Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses

Halloween with GNR Chapter 4

by Gunsnroseslover 2 reviews

Halloween with GNR chapter 4!

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-08 - 460 words - Complete

Halloween with GNR
Chapter 4

Izzy couldn't take the jokes or the yelling or any of it anymore so he took off. He had no idea were he was going but so many things were passing through his head so he just kept running.

Not realizing were he was going he tripped over a rock. "FUCK!" he screamed out as he pushed himself back up. He kept running until he found a little hidden place behind a few tree branches.

There was a bench there in someones memory, since he was out of breath from running he sat on it. Then before he knew it he was sobbing into his hands, from a mixture of being scared, what Axl said to him, and just being so embarrassed.

~~~back with the others~~~

Duff: Fuck, Axl why did you do that?

Axl: I don't know maybe because he was ruining the fun by being a pussy?

Duff shook his head at Axl in disgust. " Well I'm ganna go find him" Duff said as he began running off into the direction Izzy went. "Izzy? Izzy?" Duff yelled as he was running through the graveyard. " God I hope he's not hurt-" Duff started saying until heard crying. He finally saw the tree branches hiding a little lion boy, so he pushed them out of the way.

Duff: Izzy?

Izzy: Go away

Duff: I'm sorry about what had happened back there, you know Axl can be a real big dick sometimes but I'm sure he didn't mean it-

Izzy: Well you thought it was funny I saw you laughing.

Izzy couldn't hold back the tears When he tried to talk so eventually they all came spilling out

Duff: Oh god Izzy I've never ever wanted to hurt you, I'm so sorry.

He put his arm around Izzy and held him tight. Izzy was starting to get nervous and asking himself "is he really into me or is he just being really friendly?" Then he just gave up, he didn't care anymore, he just dove into Duff's arms and cryer more

Duff: Shhh it's okay just calm down. How about we get goin and just go home.

Izzy shook his head yes as they both got up. Duff started walking but turned around shortly. " And by the way, I think your a very cute lion wink Izzy froze in his spot. Not moving because of how happy he was. "R-really?" he squeaked. "Really" Duff said as he walked over to Izzy and grabbed his hand.

They walked through the graveyard and could see Axl and Slash from were they stood.

Duff: Now let's not say anything about this okay?

Izzy: o-okay

Then Duff slowly kissed Izzy on the check, and they made there way towards the others
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