Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Want A Review??


by Paranoia_Destroya109 4 reviews

Frequently (or not frequent enough) asked questions pertaining to improving your stories

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-10 - Updated: 2012-07-11 - 382 words - Complete

I’ve gotten a few questions about the lingo I use when I’m reviewing your stories, so just to make it clear…

Q: “What the heck’s a Mary Sue?!”
A: (according to Wikipedia) A Mary Sue (sometimes just Sue), in literary criticism and particularly in fanfiction, is a fictional character with overly idealized and hackneyed mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author or reader. It is generally accepted as a character whose positive aspects overwhelm their other traits until they become one-dimensional. While the label "Mary Sue" itself originates from a parody of this type of character, most characters labelled "Mary Sues" by readers are not intended by authors as such. Male Mary Sues are often dubbed "Gary Stu", "Larry Stu", "Marty Stu", or similar names. While the term is generally limited to fan-created characters, and its most common usage today occurs within the fan fiction community or in reference to fan fiction, original characters in role-playing games or literary canon are also sometimes criticized as being "Mary Sues" or "canon Sues" if they dominate the spotlight or are too unrealistic or unlikely in other ways.

( More on this here: )

Q: “How can I make a better villain?”

A: I read this amazing explanation that I think of whenever I use a villain as my protagonist. I higly suggest that you give this a read- (that about covers everything on this question.

Q: “How can I develop characters better?”

A: Well, first my first piece of advice: BEWARE MARY SUE!! Here's another great article on how to do just that-

I absolutely love these articles. They are simple, but also bring to mind a lot of things that helped with my personal writing.

Other notable articles:

And also,

These are all VERY helpful and cover over a multitude of problems.

Hope that helped!! Much love and cookies to my readers!
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