Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silent Treatment

The ghost of you

by MrsWayandIero 2 reviews

Update~! Yush~!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-09 - Updated: 2012-07-10 - 507 words

Minax’s POV
When Gee saw my sketch of what Bandit would look like if she were alive, he had asked Lyn-Z if they could change Rebecca’s name to Bandit Lee, like my unborn sister. I started bawling when Lyn-Z said yes. That was a week ago, and now everyone, even Donna and the wives, know about this new name change for the better.
Frank and me were in the living room, talking.
“Hey, Max?” He said. He continued on when I nodded my head. “Will you explain to me WHY you vocal chords were removed? I know it was an accident, but what else happened that day?” The minute I heard those words, tears rolled down my face. I guess he realized that.
”Minax, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to…” He spoke in a soft voice, almost a whisper, and wiped the tears off my face, and softly pecked my forehead.
I shook my head, basically telling him it was okay to tell him. I got out my laptop, finding it easier to type my response then writing it on paper. Faster, too.
When I was 7, my parents and I were going on a road trip to Hollywood, because I had always wanted to go. It had been my birthday a week prior. So, we were driving, having a good time, singing songs by The Beatles, my father’s favorite band, and my mother’s second. We were almost halfway there, when we stopped at a stop sign. We were laughing and joking around. I was actually able to talk and make sounds back then, because I had my vocal chords, so it was so much more fun back then. So, we were stopped at a stop sign, when a drunk driver swerved and hit my dad’s side of the car, causing our car to tip over and go rolling. As we were rolling, I got thrown out the window, making the windshield break and one of the large pieces of glass break, stabbing into the side of my neck. I kind of blacked out, by came to when the EMTs were putting me on the stretcher. When I got in the ambulance, they had to put blood in me, because I lost too much. From then, my life just got worse. I blacked out again, waking up to not being able to make any noise because my vocal chords were gone, and finding out my parents died on impact.
I finally finished typing, wiping my tears. He looked like he was burst into tears. I gave him a hug, then walked up to my room, crying silently into my pillow.

Hello~! I know it’s been a very long time, but I had some massive writer’s block, then actually FORGOT about all my fanfics. >< V_V I’m! So! Sorry! I shall try to update my other fanfics as soon as I can, but I have some massive homework, since I’m homeschooled. DX Peace~!
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