Categories > Original > Drama > Peace, Love and Homicide

Peace, Love and Homicide

by InuGirl1 0 reviews

Maria has lived with her Grandmother since she was first born. On her 16th birthday she finds herself trapped in a world full of Angels, Demons, Warlocks and Ogres. (really rated 14A but there is...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-07 - 260 words

Maria, you’re going to have to pick me or her.” Darien said to me as I slowly turned to stair at him in disbelief.

“Darien… Please.” I had to look at my feet to stop him from seeing the tears that were slipping down my face

My hands balled into fist with his next words “I’m so sorry Maria; Dan was right when he said that this would never work out.” He turned and started to walk towards the big glass ballroom doors. Stepping over the dead bodies that lined the beautiful tiled floor the expression on his face never changing as he walked past our dead comrades and family.

A scream broke threw the silence that emanated of the room. My head snapped up towards the sound, just soon enough to see my love fall to the ground crippled in pain. His back had been struck by an arrow embodied with gold words that I only knew to well.

I ran towards his body. time seemed to slow down with every step I took towards him wile my heart beat seemed to keep racing faster and faster. I could see someone running down the second floor balcony from the corner of my eye. I stopped in my tracks, turned to look at the hooded person and pulled my last knife from my boot. The knife went threw his chest causing him to fly backwards into the wall and fall onto one knee, they slowly topple over onto the ground a male scream coming from the body.

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