full-ninja. He became stronger, and stronger until he was considered the greatest warrior ever known. He even conquered the Nine Tailed Fox, becoming the new one in the process(1). Then, when he left his village on a mission, a man named Madara Uchiha attacked. He destroyed Naruto's home, and all those he loved. His godfather, his grandfather, his friends, but none of that would've given Naruto the strength to kill him. Madara Uchiha, the last of his once great clan, made a grave error. He killed Naruto's daughter, and wife.. His only daughter. Naruto, with nothing left to live for, fought Madara with all he had. That battle turned Sera into little more than a massive wasteland. That battle lasted two weeks, leaving them both exhausted, but Naruto won, stabbing Madara through the heart, ironically with his own daughter's katana.(2) He helped the few survivors find an area untouched by their battle, and then they settled there. Founding the city of Jacinto.

Ten years later, they say Naruto left with one last request. "Remember me. Pass my tale on, and never let those who died be forgotten. From the oldest man, to the youngest child." The old man finished.

"Wow. What happened to short, old man?" Dom asked.

"Yeah, we've got- Shit! Wretch!" Marcus yelled, sending a few bullets from his lancer at it. They hit the wretch in the chest, but it keeps moving. Then it leaps towards the old man, landing on his chest. Dom, Rook, and Marcus stood, still slightly shocked...

Chapter 1, An Old Man, A Story, and a few bullets End!

A/N: Well, that's it... You hate me, do you not? No worries, though. I'll probably have the next chapter out very soon considering I'll probably go start writing it right now. I'm not really sure if it'll be big enough or not, but I sure hope it will be.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for reviewing. I'm assuming you're about to review. 'Cause if you don't... I know where you live...actually, no I don't..., but if you don't, bad things will happen!, no they won't... um... Yeah.. just review. Please.

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